Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...

you mean competent people?

your insanity is not our responsibility
Only a fool trusts career politicians/deep state government employees...

only an insane and delusional nut bar thinks that there is a conspiracy surrounding Robert mueller....other than Donald and his fellow scum who are trying to interfere in the investigation.

damn you people are insane.
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.
Still waiting for that Russian connection, LOL
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...

you mean competent people?

your insanity is not our responsibility
Only a fool trusts career politicians/deep state government employees...

only an insane and delusional nut bar thinks that there is a conspiracy surrounding Robert mueller....other than Donald and his fellow scum who are trying to interfere in the investigation.

damn you people are insane.
It’s insane the trust career politicians/deep state people
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians

spoken like a true trumptard..... who can't get a real job of his own so spends his time crying in his basement.
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.
Still waiting for that Russian connection, LOL

if you haven't seen it, then it's because you're stupid....not because it doesn't exist.

but then again, you're kind of an ignoramus.
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
Still running from my question I see of why did 9 of Trump’s finest get caught lying about their contacts with Russians?
So much easier to hurl insults. That’s the mo of a small mind.

In response sugar pants here's my post # 386 again and your OP is a Mega Fail:

Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump
Liar. Highlighting info on Flynn DOES NOT address why 9 members of this crooked prrsident’s Campaign staff and administration met with Russians and lied about it.
Still stalling, still lying.
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.
Still waiting for that Russian connection, LOL

if you haven't seen it, then it's because you're stupid....not because it doesn't exist.

but then again, you're kind of an ignoramus.
Be kind to Rustic. He’s “ special” in the short bus way.
You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

Before you can have obstruction of justice, you have to have an actual crime, and "colluding" with Russia, even if it was to affect the election, isn't a crime. As long as no one got paid, it's perfectly legal.

All your hysterical sinister talk is a nothing burger. There is no "there" there.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians
“Deep state” roflmao
Sean Hannity term.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

Before you can have obstruction of justice, you have to have an actual crime, and "colluding" with Russia, even if it was to affect the election, isn't a crime. As long as no one got paid, it's perfectly legal.

All your hysterical sinister talk is a nothing burger. There is no "there" there.
Trying to stop an official federal investigation by a president IS obstruction of justice by definition. Trump tried a number of times. Comey, Sally Yates etc.
Man are you going to have egg on your face when Mueller checks in with his findings.
At least it will be a different look for you than your semen splashed face like you’re used to..
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians

spoken like a true trumptard..... who can't get a real job of his own so spends his time crying in his basement.
Self employed for over 20 years... sorry
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.
Still waiting for that Russian connection, LOL

if you haven't seen it, then it's because you're stupid....not because it doesn't exist.

but then again, you're kind of an ignoramus.
Still waiting… Butthurt Hildabeast voters always crack me up
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.
Still waiting for that Russian connection, LOL

if you haven't seen it, then it's because you're stupid....not because it doesn't exist.

but then again, you're kind of an ignoramus.
Be kind to Rustic. He’s “ special” in the short bus way.
Says the guy that trusts career politicians...
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians
“Deep state” roflmao
Sean Hannity term.
Civilian federal government jobs serve no good purpose… Just a waste of time and money
stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians
“Deep state” roflmao
Sean Hannity term.
Civilian federal government jobs serve no good purpose… Just a waste of time and money
Lmao. Yeah running the federal government serves no purpose according to the brain tumor.
He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious

Before you can have obstruction of justice, you have to have an actual crime, and "colluding" with Russia, even if it was to affect the election, isn't a crime. As long as no one got paid, it's perfectly legal.

All your hysterical sinister talk is a nothing burger. There is no "there" there.
Trying to stop an official federal investigation by a president IS obstruction of justice by definition. Trump tried a number of times. Comey, Sally Yates etc.
Man are you going to have egg on your face when Mueller checks in with his findings.
At least it will be a different look for you than your semen splashed face like you’re used to..
Mueller, Yates and comey are whores employed by the federal government you know... the deep state
stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians

spoken like a true trumptard..... who can't get a real job of his own so spends his time crying in his basement.
Self employed for over 20 years... sorry
Running an adult gay movie theater doesn’t constitute being self employed.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...

you mean competent people?

your insanity is not our responsibility
Only a fool trusts career politicians/deep state government employees...

only an insane and delusional nut bar thinks that there is a conspiracy surrounding Robert mueller....other than Donald and his fellow scum who are trying to interfere in the investigation.

damn you people are insane.

Mewler is obviously corrupt. He should be a target of this investigation, not heading it up.
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians

spoken like a true trumptard..... who can't get a real job of his own so spends his time crying in his basement.
Self employed for over 20 years... sorry
Running an adult gay movie theater doesn’t constitute being self employed.
Nice guess...
Buy more guns and ammo...

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