Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

Your complete and total response, when asked why you think the investigation is struggling, is to say that it hasn't yet produced and leaked results directly incriminating Trump? What a terribly weak bit of pap. For one, for you to think that shmoes like us would be privy to the evidence possessed by Mueller is pure fantasy. Second, the investigation is still young and ongoing...thus it is absurd to claim that it will end up a dud, just because it has not produced all of the results already.

You provided no support for your claim, while all of the facts available (I listed a few) stand opposed to it. I rate your claim "Grade A, self-soothing bullshit".

How so? A president would be a crown jewl in Mullers crown. If he had him he WOULD HAVE him. He doesn’t. It’s a fact.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

Leftwing papers have been predicting Trump's impeachment ever since he was elected.

You don't follow the news. You're woefully uniformed so You have no idea what you're talking about. You actually think BLOGGERS are good sources. Lol. They're accountable to no one. Professional journalists are.
You're just like your incompetent baboon of apresident. Anti 1st amendment and preach there are no facts... only what the pathological liar tells you and he gets his information fromFox News
1. Muller demands documents every week. No new news there.

2. Na, that we’re the case a bigger deal would have been made about it. You don’t find it odd, that Muller asking for stuff gets leaked, but not the “WE GOT HIM!!!!”? That’s not strange at all?

3.meh, your characterization seems desperate.

Your complete and total response, when asked why you think the investigation is struggling, is to say that it hasn't yet produced and leaked results directly incriminating Trump? What a terribly weak bit of pap. For one, for you to think that shmoes like us would be privy to the evidence possessed by Mueller is pure fantasy. Second, the investigation is still young and ongoing...thus it is absurd to claim that it will end up a dud, just because it has not produced all of the results already.

You provided no support for your claim, while all of the facts available (I listed a few) stand opposed to it. I rate your claim "Grade A, self-soothing bullshit".

How so? A president would be a crown jewl in Mullers crown. If he had him he WOULD HAVE him. He doesn’t. It’s a fact.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

I’m not seeing it.
Source: Newsweek

"The information-sharing deal between President Donald Trump’s legal team and that of former national security adviser Mike Flynn has been a “scandal,” as well “ethically dubious” and could be construed as form of “witness tampering,” according to a top legal expert.

University of New Hampshire professor and attorney Seth Abramson shared his opinions in a 30-tweet thread posted Thursday night on a possibly nefarious deal between the two legal camps and provided greater insight and context into what he believes has gone on.

Abramson broke down The New York Times explosive report of how Flynn’s attorneys informed the president’s lawyers they could no longer discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. The report asserted such a breakaway could be a sign that Flynn is “cooperating with prosecutors or negotiating a deal.”

The president, himself, could also be Mueller’s “primary target.”

Read more: President Trump is Mueller’s "primary target"
These dopes still think Trump isn't under investigation when clearly he is.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
Huffington post? Lol

Yes, sparky, but the source is The New York Times - as linked in the OP link. Huffington Post is primarily a clearinghouse for outside articles. When will you NaziCons ever understand that fact?
But the source is the NYT? Who fucking cares these days? There are no unbiased mainstream sources.
The non MSM sources ya know... the ones you Deplorables always use are the most biased ones on earth.

The NYT is still the paper of record in the United States which is the best we have.

It's a DNC propaganda source. Your belief that it's somehow objective is comical.
Your complete and total response, when asked why you think the investigation is struggling, is to say that it hasn't yet produced and leaked results directly incriminating Trump? What a terribly weak bit of pap. For one, for you to think that shmoes like us would be privy to the evidence possessed by Mueller is pure fantasy. Second, the investigation is still young and ongoing...thus it is absurd to claim that it will end up a dud, just because it has not produced all of the results already.

You provided no support for your claim, while all of the facts available (I listed a few) stand opposed to it. I rate your claim "Grade A, self-soothing bullshit".

How so? A president would be a crown jewl in Mullers crown. If he had him he WOULD HAVE him. He doesn’t. It’s a fact.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

I’m not seeing it.
Of course you're not seeing it.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost
Huffington post? Lol

Yes, sparky, but the source is The New York Times - as linked in the OP link. Huffington Post is primarily a clearinghouse for outside articles. When will you NaziCons ever understand that fact?
But the source is the NYT? Who fucking cares these days? There are no unbiased mainstream sources.
The non MSM sources ya know... the ones you Deplorables always use are the most biased ones on earth.

The NYT is still the paper of record in the United States which is the best we have.

It's a DNC propaganda source. Your belief that it's somehow objective is comical.

That isn't clear at all, you ignorant baboon.

Allow me to refresh your memory:

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
While I admit we want the frogwalk, we will have to settle for trump's resignation

GOP strategist Rick Wilson predicts ‘Orwellian’ fate for Flynn if he turns on Trump
Republican strategist Rick Wilson predicted President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” brigade will turn on Mike Flynn now that he may be cooperating with investigators.

‘He’s made things up before’: Fox panel prepares its viewers to turn on Flynn if he rats out Trump
"RawStory" another source on the cutting edge. This is all speculation, nothing more. And of course a chance to demean anyone who supports Trump. Your post just stinks.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost

Your OP is a lie. You're too much a snowflake to comprehend the difference between "may be" and "is". Trump's doing an awesome job. You can tell by the reach snowflakes take during their progressive butt pain. .
The OP is a lie? Roflmao. The story is being covered by dozens of publications. Not right wing ones of course. They still think Hillary is going to jail for Benghazi.
How so? A president would be a crown jewl in Mullers crown. If he had him he WOULD HAVE him. He doesn’t. It’s a fact.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

Leftwing papers have been predicting Trump's impeachment ever since he was elected.

You don't follow the news. You're woefully uniformed so You have no idea what you're talking about. You actually think BLOGGERS are good sources. Lol. They're accountable to no one. Professional journalists are.
You're just like your incompetent baboon of apresident. Anti 1st amendment and preach there are no facts... only what the pathological liar tells you and he gets his information fromFox News

Actually, I don’t post links as fact. You can’t point to a single one. I understand the difference between fact and fiction. I get that news today is heavily tinted with opinion. This is why I take it all in and form an opinion. But I have not done what you claim.
While I admit we want the frogwalk, we will have to settle for trump's resignation

GOP strategist Rick Wilson predicts ‘Orwellian’ fate for Flynn if he turns on Trump
Republican strategist Rick Wilson predicted President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” brigade will turn on Mike Flynn now that he may be cooperating with investigators.

‘He’s made things up before’: Fox panel prepares its viewers to turn on Flynn if he rats out Trump
"RawStory" another source on the cutting edge. This is all speculation, nothing more. And of course a chance to demean anyone who supports Trump. Your post just stinks.
You idiots said there wouldn't be any indictments either.
Well we've had two already and a guilty plea and we're only in the 3rd inning of a 9 inning game/ investigation.
Michael Flynn isn't going to go to jail for Donald Trump.
He's now cooperating with BobMueller.

Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller's Russia Probe: Report | HuffPost

Your OP is a lie. You're too much a snowflake to comprehend the difference between "may be" and "is". Trump's doing an awesome job. You can tell by the reach snowflakes take during their progressive butt pain. .
The OP is a lie? Roflmao. The story is being covered by dozens of publications. Not right wing ones of course. They still think Hillary is going to jail for Benghazi.

As you lemmings present them yes.
While I admit we want the frogwalk, we will have to settle for trump's resignation

GOP strategist Rick Wilson predicts ‘Orwellian’ fate for Flynn if he turns on Trump
Republican strategist Rick Wilson predicted President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” brigade will turn on Mike Flynn now that he may be cooperating with investigators.

‘He’s made things up before’: Fox panel prepares its viewers to turn on Flynn if he rats out Trump
"RawStory" another source on the cutting edge. This is all speculation, nothing more. And of course a chance to demean anyone who supports Trump. Your post just stinks.
You idiots said there wouldn't be any indictments either.
Well we've had two already and a guilty plea and we're only in the 3rd inning of a 9 inning game/ investigation.
Wrong. That isn't what we said. We acknowledge that Mewler would get a sacrificallamb or two, and that's all he's got.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

Leftwing papers have been predicting Trump's impeachment ever since he was elected.

You don't follow the news. You're woefully uniformed so You have no idea what you're talking about. You actually think BLOGGERS are good sources. Lol. They're accountable to no one. Professional journalists are.
You're just like your incompetent baboon of apresident. Anti 1st amendment and preach there are no facts... only what the pathological liar tells you and he gets his information fromFox News

Actually, I don’t post links as fact. You can’t point to a single one. I understand the difference between fact and fiction. I get that news today is heavily tinted with opinion. This is why I take it all in and form an opinion. But I have not done what you claim.
We already know you deplorables are allergic to facts.
You've promoted the idea we're in a post truth world.
You're playing Trump's game.
It's a losing game.
Long live the 1st amendment... the one You and Trump hates.
There are no indictments with any connection to Trump or anyone in his administration. The major question is, will Mueller decide to suborn perjury to satisfy the liberal base?
While I admit we want the frogwalk, we will have to settle for trump's resignation

GOP strategist Rick Wilson predicts ‘Orwellian’ fate for Flynn if he turns on Trump
Republican strategist Rick Wilson predicted President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” brigade will turn on Mike Flynn now that he may be cooperating with investigators.

‘He’s made things up before’: Fox panel prepares its viewers to turn on Flynn if he rats out Trump
"RawStory" another source on the cutting edge. This is all speculation, nothing more. And of course a chance to demean anyone who supports Trump. Your post just stinks.
You idiots said there wouldn't be any indictments either.
Well we've had two already and a guilty plea and we're only in the 3rd inning of a 9 inning game/ investigation.
And not one of those indictments affect Trump.
While I admit we want the frogwalk, we will have to settle for trump's resignation

GOP strategist Rick Wilson predicts ‘Orwellian’ fate for Flynn if he turns on Trump
Republican strategist Rick Wilson predicted President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” brigade will turn on Mike Flynn now that he may be cooperating with investigators.

‘He’s made things up before’: Fox panel prepares its viewers to turn on Flynn if he rats out Trump
"RawStory" another source on the cutting edge. This is all speculation, nothing more. And of course a chance to demean anyone who supports Trump. Your post just stinks.
You idiots said there wouldn't be any indictments either.
Well we've had two already and a guilty plea and we're only in the 3rd inning of a 9 inning game/ investigation.
Wrong. That isn't what we said. We acknowledge that Mewler would get a sacrificallamb or two, and that's all he's got.
You are oblivious to the facts. Do you know of Trump's Panama Hotel that was built exclusively for corrupt countries to launder money?
( links in this thread)
Do you know that Trump's commerce secretary ran a bank inCyprus where Putin launders his money?
Of course not.
Guarantee you will shit your pants when Bob Mueller releases his final report.

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