Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

I think it would be prudent to wait for the FBI to make that announcement, because you know they won't release this kind of information this close to an election. RIGHT? Now you Trumpet's have a few other things you should be concerned about.

While we have the Reich wing having celebrations over Comey's unprecendented announcement that he has "found" more emails 11 days before an election. An announcement that clearly has broken long time DOJ protocol and the Hatch Act of 1939. I will take more Huma Albien's (Clinton's aids) emails, which are more than likely duplicates of what the FBI has already seen, over what is coming down on Trump.
Hatch Act of 1939 - Wikipedia
Clinton campaign accuses FBI of 'blatant double standard' -
Michael Mukasey, Alberto Gonzales, Eric Holder rip FBI director James Comey -
Even Republicans—including Karl Rove!—are slamming Comey for interfering in the election

So you Trumpet's can have:


You Take Trump University, where this woman is certain to be the 1st witness for the plaintiff.

Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam, by Ian Tuttle, National Review
Judge Curiel Rules Trump Must Face Trial for Racketeering in Trump University Suit

You take the 1994 rape case.
Federal Judge Orders The Child Rape Case Against Trump To Move Forward

You can take those 3500 civil action law suits that Trump is involved with, many involving small business contractors that were never paid by Trump for work completed.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

You can also take this current FBI investigation into Trump's ties with Russia.
October Surprise: ABC Uncovers "Millions" of Payments From Russia To Trump
Democrats ask the FBI to investigate Trump advisers’ Russia ties

You can take the New York Attorney General's office who recently issued a Cease & Desist order on the Trump foundation. They actually have 2 cancelled checks totaling $258,000.00 in charitable donations that Trump used to settle non related legal claims, and pay for 2 full sized portraits of himself.
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

You really couldn't have found a worse candidate, than Donald Trump, if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You!
The FBI's Nothing Burger

Poor baby. :itsok: Need a tissue?

BTW, Comey didn't violate the Hatch act, he released nothing publicly.

No Comey shows INTENT in this email. Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this 11 day prior to a National election. that stated:

"Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public, thereby in an effort to sway a National Election.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decisio
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

His goose is COOKED. Basically everything he has been looking for in Hillary Clinton's emails over the past year, Comey did with one letter, and one email--LOL He was warned, ignored it, then he shows an email of INTENT. In violation of long standing protocol of the DOJ and the Hatch Act of 1939.

Oh right, except Comey only notified congress, both parties. What they did was beyond his control.

The email kills him, he admits his own INTENT, and he also knew that when he sent this letter to House Republicans it was going to be announced to the world, which it was within 5 minutes, and that is why the DOJ has a very long standing protocol that NO Government agency release this kind of information within 60 days of an ELECTION. Comey was told by the Justice Department to NOT do this, he ignored their warnings, and he did it anyway. Today he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office, probably discussing his own resignation.

The very first order of business for the new Democrat Senate will be James Comey sitting in a chair and going through 12 hours of testimony has to why he made this decision, and it sure as hell better be a better answer than: "I thought it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Color Comey GONE, and possibly prosecuted. I am imagine James Coney would prefer to be in Hillary Clinton's shoes right now, instead of his own.

And the date of this email was?

The very same day he sent the letter, because his aids where questioning him about his motive, as you can see.

""Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey
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Poor baby. :itsok: Need a tissue?

BTW, Comey didn't violate the Hatch act, he released nothing publicly.

No Comey shows INTENT in this email. Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this 11 day prior to a National election. that stated:

"Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public, thereby in an effort to sway a National Election.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decisio
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

His goose is COOKED. Basically everything he has been looking for in Hillary Clinton's emails over the past year, Comey did with one letter, and one email--LOL He was warned, ignored it, then he shows an email of INTENT. In violation of long standing protocol of the DOJ and the Hatch Act of 1939.

Oh right, except Comey only notified congress, both parties. What they did was beyond his control.

The email kills him, he admits his own INTENT, and he also knew that when he sent this letter to House Republicans it was going to be announced to the world, which it was within 5 minutes, and that is why the DOJ has a very long standing protocol that NO Government agency release this kind of information within 60 days of an ELECTION. Comey was told by the Justice Department to NOT do this, he ignored their warnings, and he did it anyway. Today he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office, probably discussing his own resignation.

The very first order of business for the new Democrat Senate will be James Comey sitting in a chair and going through 12 hours of testimony has to why he made this decision, and it sure as hell better be a better answer than: "I thought it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Color Comey GONE, and possibly prosecuted. I am imagine James Coney would prefer to be in Hillary Clinton's shoes right now, instead of his own.

And the date of this email was?

The very same day he sent the letter, because his aids where questioning him about his motive, as you can see.

""Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey
Poor baby. :itsok: Need a tissue?

BTW, Comey didn't violate the Hatch act, he released nothing publicly.

No Comey shows INTENT in this email. Comey made a statement to his aids via "email" when he was questioned about his motive for doing this 11 day prior to a National election. that stated:

"Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."The last sentence being intent on intervening into a National Election to inform the American public, thereby in an effort to sway a National Election.
Read the Letter James Comey Sent to FBI Employees Explaining Clinton Email Decisio
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

His goose is COOKED. Basically everything he has been looking for in Hillary Clinton's emails over the past year, Comey did with one letter, and one email--LOL He was warned, ignored it, then he shows an email of INTENT. In violation of long standing protocol of the DOJ and the Hatch Act of 1939.

Oh right, except Comey only notified congress, both parties. What they did was beyond his control.

The email kills him, he admits his own INTENT, and he also knew that when he sent this letter to House Republicans it was going to be announced to the world, which it was within 5 minutes, and that is why the DOJ has a very long standing protocol that NO Government agency release this kind of information within 60 days of an ELECTION. Comey was told by the Justice Department to NOT do this, he ignored their warnings, and he did it anyway. Today he was sitting in Loretta Lynch's office, probably discussing his own resignation.

The very first order of business for the new Democrat Senate will be James Comey sitting in a chair and going through 12 hours of testimony has to why he made this decision, and it sure as hell better be a better answer than: "I thought it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Color Comey GONE, and possibly prosecuted. I am imagine James Coney would prefer to be in Hillary Clinton's shoes right now, instead of his own.

And the date of this email was?

The very same day he sent the letter, because his aids where questioning him about his motive, as you can see.

""Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed. "I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record."

FBI James Comey

So if you bothered to read your own link, it was sent AFTER congress released his notification letter last Friday. So his "To All" letter was and explanation of previous actions, not a declaration of intent for future actions, got it?
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

Yet during those several months, they never made their investigation public. I suspect that might have had an unfair effect on his campaign. It's a shame that they decided to throw their ethics out the window at this point.

Yeah, Comey keeping his promise to congress was a real bitch. Imagine what people would have said had he said nothing and the hildabitch was secretly indicted a week after the election. Screams of a FBI cover up would be deafening. That would have destroyed any remaining FBI credibility. Comey really didn't have a choice.

They would have said Trump followed all the guidelines that he should have followed, and that he didn't break the Hatch Act.

Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

Yup. Heard that on the news yesterday. I also heard that they do have a connection between the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One. Very interesting don't you think?? LOL
It does not require us to believe that Trump has any connection to the Kremlin to consider that Putin has a preference to have Trump as the president. There is reason to believe that Putin would like to see Trump in the Oval Office if only to expect that the American government will grind to a halt and implode under Donald Trump's erratic and bizarre personality.

If you bothered to read you would fine out that Putin hates Hillary and would prefer anyone but her in the oval office.

Jesus you are an idiot.
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

Yet during those several months, they never made their investigation public. I suspect that might have had an unfair effect on his campaign. It's a shame that they decided to throw their ethics out the window at this point.

Yeah, Comey keeping his promise to congress was a real bitch. Imagine what people would have said had he said nothing and the hildabitch was secretly indicted a week after the election. Screams of a FBI cover up would be deafening. That would have destroyed any remaining FBI credibility. Comey really didn't have a choice.

They would have said Trump followed all the guidelines that he should have followed, and that he didn't break the Hatch Act.

Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06

Nope, not there. Care to try again? Next time don't post 141 pages of irrelevant BS.
Yet during those several months, they never made their investigation public. I suspect that might have had an unfair effect on his campaign. It's a shame that they decided to throw their ethics out the window at this point.

Yeah, Comey keeping his promise to congress was a real bitch. Imagine what people would have said had he said nothing and the hildabitch was secretly indicted a week after the election. Screams of a FBI cover up would be deafening. That would have destroyed any remaining FBI credibility. Comey really didn't have a choice.

They would have said Trump followed all the guidelines that he should have followed, and that he didn't break the Hatch Act.

Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06

Nope, not there. Care to try again? Next time don't post 141 pages of irrelevant BS.

You asked for the guidelines. There they are.
Yeah, Comey keeping his promise to congress was a real bitch. Imagine what people would have said had he said nothing and the hildabitch was secretly indicted a week after the election. Screams of a FBI cover up would be deafening. That would have destroyed any remaining FBI credibility. Comey really didn't have a choice.

They would have said Trump followed all the guidelines that he should have followed, and that he didn't break the Hatch Act.

Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06

Nope, not there. Care to try again? Next time don't post 141 pages of irrelevant BS.

You asked for the guidelines. There they are.

And they don't contain anything close to what you regressives are claiming. In fact I don't recall seeing the word "election/s" even once.
Imagine HILLARY with the nuclear codes.....:ack-1: She could end the world during one of her hot flashes.
They would have said Trump followed all the guidelines that he should have followed, and that he didn't break the Hatch Act.

Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06

Nope, not there. Care to try again? Next time don't post 141 pages of irrelevant BS.

You asked for the guidelines. There they are.

And they don't contain anything close to what you regressives are claiming. In fact I don't recall seeing the word "election/s" even once.

Look harder. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Your implication was that guidelines didn't exist. You said nobody could find them. There they are, and they are pretty specific.

Those guidelines are discussed here.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy
Trump? BTW you got a copy of those phantom guide lines, no one else seems to.

Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) Part 02 - 01 of 06

Nope, not there. Care to try again? Next time don't post 141 pages of irrelevant BS.

You asked for the guidelines. There they are.

And they don't contain anything close to what you regressives are claiming. In fact I don't recall seeing the word "election/s" even once.

Look harder. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Your implication was that guidelines didn't exist. You said nobody could find them. There they are, and they are pretty specific.

Those guidelines are discussed here.
Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy

Oh right, you posted part 2 of 6 which was totally irrelevant, as I said before. If you think I'm going to scan though a possible 600 more pages to prove a claim you regressives are making, you really are delusional.
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

It's amazing that something so stupid has to even be investigated. But... there we have it. They can now vote Trump safely.

Clinton sold the Russians the uranium, and as her next move, is going to load the nation full of it in the form of nuclear warheads.
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

It's amazing that something so stupid has to even be investigated. But... there we have it. They can now vote Trump safely.

Clinton sold the Russians the uranium, and as her next move, is going to load the nation full of it in the form of nuclear warheads.

Yep. You're still nuts.
What you got next regressives?

Late Monday, The New York Times reported that the FBI spent several months over the summer investigating Russia’s potential meddling in the U.S. election and found no direct link to Trump. The report said law enforcement officials examined ties between Trump’s business and a Russian bank. They also looked at former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s long relationship with pro-Russian officials in Ukraine.

Report: FBI says no direct ties between Russia, Donald Trump's campaign

It's amazing that something so stupid has to even be investigated. But... there we have it. They can now vote Trump safely.

Clinton sold the Russians the uranium, and as her next move, is going to load the nation full of it in the form of nuclear warheads.

Yep. You're still nuts.

No, she is:

Completely out of it with her nazi-con warmongering.
Donald Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin

Hey, moron........I bet you cannot find ONE post on here that states EXACTLY that Trump "is an agent of Putin".......

It may be time for you to go to bed.

"I bet you cannot find ONE post on here that states EXACTLY that Trump "is an agent of Putin"

Well here's five for starters, there are many more.

The first is an entire thread full of Leftist fools frothing at the mouth with their lunatic Conspiracy Theory.

But Trump is Putin thug puppet. That's not conspiracy theory.

"But Trump is Putin thug puppet. That's not conspiracy theory."

Unless you or anyone else can 100% prove this, it's a Conspiracy Theory.

Obviously he demonstrated his affection to Putin. This probably why he won't release his tax returns.

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Mikhail Klimentyev/Associated Press)
By Eugene Robinson Opinion writer OpinionsSeptember 12
Why does Donald Trump say such nice things about Vladimir Putin and Russia? What is Trump hiding in the tax returns he refuses to release? And are those two questions related?

Voters should demand answers. Until we get them, we can only speculate about Trump’s weird admiration for a strongman who presides over a system of autocratic cronyism, flouts international law with his territorial ambitions, works against U.S. interests in hot spots around the globe, and apparently might have even deployed computer hackers to meddle in our election.

There may be nothing nefarious here; perhaps Trump just admires Putin’s swaggering style. But there are reasons to wonder whether Trump’s warm-and-fuzzy feelings are prompted by financial motives.

“Reasons to wonder” normally do not qualify as legitimate fodder for journalism, but these are not normal circumstances. Trump has broken with four decades of precedent and adamantly refused to let voters see his tax returns. His excuse — that he is under audit — is bogus. Given his history as a swashbuckling wheeler-dealer, including four corporate bankruptcies, there are legitimate questions about his finances. Yet he stonewalls, knowing that speculation does not qualify as proof.
Donald Trump is an agent of Vladimir Putin

Hey, moron........I bet you cannot find ONE post on here that states EXACTLY that Trump "is an agent of Putin".......

It may be time for you to go to bed.

"I bet you cannot find ONE post on here that states EXACTLY that Trump "is an agent of Putin"

Well here's five for starters, there are many more.

The first is an entire thread full of Leftist fools frothing at the mouth with their lunatic Conspiracy Theory.

But Trump is Putin thug puppet. That's not conspiracy theory.

"But Trump is Putin thug puppet. That's not conspiracy theory."

Unless you or anyone else can 100% prove this, it's a Conspiracy Theory.

Obviously he demonstrated his affection to Putin. This probably why he won't release his tax returns.

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?

Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Could his tax returns explain why?
Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Mikhail Klimentyev/Associated Press)
By Eugene Robinson Opinion writer OpinionsSeptember 12
Why does Donald Trump say such nice things about Vladimir Putin and Russia? What is Trump hiding in the tax returns he refuses to release? And are those two questions related?

Voters should demand answers. Until we get them, we can only speculate about Trump’s weird admiration for a strongman who presides over a system of autocratic cronyism, flouts international law with his territorial ambitions, works against U.S. interests in hot spots around the globe, and apparently might have even deployed computer hackers to meddle in our election.

There may be nothing nefarious here; perhaps Trump just admires Putin’s swaggering style. But there are reasons to wonder whether Trump’s warm-and-fuzzy feelings are prompted by financial motives.

“Reasons to wonder” normally do not qualify as legitimate fodder for journalism, but these are not normal circumstances. Trump has broken with four decades of precedent and adamantly refused to let voters see his tax returns. His excuse — that he is under audit — is bogus. Given his history as a swashbuckling wheeler-dealer, including four corporate bankruptcies, there are legitimate questions about his finances. Yet he stonewalls, knowing that speculation does not qualify as proof.

dumb... and not bogus...
So what about his business duh? Tax returns? His son says he has lots of business there- the place is totally corrupt...

I'm sorry you can't figure out how to write complete sentences, or understand that doing business with companies is not the same as ties to governments. Maybe by the time you graduate 6th grade, you'll figure out both.
Companies in Russia are hard to separate from the gov't and the gangsters- kind of like construction in NYC, dupe. And those are complete sentences, moron.

Would that be compared to the difficulty of separating between foreign governments feeling "charitable" throwing millions of dollars into a Clinton foundation, with the ability of those foreign governments of trying to influence the decisions of a Secretary of State with ambitions to run for president?
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So what about his business duh? Tax returns? His son says he has lots of business there- the place is totally corrupt...

I'm sorry you can't figure out how to write complete sentences, or understand that doing business with companies is not the same as ties to governments. Maybe by the time you graduate 6th grade, you'll figure out both.
Companies in Russia are hard to separate from the gov't and the gangsters- kind of like construction in NYC, dupe. And those are complete sentences, moron.

Would that be compared to the difficulty of separating between foreign governments feeling "charitable" throwing millions of dollars into a Clinton foundation, with the ability of those foreign governments of trying to influence the decisions of a Secretary of State with ambitions to run for president?

And let's not forget the cash speeches wild willie gave in some of those countries. Remember what he said, "got to pay the bills".

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