Report: ISIS just burned 45 Iraqi citizens alive.

Jesus f*cking Christ...this happened within 5 miles of where the Marines are based.
FIVE MILES PEOPLE. What does that tell you?
What we are learning now is the history we have been taught about the crusades has been another liberal lie.

Yes there were bad things done, but the call for the crusades were absolutely necessary.
What the hell is this administration going to do?
We cannot just sit on our assess any more.

ISIS militants reportedly burn to death 45 people in western Iraqi town Fox News

Well, it's actually 45 people, not 85, but still horrendous.

So what is not sitting on our asses? ISIS has blended in with civilians in order to avoid more airstrikes. So are you promoting another "Shock and Awe" and we just wipe out another 100,000 innocent civilians like we did in 2003?

Perhaps there is something underway very much like the attack on Bin Laden in Islamabad, except on a broader scale.

It had better be a damn sight broader. ISIS is in several countries with tens of thousands of soldiers!

Hell yes another shock and awe, show that rag tag bunch of low lifes what it means to piss off a military power.
Jesus f*cking Christ...this happened within 5 miles of where the Marines are based.
FIVE MILES PEOPLE. What does that tell you?

That we shouldn't have a military base in Yemen. In fact, we shouldn't have military bases anywhere except the United States.
What does me being a moderator on this site have to do with 9-11 or ISIS?

I'm thinking about applying to be a mod and I was wondering how idiotic my application should any tips?

So now you're derailing the thread because you can't defend your position? No surprise here. Carry on.
So now you're derailing the thread because you can't defend your position? No surprise here. Carry on.

Not my intention at all....I'm just curious where you've been for the last 13 years? If we can't project American power from any platform but aircraft carriers, how do we stop the next 9/11?

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