Report: Michael Bloomberg seriously considering Independent run for President in 2016.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Talk Grows of a Michael Bloomberg Independent Run for 2016

I'm not an enormous fan of Newsmax and I would like to see this from some more sources, but the person quoted, Ian Bremmer (Time) is a straightforward type.

2015-09-026 Bremmer (Time) speculation over Bloomberg (I) run.jpg

Go read the article.

At this point in time it's still essentially speculation, but I think, worth noting.



PS. Here is a quick look at the cycles in the last 100 or so years where there was a SERIOUS 3rd party run:

1912 - Teddy Roosevelt turned a third party into a second party. Taft (R) only got 8 EV. Roosevelt got 88 EV and came in with 27.4% of the NPV.
(1924 - Robert LaFollette - won his home state of Wisconsin, then worth 13 EV, and was on the ballot in a bevy of states, got 16.6% of the NPV)

1948 - Strom Thurmond (States Rights Party), won 4 deep southern states and 39 EV, but only 2.4% of the NPV.

1968 - George Wallace (American Independent Party), won 5 deep southern states and 46, EV, and with 13.5% of the NPV.

(1980 - John Anderson, 6.6% of the NPV, was not a credible challenger anywhere)

1992 - Ross Perot (Reform Party), won zero states and zero EV, but came in with almost 19% of the NPV on election night.

(1996 - Ross Perot - a mini-version of 1992, with the same non-results, only 8.4% of the NPV).

Notice that since 1948, a credible, serious, threatening 3rd party run has happened every 20 to 24 years. In 2016, it will be 24 years since Ross Perot's 1992 Independent run. So, in a way, you could almost say that we are maybe due for such a cycle to happen.
Just what the country needs.

Clinton vs Trump vs Bloomberg

(Clinton would come in third, IMO)
His stance on Gun Control alone would pull more from the Left than the Right.

I can't think of any plank in a possible platform that would pull any votes from the Right to him.

right off the top.

  • Government should support embryonic stem cell research. (Apr 2013)
  • Supported by women's groups for strong defense of abortion. (Sep 2010)
  • Reproductive choice is a fundamental human right. (May 2006)

Continues with Democratic stances all the way down the page.

If he runs, Hillary, or whichever dem candidate, loses.
Oh boy. Rich anti gun nut jew boy running for president. Just when I thought we were gonna get all the laughs available from this election cycle.

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