Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
Ha ha ha ha ha you don’t know your own white supremacist president. I’m tired of educating your dumb ass. Let one of your own explain it to you. David Duke, former KKK member and leader of the white supremacist movement: “
Thats why we voted for Donald Trump. He shares our values.”

yawn. Race card don’t work mang. That’s why we on sex scandals now.
IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.
Being an American Indian I’ve never been called a white supremist before… LOL
If you read any of my posts you would realize I did not vote for Trump, I wrote a candidate - Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
All career politicians no matter what side of the aisle they choose to associate with are the same. Dumbass

Progressives are the most racist of people, second only to Muslims
Thanks for admitting you didn’t take your democratic duty seriously. Your avatar tells everyone what they need to know about you.
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
Ha ha ha ha ha you don’t know your own white supremacist president. I’m tired of educating your dumb ass. Let one of your own explain it to you. David Duke, former KKK member and leader of the white supremacist movement: “
Thats why we voted for Donald Trump. He shares our values.”

yawn. Race card don’t work mang. That’s why we on sex scandals now.
I mean WHAT?
One has nothing do with the other.
IDK where all the doubt is that Trump's in serious trouble here! Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn before he took office! We can see he gives a FK trying to reverse every piece of legislation and EO's that has Obama's name on it! He's a disgusting animal that will be found to be treasonous and more than like conspired with Russia! "KEEP WEARING THE BLINDERS PEOPLE!" :bang3: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :nono: :talk2hand:

Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

Ignorant? Y’all are the ones commenting from the vagina..
Did it hurt your feelings being called ignorant? You accept the label of being racist but not ignorant.
Too damn funny.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
Ha ha ha ha ha you don’t know your own white supremacist president. I’m tired of educating your dumb ass. Let one of your own explain it to you. David Duke, former KKK member and leader of the white supremacist movement: “
Thats why we voted for Donald Trump. He shares our values.”

yawn. Race card don’t work mang. That’s why we on sex scandals now.
I mean WHAT?
One has nothing do with the other.

Then leave it in the other thread and stop acting like such a fag.
Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.
Being an American Indian I’ve never been called a white supremist before… LOL
If you read any of my posts you would realize I did not vote for Trump, I wrote a candidate - Elmer Fudd he gets no respect.
All career politicians no matter what side of the aisle they choose to associate with are the same. Dumbass

Progressives are the most racist of people, second only to Muslims
Thanks for admitting you didn’t take your democratic duty seriously. Your avatar tells everyone what they need to know about you.
I don’t trust any career politician, only a fool would. Barry is the worst type of career politician.
Gotta agree, but I’m only sold that Flynn and Manifort will go down for sure. Far as the others go, not so much. I don’t think they are useful to Mullers. And conflating their case with trumps is a mistake many make with these threads. Trump ain’t going down for being a Russian spy.

I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack
The report by the New York Times that Michael Flynn has withdrawn from a joint defense agreement with President Donald Trump might indicate that he is cooperating with Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III. If so, this could be a significant turning point in the investigation.

First, what is a joint defense agreement? A joint defense agreement is a pact among attorneys for multiple targets or subjects in a criminal case in which they agree to share information. The agreement may be written or unwritten. Any joint defense agreement will be defined by its explicit terms, but generally, under such an agreement, attorneys have a duty to keep the confidences of all of the clients covered by the agreement. The attorneys also have a duty to avoid conflicts of interest as to any of the clients. The attorneys can compare notes, allocate work efficiently by dividing tasks and avoiding duplication, and develop a unified strategy.

The main advantage of joint defense agreements is that the information that they share is protected by a form of the attorney-client privilege, known by some courts as a joint interest privilege. These agreements can help targets or subjects sidestep the so-called “prisoner’s dilemma,” in which they must decide in a vacuum whether to help each other by remaining silent or betray each other by cooperating with authorities. When subjects or targets form a unified defense strategy, it is more difficult for prosecutors to “flip” targets, and use them as cooperators against their co- conspirators.

If, in fact, Flynn is cooperating, this development could be very significant for Mueller’s investigation. As a member of the foreign policy team on Trump’s presidential campaign, he likely has information about any contacts with the Russian government by members of the campaign. Flynn may be able to provide the crucial links between all of the disparate pieces of evidence that have come to light to date – the June 2016 meeting with Russians to obtain disparaging information about Hillary Clinton, the overtures for meetings with George Papadopoulos, the travels of Carter Page. A cooperator is often disliked by a jury because of his own crimes, but if his testimony can be corroborated by other independent evidence, such as telephone records, bank records or surveillance recordings, then he can become a powerful narrator who can pull together the pieces of the story in a way that makes sense.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
I agree. If Trump goes down (is impeached), it will be for obstruction of justice, or because top military brass refuses an order from him.

You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And if there was substantial cooperation between the Trump campaign and the government of Russia to influence the election, then Trump’s request to former FBI Director James Comey to “letting Flynn go” takes on a more ominous tone, and becomes a more egregious alleged case of obstruction of justice. Ironically, Flynn’s cooperation against Trump could provide the basis for charges against Trump for his efforts to protect Flynn.

If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be. He’s as jealous and petty as hell over it.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama you dumb shit. Lol
Trump brought all you ignorant racists out in open where you feel free to express your white supremacist views. No doubt about it.

What "white supremacist views" are those, asshole?
Ha ha ha ha ha you don’t know your own white supremacist president. I’m tired of educating your dumb ass. Let one of your own explain it to you. David Duke, former KKK member and leader of the white supremacist movement: “
Thats why we voted for Donald Trump. He shares our values.”

yawn. Race card don’t work mang. That’s why we on sex scandals now.

telling the truth about you is not playing the "race card". it is simply telling the truth about you.
You're so delusional it's positively hysterical.
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
Dopey forgets Trump admitted obstructing justice live on TV during the Lester Holt interview.
Obstruction of Justice is DEFINITELY impeachable.

The fact we’re talking about impeachable offenses after less than a year in office should make anyone who voted for this clown, hang his head in shame. But we all know you and all
of you Trump sheep are shameless.

He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Trump’s colon, Bripat: “ That’s not obstruction of justice moron. “

Donald Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing Comey
President admits the allegations of collusion between his advisers and Russian officials played into sacking of FBI director

Donald Trump admits 'this Russia thing' part of reasoning for firing Comey

I so love blowing to smithereens all your points of defending the indefensible.
He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...

you mean competent people?

your insanity is not our responsibility. now go back to being duped by the insane white supremacist losers at breitbart and psychopaths at infowars.
He did no such thing, you braindead cockroach. You've already been told this about 100 times.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...

you mean competent people?

your insanity is not our responsibility
Only a fool trusts career politicians/deep state government employees...
Reversing every EO Obama issued is one of the main reasons I like Trump.

Can you quote this "warning" that Obama supposedly gave Trump?
Of course you like being able to shoot hibernating bears. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Big Coal polluting our rivers and streams. Obama prevented it. Trump reversed it.
Of course you like Trump getting rid of regulations safeguards on Wall St preventing another 2008 financial collapse.
Obama held Wall St accountable.. Trump took off the regulations making a major recession more likely..
Of course you like Trump now permitting endangered elephant species to be killed for their parts after Obama was smart enough to protect them.
The outcry here was so severe the idiot in chief had to reconsider this blunder.
I could go on all day of Trump’s obsession to get rid of all the good things Obama did.
Trump knows Obama was a much more beloved president than he will ever be.

I won't even bother addressing those obvious lies.
Once again you prove you don’t know shit.
Once again you can’t handle the truth.
Once again I educate your dumbass and you refuse to learn.
Each thing I mentioned is well known to anyone who follows exactly what this prez is doing.
And you think you can wash it all away by calling it a lie.

"Once again you prove you don’t know shit."

You have spent 20 pages illustrating you do not know shit, fucking moron.
Still running from my question I see of why did 9 of Trump’s finest get caught lying about their contacts with Russians?
So much easier to hurl insults. That’s the mo of a small mind.

In response sugar pants here's my post # 386 again and your OP is a Mega Fail:

Report: Flynn's Flipping on Trump
You’re so freaking dumb you make my head hurt. Telling Lester Holt he fired Comey “ because of the Russian thing” is EXACTLY admitting obstruction of justice.
I treasure these moments we have with me educating your dumb ass because after Bob Mueller lowers the boom on your criminal in Chief I suspect you won’t be around here much
any more to take your beatings.., your much deserved beatings.

And if you think I lied about all or any of my points of the disgusting things trump has done hurting this country you should research it.. but we both know you won’t.
Dwelling in ignorance is your MO.
That isn't obstruction of justice, moron. "The Russia thing" isn't exactly specific, now is it? The president can fire the FBI director at any time for any reason.
And he should because RM is a partisan hack

stop projecting, loon. Robert Mueller has always been nonpartisan and well-respected.

we understand that snowflake hacks get sad when people tell the truth about their orange Jesus
RM Is part of the deep state, obviously he cannot be trusted to be honorable in anyway...
Deep State oooooooooooo
Hey fuctard: Trump has hired more billionaires from the DEEP STATE than you’d like to admit.
Deep state people cannot make it in the real world, so they work at federal civilian government jobs… Much like professors and career politicians
The only thing that will shut up these scum bag trump defenders is Muelller’s future indictments and his final report.

But we’ll be here to dry your tears, we’re the good guys.

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