Report: Level of poverty growing

I don't understand what you mean by exploiting others?

I employ a number of salespeople
now. They are all on commission. Some of my people I pay about $2,000/week, I have one guy who is on food stamps, not because he doesn't have the skill, but because he is lazy.

In any case I provide livelihoods for a number of people. I have to pay quarterly taxes to the government which are in the five digits.

How is this exploitation?

My story probably is rare. Some people won't "make it" but all have a chance to "make it".

In my case I was a door to door salesman on commission only.

The best thing to do for poor people that are not lazy is to give them opportunities. The way they get opportunities is by allowing the people that create jobs the ability to create more jobs. Making it more expensive for them to do business has the opposite affect.

What exactly do you mean by "leveling the playing field"?

I don't believe in taking people down. It doesn't help you one bit if others are brought down. The only way you will profit is if more people are brought up.

I want everyone to go up.

Once again, I have the greatest sympathy for those who truely try and struggle. And of course I have nothing for sympathy that can't work.

The problem is that there is a very large chunk that don't try and will not take "anything" to survive. They would rather live off the government.

How many people do you know that would go door to door on commission only? I bet not many. I did, and I had a MBA.

You do what you need to do and you never know what it will lead to.

All your little personal stories are getting a little hard to accept. For all we know, you could be some zealot still sitting in that basement apartment picking your nose and eating Cheetos because you just got fired for being an asshole.

Wow. Hate much?

I've found from years of experience on the internets that those who are most inclined to accuse others of fakery are often themselves the biggest fakers.

Just sayin'.

I've never once bragged on about my education, life experience, nor work experience for that very reason. I don't "hate" anybody who succeeds. But I do raise my eyebrows over their sincerity when the topic of conversation (on the Internets[sic] or in person) appears to be all about THEM.
And again... taking care of that family, having that family, etc is YOUR responsibility... not he government's, not society's, not the employer's.. YOURS... you have the freedom to work a second or a 3rd job (I've done it)... you have the freedom to study... you have the freedom to train... you have the freedom to hone a skill.. you have the freedom to do all of these things.. leading to the freedom to succeed or fail, all on your own

Your bs has got to be the worse I've ever seen posted. FREEDOM doesn't put food on the table or a roof over your head or keep you healthy enough to go out and look for work!

Freedom and the concept of personal responsibility for one's own well being is not BS... but your attitude showing that you believe it is BS is very telling

Nobody is supposed to put food on your table but you
2 Thessalonians 3:10
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

Unlike what you whiny leftist entitlement junkies think... the only one responsible for you is YOU

I think you're the last person who should be quoting The Bible. How about quoting Jesus himself whose "liberalism" is precisely the same as being discussed here.
And that is a myth... COMPLETE and TOTAL myth... anyone can do what they need to do because of that freedom... we do not exist, the government does not exist, to do it for you or to take care of your personal responsibilities and needs when you fail....

You and your ILK choose to portray the 'poor' as helpless... not us

Your considerations are ridiculous when you think everyone else owes it to them as adults... charity to help, GREAT, that is VOLUNTARY and I support many.... forced wealth redistribution??Nope.. that is not in line with a free society

Such crap. With an arrogant, denigrating and insulting attitude like yours, I can just bet you voluntarily support charities. :lol: Someone like you would much prefer to prance around some soup kitchen and preach to the homeless. "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME"!!!

I support a local charity that provides training to mentally handicapped people so that they can obtain a job to support themselves, and they also help find roommates to share expenses
I support various medical charities close to my heart such as St. Jude's and ADA
I support a batter women's shelter that helps the women and their children get back on their feet after such a traumatic experience

When I have volunteered time with my kids... I certainly do not preach.... but I don't buy every 'woe is me' bullshit story and the claim by so many that they 'need' something... many confuse 'needy' with 'wanty' because many simply choose not to do what they have to do and would rather take the handout

I'm sorry, but I have an extremely difficult time believing you support and/or volunteer in any of those areas. You simply do not have the compassion required to be sincere, and most people in such need can usually spot a phony a mile away.
Something else to chew on

Not everyone will make it but anyone can make it
NO, "everyone" can not.

The government does not exist to protect against your personal failure
And they don't now.

Freedom comes with positives and negatives and that is still ultimately more desirable than some phony baloney system supposedly based on equalizing the outcome at the expense of freedom

I have my doubts you even now the true meaning of the word "freedom." In this country, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is an indoctrinated FREEDOM on its face. That some people are unable, for a number of reasons to be as fortunate as someone like you (some of which are spelled out for you here) is well, a fact of life.

Yes... ANYONE can claw their way out of a bad situation. ANYONE can be a success... it is your filthy ilk that keeps proclaiming that certain classes of people are helpless, YOU know what is best for them, and that only your mantra will save them from themselves

Only a very few people are truly unable.... and those generally are either wards of the state or committed by family...

You also seem to like to contribute success stories as 'lucky' or 'fortunate'... showing your smug liberal attitude.... because unless people are like you, it is luck that anything good happens... unless they have it handed to them, it is luck... well, I know the hard work and dedication it takes to move up from poverty... I know what it takes to make it in the military... I know that anyone has the freedom to do whatever that have to do or wants to do to pursue happiness and success, and nobody is held back from that freedom... it is you that is delusional thinking that 'the rich' or 'the man' can hold anyone down

You are truly a sick and twisted individual that may indeed be too far gone to be brought back from your programing

There's that "compassion" shining right through. I rest my case on that point, robotman.

Just because some people like me happen to loudly disagree with your staunch position on poverty hardly makes us "filthy" or "twisted" and "programmed."
I have my doubts you even now the true meaning of the word "freedom." In this country, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is an indoctrinated FREEDOM on its face. That some people are unable, for a number of reasons to be as fortunate as someone like you (some of which are spelled out for you here) is well, a fact of life.

Yes... ANYONE can claw their way out of a bad situation. ANYONE can be a success... it is your filthy ilk that keeps proclaiming that certain classes of people are helpless, YOU know what is best for them, and that only your mantra will save them from themselves

Only a very few people are truly unable.... and those generally are either wards of the state or committed by family...

You also seem to like to contribute success stories as 'lucky' or 'fortunate'... showing your smug liberal attitude.... because unless people are like you, it is luck that anything good happens... unless they have it handed to them, it is luck... well, I know the hard work and dedication it takes to move up from poverty... I know what it takes to make it in the military... I know that anyone has the freedom to do whatever that have to do or wants to do to pursue happiness and success, and nobody is held back from that freedom... it is you that is delusional thinking that 'the rich' or 'the man' can hold anyone down

You are truly a sick and twisted individual that may indeed be too far gone to be brought back from your programing

There's that "compassion" shining right through. I rest my case on that point, robotman.

Just because some people like me happen to loudly disagree with your staunch position on poverty hardly makes us "filthy" or "twisted" and "programmed."

To be continued. I've invited someone over to watch a documentary on the history of greed. Stay tuned!

I worked hard to make a better life for myself, my wife, and my two cats. That was my motive.

In the process I supplied livelihoods for numerous other people. I also did something good for my customers, and I paid a shit load in taxes.

I want to empasize that I wasn't out in all weather door knocking to provide livelihoods for anyone else other than for myself and my wife.

You call that greed? Go ahead.

It reminds me of the courts scene in Atlas Shrugged when Hank Rearden was accused of "greed"

Atlas Shrugged: Book Summary - CliffsNotes

Ah, a Randian--should have guessed. But hey, what worked 50 years ago everyone KNOWS does not work in today's society. During the current economic carnage, it's been fascinating to watch libertarians scurry to explain how the global financial crisis is the result of too much government intervention rather than too little. Frozen in the ideologies many of you absorbed from reading Ayn Rand novels in high school, or dusted off from your parents' libraries, your heroic view of capitalism makes it difficult to accept that markets today can be irrational, misunderstand risk, and misallocate resources, or that gigantic financial systems without vigorous government oversight, due diligence, and sometimes intervention constitutes a recipe for disaster.
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Yes... ANYONE can claw their way out of a bad situation. ANYONE can be a success... it is your filthy ilk that keeps proclaiming that certain classes of people are helpless, YOU know what is best for them, and that only your mantra will save them from themselves

Only a very few people are truly unable.... and those generally are either wards of the state or committed by family...

You also seem to like to contribute success stories as 'lucky' or 'fortunate'... showing your smug liberal attitude.... because unless people are like you, it is luck that anything good happens... unless they have it handed to them, it is luck... well, I know the hard work and dedication it takes to move up from poverty... I know what it takes to make it in the military... I know that anyone has the freedom to do whatever that have to do or wants to do to pursue happiness and success, and nobody is held back from that freedom... it is you that is delusional thinking that 'the rich' or 'the man' can hold anyone down

You are truly a sick and twisted individual that may indeed be too far gone to be brought back from your programing

There's that "compassion" shining right through. I rest my case on that point, robotman.

Just because some people like me happen to loudly disagree with your staunch position on poverty hardly makes us "filthy" or "twisted" and "programmed."


People with extreme prejudices who make attempts to mask them eventually stand naked.
To be continued. I've invited someone over to watch a documentary on the history of greed. Stay tuned!

I worked hard to make a better life for myself, my wife, and my two cats. That was my motive.

In the process I supplied livelihoods for numerous other people. I also did something good for my customers, and I paid a shit load in taxes.

I want to empasize that I wasn't out in all weather door knocking to provide livelihoods for anyone else other than for myself and my wife.

You call that greed? Go ahead.

It reminds me of the courts scene in Atlas Shrugged when Hank Rearden was accused of "greed"

Atlas Shrugged: Book Summary - CliffsNotes

Ah, a Randian--should have guessed. But hey, what worked 50 years ago everyone KNOWS does not work in today's society. During the current economic carnage, it's been fascinating to watch libertarians scurry to explain how the global financial crisis is the result of too much government intervention rather than too little. Frozen in the ideologies many of you absorbed from reading Ayn Rand novels in high school, or dusted off from your parents' libraries, your heroic view of capitalism makes it difficult to accept that markets today can be irrational, misunderstand risk, and misallocate resources, or that gigantic financial systems without vigorous government oversight, due diligence, and sometimes intervention constitutes a recipe for disaster.

Actually I am conservative.

Government intervention in the economy has been the problem.

And I don't agree that there is one pie, and if you get a bigger one, it makes someone else is getting a smaller one.

The pie can grow, and everyone can have larger pieces. The trick is how to make the pie grow.

The socialist/progressive/communist way only makes the pie shrink, so everyone gets a smaller piece. It's a recipe for economic disaster.
Socialism/Communism never has and never will lead to prosperity for the People. I'm actually surprised that so few understand this. We are rapidly headed towards Third World Misery and it's the Socialists/Progressives who are taking us there. Make 2010 count people.
2006 you say? That would be about the time that the Dems took control of the House and Senate.

Nope. 2006 is when the housing bubble was really beginning to burst. Had nothing to do with the dems that had just come into majority. And who had control the first 6 years? Complete and total control... Do you remember?

Of course they remember ! They're 'Murkinz !
That was when " Sir' Michael Jackson held his baby over a balcony and Britney shaved her cooter.
Do you think "Murkinz don't pay attention to important issues ? Jeez :eusa_hand:
Such crap. With an arrogant, denigrating and insulting attitude like yours, I can just bet you voluntarily support charities. :lol: Someone like you would much prefer to prance around some soup kitchen and preach to the homeless. "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME"!!!

I support a local charity that provides training to mentally handicapped people so that they can obtain a job to support themselves, and they also help find roommates to share expenses
I support various medical charities close to my heart such as St. Jude's and ADA
I support a batter women's shelter that helps the women and their children get back on their feet after such a traumatic experience

When I have volunteered time with my kids... I certainly do not preach.... but I don't buy every 'woe is me' bullshit story and the claim by so many that they 'need' something... many confuse 'needy' with 'wanty' because many simply choose not to do what they have to do and would rather take the handout

I'm sorry, but I have an extremely difficult time believing you support and/or volunteer in any of those areas. You simply do not have the compassion required to be sincere, and most people in such need can usually spot a phony a mile away.

I don't.

I don't find it compasionate to take money from people who work hard to make a living and give it to people who are simply too lazy to want to work.
Your bs has got to be the worse I've ever seen posted. FREEDOM doesn't put food on the table or a roof over your head or keep you healthy enough to go out and look for work!

Freedom give you the opportunity to do so.

You have the right to "pursue" happiness. You don't have a right to happiness.

You have a right to become rich. You don't have a right to be rich.

Nice spin, but it hardly addresses my example.

I believe it does, and it's not spin.

Freedom give you the right to go out and make your own destiny.
I support a local charity that provides training to mentally handicapped people so that they can obtain a job to support themselves, and they also help find roommates to share expenses
I support various medical charities close to my heart such as St. Jude's and ADA
I support a batter women's shelter that helps the women and their children get back on their feet after such a traumatic experience

When I have volunteered time with my kids... I certainly do not preach.... but I don't buy every 'woe is me' bullshit story and the claim by so many that they 'need' something... many confuse 'needy' with 'wanty' because many simply choose not to do what they have to do and would rather take the handout

I'm sorry, but I have an extremely difficult time believing you support and/or volunteer in any of those areas. You simply do not have the compassion required to be sincere, and most people in such need can usually spot a phony a mile away.

I don't.

I don't find it compasionate to take money from people who work hard to make a living and give it to people who are simply too lazy to want to work.

what do you belive should be done for those that are going through a rough patch.....or are down on their luck....want to work but can't find a job......sick but can't afford to go to the doctor.....
That's an excellent question.

I don't know.

How do you weed out those who are too lazy to work from those who cant' find a job or are unable to work?
That's an excellent question.

I don't know.

How do you weed out those who are too lazy to work from those who cant' find a job or are unable to work?

you creat a social program where in order to get help.....
food have to take a "state" job four days a week...on the fifth and and night you can get help with training or your a drug test or don't show up and you are on your own.....

when i worked in sf for a construction company we used to offer the "bums" jobs....sweeping up at the job site etc........they didn't want to work....
when i worked in sf for a construction company we used to offer the "bums" jobs....sweeping up at the job site etc........they didn't want to work....

We need to make a distinction between temporary problems and the truly uncapable (i.e., a severely disabled person) and those who have gotten too comfortable being on the public dole.

The tax burden on a median family as a percent of income has DOUBLED in the past 50 years. People used to Save For A Rainy Day (many of us still do). What should be the first and preferable alternative is to have a system which encourages such savings so that we can afford as a society some type of safety net for the much smaller truly unfortunate.
No Socialist/Communist nation on Earth has ever seen an increase in their standard of living. The level of poverty will continue to increase as long as the Socialists are in power. Keep in mind,they're are a lot of Socialists/Progressives in both parties,so both parties are the problem at this point. Socialists and Neocons agree on much more than they want you to know. They are both Big-Government Globalists/Internationalists at the end of the day. We are currently spiraling downward towards Third World Misery. Socialism/Communism is never the answer.

You need to study the clear difference between Socialism and Communism, and all of you need to stop linking the two as inclusively Lenin-istic. Both Canada and the UK are capitalist countries with many social programs but that doesn't make either exclusively Socialist, and hardly Communist countries. And their standard of living is much the same as our own.

Actually, in many ways, it's higher than ours. We have a much higher infant mortality rate, we have a worse educational system, etc.
when i worked in sf for a construction company we used to offer the "bums" jobs....sweeping up at the job site etc........they didn't want to work....

We need to make a distinction between temporary problems and the truly uncapable (i.e., a severely disabled person) and those who have gotten too comfortable being on the public dole.

The tax burden on a median family as a percent of income has DOUBLED in the past 50 years. People used to Save For A Rainy Day (many of us still do). What should be the first and preferable alternative is to have a system which encourages such savings so that we can afford as a society some type of safety net for the much smaller truly unfortunate.

We had a safety husband was laid off for 3 years, we have no safety net anymore. What's worse, during those 3 years it took me more than a year to find a job, it never took me that long before in my life. I used to be able to go out and get a job the first day I tried. THAT job went to India, I can't imagine how bad it would be trying to find a job today.
Actually, in many ways, it's higher than ours. We have a much higher infant mortality rate, we have a worse educational system, etc.

That's a myth about infant mortality. In the U.S., we count very premature babies as live births, and go to extreme measures, often unsuccessful, to keep them alive. Many other countries count then as miscarriages, excluding them from the infant mortality rates.

There is no global standard for such statistics which ensure an apples to apples comparison.
I support a local charity that provides training to mentally handicapped people so that they can obtain a job to support themselves, and they also help find roommates to share expenses
I support various medical charities close to my heart such as St. Jude's and ADA
I support a batter women's shelter that helps the women and their children get back on their feet after such a traumatic experience

When I have volunteered time with my kids... I certainly do not preach.... but I don't buy every 'woe is me' bullshit story and the claim by so many that they 'need' something... many confuse 'needy' with 'wanty' because many simply choose not to do what they have to do and would rather take the handout

I'm sorry, but I have an extremely difficult time believing you support and/or volunteer in any of those areas. You simply do not have the compassion required to be sincere, and most people in such need can usually spot a phony a mile away.

I don't.

I don't find it compasionate to take money from people who work hard to make a living and give it to people who are simply too lazy to want to work.

How is increasing the minimum wage giving money to people too lazy to work?

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