Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

They can't present what doesn't exist, moron.

"They can't present what doesn't exist, moron."

haha, you're a real deep thinker. Are you claiming these things don't exist? Stop being a sissy... stop making people pick your brain for your thoughts, like you are a toddler learning English...

If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump. You changing your opinion now?

"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.
"They can't present what doesn't exist, moron."

haha, you're a real deep thinker. Are you claiming these things don't exist? Stop being a sissy... stop making people pick your brain for your thoughts, like you are a toddler learning English...

If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump. You changing your opinion now?

"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
He didnt say it was a crime to talk to Russians. He is saying they lied about it, which raises suspicion of why theybwere talking to Russians.

To be clear, you mean Flynn, Manifort and Jr?

And Page, Sessions, and Papadapolous. And possibly others.

Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

I don’t think obstruction. If it is, I don’t think that’s the end of him. Not until 2020.
He didnt say it was a crime to talk to Russians. He is saying they lied about it, which raises suspicion of why theybwere talking to Russians.

To be clear, you mean Flynn, Manifort and Jr?

And Page, Sessions, and Papadapolous. And possibly others.

Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.

About what exactly, big guy? You're like a child... "Tell Mommy what you need, use your words..."
He didnt say it was a crime to talk to Russians. He is saying they lied about it, which raises suspicion of why theybwere talking to Russians.

To be clear, you mean Flynn, Manifort and Jr?

And Page, Sessions, and Papadapolous. And possibly others.

Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.
If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump. You changing your opinion now?

"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.
1. Muller demands documents every week. No new news there.

2. Na, that we’re the case a bigger deal would have been made about it. You don’t find it odd, that Muller asking for stuff gets leaked, but not the “WE GOT HIM!!!!”? That’s not strange at all?

3.meh, your characterization seems desperate.

Your complete and total response, when asked why you think the investigation is struggling, is to say that it hasn't yet produced and leaked results directly incriminating Trump? What a terribly weak bit of pap. For one, for you to think that shmoes like us would be privy to the evidence possessed by Mueller is pure fantasy. Second, the investigation is still young and ongoing...thus it is absurd to claim that it will end up a dud, just because it has not produced all of the results already.

You provided no support for your claim, while all of the facts available (I listed a few) stand opposed to it. I rate your claim "Grade A, self-soothing bullshit".

How so? A president would be a crown jewl in Mullers crown. If he had him he WOULD HAVE him. He doesn’t. It’s a fact.
You obviously don't understand what the word FACT means. How can you.. you never use them.

None of the following are "facts:"
  1. "may be"
  2. "reportedly"
  3. "could signal"
  4. "identities could not be revealed"
Keep telling yourself that.

Has Flynn flipped? Ex-adviser halts contact with Trump team, signalling cooperation with Mueller’s Russia probe

The decision by former national security adviser Michael Flynn is a potentially ominous sign for the White House

Did Flynn flip? Ex-Trump adviser signals cooperation with Mueller

You are still gibbering incoherent rants :rolleyes-41: You need to put the Crack Pipe down.

Your OP thread title:

Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

The Huffington Post article title, relevant parts highlighted and arrowed:


Here from the New York Times article your OP with the Huffington Post links to, a New York Times article that you obviously didn't read, or if you did but in typical Leftist Maniac fashion you have no reading comprehension skills beyond the article title.

Paragraph IV of the New York Times article:


A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller

The Huffington Post article you have in your OP, I have highlighted in PINK for you you low IQ muppet faggot where you click to get to the New York Times article and in it Paragraph IV:


Michael Flynn May Be Cooperating With Mueller's Russia Probe: Report
"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
To be clear, you mean Flynn, Manifort and Jr?

And Page, Sessions, and Papadapolous. And possibly others.

Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
Still running from my question I see of why did 9 of Trump’s finest get caught lying about their contacts with Russians?
So much easier to hurl insults. That’s the mo of a small mind.
"They can't present what doesn't exist, moron."

haha, you're a real deep thinker. Are you claiming these things don't exist? Stop being a sissy... stop making people pick your brain for your thoughts, like you are a toddler learning English...

If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump. You changing your opinion now?

"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
Still denying Trump is in deep shit because you’re just like your pathological lying president.
Ya know who really is upset with this investigation? Trump. His aides say he rages about it daily.
He knows how guilty he is with Russia and all his financial matters. He knows what’s coming... anyone who knows ANYTHING ABOUT HIM, knows how dirty he is and has been all his life.
But if you feel better acting like a cuunt, and attacking me, humor yourself because I’ll have the last laugh.
If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump. You changing your opinion now?

"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.
Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
Still running from my question I see of why did 9 of Trump’s finest get caught lying about their contacts with Russians?
So much easier to hurl insults. That’s the mo of a small mind.

They didn't lie, moron.
"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.
Being an American Indian I’ve never been called a white supremist before… LOL
If you read any of my posts you would realize I did not vote for Trump, I wrote a candidate - Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
All career politicians no matter what side of the aisle they choose to associate with are the same. Dumbass

Progressives are the most racist of people, second only to Muslims
And Page, Sessions, and Papadapolous. And possibly others.

Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
Russian connection equals nothing burger…
IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
Ha ha ha ha ha you don’t know your own white supremacist president. I’m tired of educating your dumb ass. Let one of your own explain it to you. David Duke, former KKK member and leader of the white supremacist movement: “
Thats why we voted for Donald Trump. He shares our values.”
"If it’s your implication that Flynn has been turned and it’s only a matter of time for Trump."

I never said or implied that. While I do think Flynn made a deal, I have no evidence or strong reason to believe it is going to seal trump's fate. It's possible he is merely protecting himself from a jail sentence, or protecting his son from same. But, we do have reason to believe that trump may be implicated, somehow, by Flynn, as these deals are generally used to "fry bigger fish".

Now what part of ANY of that could you POSSIBLY disagree with?

IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

Ignorant? Y’all are the ones commenting from the vagina..
I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
Russian connection equals nothing burger…
Manafort, Gates and Papadopoulos don’t think it’s a nothing burger.
Trump doesn’t think it’s one. He’s tried countless times to shut it down but with most of the things he attempts... he failed.
Everyone in the WH has lawyered up. They know this investigation is more than real.

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