Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack

Kenya's government had been warned, including by Israel, of the high risk of an attack before the assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist gunmen that killed at least 67 people, newspapers reported Saturday.

Cabinet ministers and Kenya's army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, the Daily Nation said, quoting a leaked intelligence report.

Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack - Israel News, Ynetnews



Next you will be telling us that the israeli owner of the Mall took out Insurance against terrorist attacks three weeks ago, on advice from his friend Larry "Pull it" Silverstein
And Yousef Moahammed is going to tell us that he went to the correct office in Kenya to see who owned the mall; and when he found out Israelis were involved, he gave the information to the Kenyans. By the way, Yousef, have you ever thought that the Port Authority of New York who leased the buildings to Silverstein required him to obtain a larger insurance policy. Have you ever heard of an Net Net Net (NNN) lease where the lessee has to pay for the insurance among other things? Meanwhile, even thought Silverstein was unable to collect rents from the sublessees, he still had to pay the Port Authority. Maybe Yousef can find out how much this cost Silverstein in comparison to any insurance money he received.
Kenya's government had been warned, including by Israel, of the high risk of an attack before the assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist gunmen that killed at least 67 people, newspapers reported Saturday.

Cabinet ministers and Kenya's army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, the Daily Nation said, quoting a leaked intelligence report.

Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack - Israel News, Ynetnews



Next you will be telling us that the israeli owner of the Mall took out Insurance against terrorist attacks three weeks ago, on advice from his friend Larry "Pull it" Silverstein

Even though the mall was jewish owned, even though many of the stores in the mall were jewish owned and operated, not a single jew has been identified among the dead.

Guess they all got lucky and decided to take the same day off...
Oh, Alfalfa, you little old anti-Semite, how come you didn't mention that those hostage takers asked who was a Muslim and then let the Muslim go. Meanwhile, the little old anti-Semite has been reading the NeoNazi hate sites about 9/11, but he has no idea about the amount of funerals for Jews who were unfortunate along with others to be in the building at that time. Anyhow, the little old anti-Semite doesn't realize that if had been in the mall, the Muslims would have kept him hostage and tortured him so that he wouldn't be posting any more on forums no matter how much he hates Jews.
Oh gee----yet another Khutbah Jumaat feces fling----sounds very familiar ----
just like the feces fling I attended some 45 years ago ----way up there with the
aphrodisiac chewing gum------It was more than 45 years ago that I did learn that
all of the troubles of the world are caused by the ZIONISTCONTROLLEDCIA
from earthquakes to hemorrhoids
Typical irosie93 post >>> "30 years ago blah, blah,blah.......

"and 35 years ago I meet, blah, blah, blah........

"and 40 years ago I was told, blah, blah, blah.........

What a freakin dingbat loon. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

She has admitted to spending time in a mental institute, Maybe something rubbed off?
I don't recall her saying that, but if she mentioned mental institutions, she was a doctor for a time in one treating patients just like you and Sunni Man. One good thing about Sunni Man is that he sits quietly behind his computer and is not like so many of the Muslim converts who turn to terrorism. However, I wouldn't put it past either Sunni Man or Yousef Mohammed to hide the "White Widow" in their own residence.
I have no doubt that Israeli zionists using the Mossad planned and executed the attack on the Kenyan mall.

It fits their typical M.O. for false flag operations in order to destabilize nations. . :cool:
Isn't it nice that we have a mentally ill convert here who picks up all the nonsense from his Imam about blaming everything on the Jews and then parrots it out here? So, Sunni Man, are the Jews responsible for the natural catastrophe which happened in Pakistan the other day? And I sure hope you are sending money to the relief organizations here who are trying to help your fellow Muslims. I am sure everyone knows by now that it is the typical M.O. of many, many Muslims (even converts) to blame everything bad that happens in the world on the Jews.
I have no doubt that Israeli zionists using the Mossad planned and executed the attack on the Kenyan mall.

It fits their typical M.O. for false flag operations in order to destabilize nations. . :cool:
Considering what you think the Jews do to Palestinians is nothing compared to what your fellow Muslims do to non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. If you were not so obsessed with the Jews and Israel as it seems a devout Muslim convert is supposed to be, you would be aware of what your fellow Muslims are doing. I guess Sunni man even has a problem with the Kenyans going after the terrorists in Somalia because he wants those Somalis to terrorize some more.. Why not travel to Minnesota, Sunni Man, where you can commiserate with those Somali youth who are considering leaving the country to fight the Kenyans.
.........................................................................^^^^ 5 posts of Hossfly talking to himself. . :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

oh good boy sunni-----you learned yet another vulgar and idiotic "comeback"
from the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling
Stpp projecting :cuckoo:n. :lol: :cool: :eusa_:eusa_:cool: :eusa_:lol:
How about you learn to spell and work the emoticon feature. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

It's obviously a typo. It's also obvious that English isn't your first language. Instead of " correcting" others on the board about typo errors or anything else just concentrate on the terror your filthy brethren is responsible for all over the world. :cuckoo: :lol:
It's obviously a typo. It's also obvious that English isn't your first language. Instead of " correcting" others on the board about typo errors or anything else just concentrate on the terror your filthy brethren is responsible for all over the world.

Its also dont my first language , I dont think its a big loss : )
Same 9/11 Mentality. Notice how the Jews are blamed but not the Muslims/ Arabs who are responsible? :cuckoo:

I dont blame anyone but this kind of claims remind me an issue .

A few drones fell in Israeli territory when U.S. President will visit Israel . At that time there were a ceasefire or a similar situation between Palestine and Israel . I dont believe this rockets was launched by Hamas : ) this rockets was launched by someone who trying to justify Israel invasion . The same situation goes for today in Syria . Someone has launched rockets but this is not logical if they were launched by Assad : )

" You don't believe" lol the Rockets were launched by Hamas? Proof, please. Israel is justified to go into Gaza when Rockets are constantly being launched at them. Don't like it? Too bad :lol:
It's obviously a typo. It's also obvious that English isn't your first language. Instead of " correcting" others on the board about typo errors or anything else just concentrate on the terror your filthy brethren is responsible for all over the world.

Its also dont my first language , I dont think its a big loss : )

There is obviously nothing wrong with being bilingual especially in today's world. However, there is something wrong with commenting on what is obviously a typo while at the same time ignoring all the killings, terrorism, mass murders that the Muslims are responsible for

I have no doubt that Israeli zionists using the Mossad planned and executed the attack on the Kenyan mall.

It fits their typical M.O. for false flag operations in order to destabilize nations. .

Get it? Of course not. Because you are just as delusional as he is

Kenya shopping mall attack: Nairobi hostages were tortured before they were killed, says police doctor - Africa - World - The Independent

Kenya shopping mall attack: Nairobi hostages were tortured before they were killed, says police doctor

Rumours of rapes, disfigurement and beheadings are rife in Kenya’s capital

Catrina Stewart Author Biography


Thursday 26 September 2013

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A police doctor scouring Nairobi’s Westgate mall for bodies after a four-day siege by Islamist gunmen that claimed dozens of lives has said victims were tortured before they died, according to a Kenyan newspaper.

“Those are not allegations. Those are f****** truths,” the doctor, a forensics expert, told The Star newspaper. “They removed balls, eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child’s body. Actually, if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers.”

You would be better talking about this instead. On the other hand, that would be asking far TWO much of U :cuckoo:
" You don't believe" lol the Rockets were launched by Hamas? Proof, please. Israel is justified to go into Gaza when Rockets are constantly being launched at them. Don't like it? Too bad :lol:

Yes I dont believe , so Hamas launched rockets when the head of the united states come to Israel : ) what timing ! 3-point basket : ) and jews said "look obamaa you see this animals launch rockets every day and they fall into town center , this is why we kill arabs , we jews so innocent persons"

I!m not trying prove anything , I just said my opinion as a observer : )
" You don't believe" lol the Rockets were launched by Hamas? Proof, please. Israel is justified to go into Gaza when Rockets are constantly being launched at them. Don't like it? Too bad :lol:

Yes I dont believe , so Hamas launched rockets when the head of the united states come to Israel : ) what timing ! 3-point basket : ) and jews said "look obamaa you see this animals launch rockets every day and they fall into town center , this is why we kill arabs , we jews so innocent persons"

I!m not trying prove anything , I just said my opinion as a observer : )

A informed" observer" has something to back it up; Something you're obviously not :eusa_angel:
I have no doubt that Israeli zionists using the Mossad planned and executed the attack on the Kenyan mall.

It fits their typical M.O. for false flag operations in order to destabilize nations. . :cool:

I am not surprised you "have no doubt" The most impressive aspect of
my first visit to a mosque was that ABSOLUTE ACCEPTANCE of filth of any
level that the speaker (a visiting genius from al azhar) spewed onto the idiots
sitting on the carpeted floor. It was sheer idiocy -----later on ---on the way
home when I asked my hosts what they thought of the "sermon"-----one snapped--
EVERYTHING HE SAID IS TRUE--------- The sermon seemed to me to be incitement
to violence----that mosque was located walking distance from the site where the
World Trade Center was LATER BUILT-----so obviously lots of people have "no doubt"
that the crap thrown at them during the Khutbah jumaat is true

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