Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack

"The report also said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September..."

Yes, Israel warned them because jewish interests were at risk...heheh. Anyone think if no jewish/israeli intersts were at stake if they would have said a damn thing?

YES. And even if one is determined to deny the Israelis any altruistic motive - warning Kenya could easily be 'enlightened self-interest'. After all, it would be an advantage to Kenya to have such warning and recommendations of how to protect themselves -which would give Kenya another reason to trust the Israelis.
"The report also said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September..."

Yes, Israel warned them because jewish interests were at risk...heheh. Anyone think if no jewish/israeli intersts were at stake if they would have said a damn thing?

So what is the big deal?

Governments are always warning other governments of possible threats. Didn't Russia warned the US about the Boston bombers? they always do that!

For God's sake it is done all the time, stop complaining and be thankful!

Did the Russians own Boston?

Governments always warn other governments of possible threats.

"The report also said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September..."

Yes, Israel warned them because jewish interests were at risk...heheh. Anyone think if no jewish/israeli intersts were at stake if they would have said a damn thing?

No, because lives were at risks. is it so hard for anti semites like yourself to believe that Israel values human lives ?????

No matter what positive things Israel does, assholes like you will ALWAYS find a way to twist shit around and vilify Israel. It's very sad .

Israel values Israeli lives, they could give a fuck about anyone else.

Yah, sure - that explains why they've taken in Bosnian and Somali Muslim refugees. Of course! And why they sent aid to Haiti after the earthquake there, and.........
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Hey, all I said it was unusual that the mall is jewish owned with a number of jewish business's inside that no jews have shown up on the casualty lists yet. I think the death count is up to 160 or so least that many injured as well.
Oh gee----yet another Khutbah Jumaat feces fling----sounds very familiar ----
just like the feces fling I attended some 45 years ago ----way up there with the
aphrodisiac chewing gum------It was more than 45 years ago that I did learn that
all of the troubles of the world are caused by the ZIONISTCONTROLLEDCIA
from earthquakes to hemorrhoids
Typical irosie93 post >>> "30 years ago blah, blah,blah.......

"and 35 years ago I meet, blah, blah, blah........

"and 40 years ago I was told, blah, blah, blah.........

What a freakin dingbat loon. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Says the Nazi-sucking conspiranutter fucktard.
Oh gee----yet another Khutbah Jumaat feces fling----sounds very familiar ----
just like the feces fling I attended some 45 years ago ----way up there with the
aphrodisiac chewing gum------It was more than 45 years ago that I did learn that
all of the troubles of the world are caused by the ZIONISTCONTROLLEDCIA
from earthquakes to hemorrhoids
Typical irosie93 post >>> "30 years ago blah, blah,blah.......

"and 35 years ago I meet, blah, blah, blah........

"and 40 years ago I was told, blah, blah, blah.........

What a freakin dingbat loon. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

She has admitted to spending time in a mental institute, Maybe something rubbed off?
You spend your days cleaning toilets - it's obvious what's 'rubbed off' on you.
Kenya's government had been warned, including by Israel, of the high risk of an attack before the assault on a Nairobi mall by Islamist gunmen that killed at least 67 people, newspapers reported Saturday.

Cabinet ministers and Kenya's army chief had received information warning of a plan to carry out a major attack, the Daily Nation said, quoting a leaked intelligence report.

Report: Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack - Israel News, Ynetnews



Next you will be telling us that the israeli owner of the Mall took out Insurance against terrorist attacks three weeks ago, on advice from his friend Larry "Pull it" Silverstein

Even though the mall was jewish owned, even though many of the stores in the mall were jewish owned and operated, not a single jew has been identified among the dead.

Guess they all got lucky and decided to take the same day off...

And no doubt you've got copious supporting 'evidence' for this, which you just happened to forget to include.....
And, if the USA spends BILLIONS on intelligence gathering, why didn't WE know about it ahead of time?

Kenya is a long-time friend. If we knew, why didn't we tell them?

Another case of the ignorance, hypocrisy, and overall inadequacy of our Jerk-in-Chief. :mad:

I don't think ANY US administration has paid enough attention to Africa since before our Civil War.......
No Sunni Boy, the attack was carried about by MUSLIMS. Muslim extremists to be specific. The same kind of scum you support.
Why can't you accept the truth ?
The Kenyan army occupies parts of Somalia and the muslims want them out.

But I guess that makes the Somali muslims seem like extremists to zionists.

Considering what the jews do to the Palestinians. .. :cool:

Those 'Somali Muslims' who murdered and enslaved hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims.....but that's OK with you, isn't it?
Even though the mall was jewish owned, even though many of the stores in the mall were jewish owned and operated, not a single jew has been identified among the dead.

Guess they all got lucky and decided to take the same day off...

Same 9/11 Mentality. Notice how the Jews are blamed but not the Muslims/ Arabs who are responsible? :cuckoo:

The title of the thread is "Israel warned Kenya of Nairobi attack", therefore it is a discussion of Israeli/Jewish involvement not some muslims responsibility, which is obvious anyway.

Gee - Alf uses sherriliar 'logic' too.
Hey, all I said it was unusual that the mall is jewish owned with a number of jewish business's inside that no jews have shown up on the casualty lists yet. I think the death count is up to 160 or so least that many injured as well.

How many stores are 'Jewish owned'? How many Jews worked there? How are you determining whether anyone on the casualty list is Jewish?
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"The report also said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September..."

Yes, Israel warned them because jewish interests were at risk...heheh. Anyone think if no jewish/israeli intersts were at stake if they would have said a damn thing?

YES. And even if one is determined to deny the Israelis any altruistic motive - warning Kenya could easily be 'enlightened self-interest'. After all, it would be an advantage to Kenya to have such warning and recommendations of how to protect themselves -which would give Kenya another reason to trust the Israelis.

Kenya has been getting good solid intel for a year, probably from the UK and US.

"The Nation newspaper said the treasury, interior, foreign affairs and defence ministers, as well as the army chief, had been told of an elevated risk.

"Briefs were made to them of increasing threat of terrorism and of plans to launch simultaneous attacks in Nairobi and Mombasa around September 13 and 20, 2013," according to the report quoted in the paper."

Then this...

"The report said Israel, which has close security ties with Kenya, had warned of plans to attack Israeli property in September, a month which included several Jewish holidays."
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Like I always say, "Any time there is chaos, conflict, or war; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel/Mossad behind the event". .. :cool:

Like I always say; " Anytime there are mass killings of innocent people not to mention the " dismemberment" of certain body parts while they were alive you will always find the Uncivilized Muslim World behind the horrific event(s) :evil:

Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online
No Sunni Boy, the attack was carried about by MUSLIMS. Muslim extremists to be specific. The same kind of scum you support.
Why can't you accept the truth ?
The Kenyan army occupies parts of Somalia and the muslims want them out.

But I guess that makes the Somali muslims seem like extremists to zionists.

Considering what the jews do to the Palestinians. .. :cool:

You mean like letting them live? You have a point :cool: Can't admit it's your own filthy brethren that carried out those attacks
Like I always say, "Any time there is chaos, conflict, or war; just scratch the surface and you will find Israel/Mossad behind the event". .. :cool:

You could not have gotten that more wrong.

Anytime there is chaos , conflict or war in the ME, Muslim extremists are always behind it. Oh, and theres no need to scratch any surface, because it is evident right away.
Oh, and they are not just 'behind' the event. They are the main cause of the event.

BTW, where are your examples to prove your Nazi claim Ahmed ??
No Sunni Boy, the attack was carried about by MUSLIMS. Muslim extremists to be specific. The same kind of scum you support.
Why can't you accept the truth ?
The Kenyan army occupies parts of Somalia and the muslims want them out.

But I guess that makes the Somali muslims seem like extremists to zionists.

Considering what the jews do to the Palestinians. .. :cool:

You mean like letting them live? You have a point :cool: Can't admit it's your own filthy brethren that carried out those attacks

Notice how anytime Muslims commit a massacre or something similar, Sunni Man tries to take the attention away from the Muslims and tries to incorporate Israel/Jews/Mossad in the event, even though they have NOTHING to do with it ?

It's a very sad and desperate attempt by him. I just don't get why he insists on making a fool of himself every time ????
The Kenyan army occupies parts of Somalia and the muslims want them out.

But I guess that makes the Somali muslims seem like extremists to zionists.

Considering what the jews do to the Palestinians. .. :cool:

You mean like letting them live? You have a point :cool: Can't admit it's your own filthy brethren that carried out those attacks

Notice how anytime Muslims commit a massacre or something similar, Sunni Man tries to take the attention away from the Muslims and tries to incorporate Israel/Jews/Mossad in the event, even though they have NOTHING to do with it ?

It's a very sad and desperate attempt by him. I just don't get why he insists on making a fool of himself every time ????

It's pathetic how they never condemn or denounce what their own filthy Uncivilized brethern is doing? What else would you expect from a Muslim? :lol:
You mean like letting them live? You have a point :cool: Can't admit it's your own filthy brethren that carried out those attacks

Notice how anytime Muslims commit a massacre or something similar, Sunni Man tries to take the attention away from the Muslims and tries to incorporate Israel/Jews/Mossad in the event, even though they have NOTHING to do with it ?

It's a very sad and desperate attempt by him. I just don't get why he insists on making a fool of himself every time ????

It's pathetic how they never condemn or denounce what their own filthy Uncivilized brethern is doing? What else would you expect from a Muslim? :lol:

I would expect no more or no less !

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