Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

What does Dick Morris have to say these days, numbnuts?
What does Hussein have to say these days, numbnuts? Oh that's right, one is dead, the other is lying his filthy muslim ass off, and you love it, moron.

Well, I definitely love how he makes stupid wingnut fucks such as yourself go all apeshit.
It's not often you leftards make me happy, but when you openly admit you love it when your messiah lies, that's a win/win right there.

You people are walking trash heaps.

You could walk under a snake and have to reach up to touch it's belly, dick head.
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If the airheads who shoved this through had actually read it to see what was in it before passing it, they would have read in the bill that up to 67% of the people might lose their insurance. Somebody knew it was in there because a study was done to estimate the number of people who would not be able to keep what they have, no matter how much they liked it.

And Obama repeated the lie countless times. Are we going to be told that this was yet another thing that Obama was unaware of? Nobody tells him anything supposedly, but that doesn't stop him from talking constantly and passing along lies.

While the attitude we are getting from the left is that we must obey the law no matter how fucked up it is, Obama unilaterally made the decision to let his wealthy cronies and fellow politicians off the hook. They only follow laws they find agreeable. The rest of us just get, "Too bad, so sad. It sucks to be you."

Hey, liberals, forget granting amnesty to millions of illegals. You don't like that? Well, tough shit, it's the law that they aren't allowed to enter our country illegally. A law is a law. If the left wants to pick and choose which ones they follow, then we'll give Obamacare the same exact consideration the left gives to immigration laws.
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A- STORIES ABOUT RATES GOING UP 3X-10 ARE PUBCRAPPE, hater dupes...18 per cent is more like it, and a GREAT deal compared to the Pubscams you've got now lol...and an increase you're used to for NOTHING.

B- Bush and Cheney were GREAT at giving impressions that were total lies without being caught. IN 2003, 70-80 per cent of Americans believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 and was close to having nukes. Most hater dupes STILL DO lol...the ones on USMB are the ''informed'' ones LOL...
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THIS is still up at the White House's "Reality Check" page....

^^ Bigger image ^^

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Guess what- Anybody with a brain knew your insurance would have to change and improve to meet standards- no cutoffs, no lifetime limit, ANNUAL CAP ON PATIENT SPENDING- TWITS..., children till 26, GUARANTEED- this cutting people off instead of FIXING their plans is on a-hole insurers- and their Pub cronies, of course. HATER DUPES...LOL
Guess what- Anybody with a brain knew your insurance would have to change and improve to meet standards- no cutoffs, no lifetime limit, ANNUAL CAP ON PATIENT SPENDING- TWITS..., children till 26, GUARANTEED- this cutting people off instead of FIXING their plans is on a-hole insurers- and their Pub cronies, of course. HATER DUPES...LOL
You have no idea what you are talking about as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.
No lie, just the rational human's inability to foresee mindless Pub, and insurers', dishonesty and obstruction...

I'm not really sure why I'm asking....but why do you think NBC News is lying about the President? Any theories?

This all sounds very ominous until you consider that the naturally high turnover rate associated with the individual market means that it's highly unlikely that individuals would still be enrolled in plans from 2010 in 2014. In fact, the Obama administration publicly admitted this when it issued the regulations in 2010, leading Republicans like Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) to seize on the story in order to push for repeal of the grandfather regulations. Here is a story in The Hill from Sep. 22, 2010 pointing to this very same 40 to 67 percent range. [...]

The debate was widely covered in the press, so it's unclear what exactly the NBC investigation unit has uncovered.

Here Is What's Wrong With That Story About Obama Knowing That Your Health Care Policy Would Get Cancelled

This is what they uncovered.

While a substantial fraction of individual policies are in force for less than one year, a small group of individuals maintain their policies over longer time periods. One study found that 17 percent of individuals maintained their policies for more than two years, [30] while another found that nearly 30 percent maintained policies for more than three years. [31]
Using these turnover estimates, a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate, and therefore relinquish their grandfather status, is 40 percent to 67 percent. These estimates assume that the policies that terminate are replaced by new individual policies, and that these new policies are not, by definition, grandfathered. In addition, the coverage that some individuals maintain for long periods might lose its grandfather status because the cost-sharing parameters in policies change by more than the limits specified in these interim final regulations. The frequency of this outcome cannot be gauged due to lack of data, but as a result of it, the Departments estimate that the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 percent to 67 percent range that is estimated based on the fraction of individual policies that turn over from one year to the next.
Guess what- Anybody with a brain knew your insurance would have to change and improve to meet standards- no cutoffs, no lifetime limit, ANNUAL CAP ON PATIENT SPENDING- TWITS..., children till 26, GUARANTEED- this cutting people off instead of FIXING their plans is on a-hole insurers- and their Pub cronies, of course. HATER DUPES...LOL
You have no idea what you are talking about as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates.

Try reading that again- Is your brain still functioning- I doubt it, hater dupe...
OMG you guys! Did you hear that under Obamacare, everybody is losing all their insurance and has to buy new insurance that costs a million times more and it is bad? Why did Obama lie to us and tell us that if we liked our plan we can keep our plan, when he knew, HE KNEW!!!! that a lot of Americans have really shitty insurance that only pretends to be “insurance,” but is cheap? THAT insurance is going away now, because socialist commie Obamacare won’t allow insurance companies to sell plans with enormous deductibles and very little coverage. If we want to keep our terrible shitty insurance, we can’t keep it now, because insurance companies are being forced to stop their bait and switch games. BUT WE LIKED THE BAIT, WAAAAAH! Why do you lie so much, Obama?

Tommy Christopher at Mediaite has been all over the misleading coverage of the ACA rollout; the “Obama Promised Nothing Would Ever Change” story has actually gotten loud enough that even the rightwing Newsbusters website is acknowledging that Obamacare is not the only reason that some people’s policies are changing.

And for what is already a very slim slice of the private insurance market — people covered by what Consumer Reports calls “junk insurance” — some insurers are just plain pulling those plans even though technically they were “grandfathered in.” Holders of shitty plans can keep them, but only if the insurance companies choose to continue selling them. But since they can’t sell new policies in those crappy plans, it makes more sense for the companies to discontinue them altogether, a detail that gets left out of most coverage.
Still, this is a bit of an unforced error for Team Obama — instead of the unqualified “if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them,” it probably would have been better to have added “if your insurance doesn’t cover essentials like hospitalization, we’ll help you get on a plan that does while still being affordable.” But the narrative du jour now takes that “you can keep your plan” and turns it into “Obama lied, because insurance companies are cancelling our shitty plans!”

Read more at Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing
OMG you guys! Did you hear that under Obamacare, everybody is losing all their insurance and has to buy new insurance that costs a million times more and it is bad? Why did Obama lie to us and tell us that if we liked our plan we can keep our plan, when he knew, HE KNEW!!!! that a lot of Americans have really shitty insurance that only pretends to be “insurance,” but is cheap? THAT insurance is going away now, because socialist commie Obamacare won’t allow insurance companies to sell plans with enormous deductibles and very little coverage. If we want to keep our terrible shitty insurance, we can’t keep it now, because insurance companies are being forced to stop their bait and switch games. BUT WE LIKED THE BAIT, WAAAAAH! Why do you lie so much, Obama?

Tommy Christopher at Mediaite has been all over the misleading coverage of the ACA rollout; the “Obama Promised Nothing Would Ever Change” story has actually gotten loud enough that even the rightwing Newsbusters website is acknowledging that Obamacare is not the only reason that some people’s policies are changing.

And for what is already a very slim slice of the private insurance market — people covered by what Consumer Reports calls “junk insurance” — some insurers are just plain pulling those plans even though technically they were “grandfathered in.” Holders of shitty plans can keep them, but only if the insurance companies choose to continue selling them. But since they can’t sell new policies in those crappy plans, it makes more sense for the companies to discontinue them altogether, a detail that gets left out of most coverage.
Still, this is a bit of an unforced error for Team Obama — instead of the unqualified “if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them,” it probably would have been better to have added “if your insurance doesn’t cover essentials like hospitalization, we’ll help you get on a plan that does while still being affordable.” But the narrative du jour now takes that “you can keep your plan” and turns it into “Obama lied, because insurance companies are cancelling our shitty plans!”

Read more at Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing

so you gonna spin us with some, as George Will calls it, " pioneering new dimensions of sophistry" via this article? Or?

do you know what an argument in mitigation is? you are engaged in making one....epic fail.
Research it for yourself above all. It's not ok to just say no, you're not buying it, ACA isn't going anywhere no matter how much it makes Cons/Teapartiers howl.

right, becasue now matter what, it must succeed? ..why? becasue it would be a Obama or dem failure? you even care that tp and cons are ont the only ones losing what they wanted or were happy with? If this things plays out the way it looks like it might, there can be as many 15 million folks ( or more) who lose a plan/doctors etc. that they are quite content with? do what? Help 20 , 25 million? is that it? YOU have been lied to as well you know, do you even care? at all?

[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]
Research it for yourself above all. It's not ok to just say no, you're not buying it, ACA isn't going anywhere no matter how much it makes Cons/Teapartiers howl.

right, becasue now matter what, it must succeed? ..why? becasue it would be a Obama or dem failure? you even care that tp and cons are ont the only ones losing what they wanted or were happy with? If this things plays out the way it looks like it might, there can be as many 15 million folks ( or more) who lose a plan/doctors etc. that they are quite content with? do what? Help 20 , 25 million? is that it? YOU have been lied to as well you know, do you even care? at all?

[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]

We've waited too long for healthcare plans that would cover the millions who haven't had a chance. I'm tired of arguing with you all about it, it is here to stay. Lead, follow or get out of the way, nutters.
Research it for yourself above all. It's not ok to just say no, you're not buying it, ACA isn't going anywhere no matter how much it makes Cons/Teapartiers howl.

right, becasue now matter what, it must succeed? ..why? becasue it would be a Obama or dem failure? you even care that tp and cons are ont the only ones losing what they wanted or were happy with? If this things plays out the way it looks like it might, there can be as many 15 million folks ( or more) who lose a plan/doctors etc. that they are quite content with? do what? Help 20 , 25 million? is that it? YOU have been lied to as well you know, do you even care? at all?

[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]

We've waited too long for healthcare plans that would cover the millions who haven't had a chance. I'm tired of arguing with you all about it, it is here to stay. Lead, follow or get out of the way, nutters.

No, thanks.. I will fight against it. Its the American thing to do and for the better good of all concerned

Just what a 62 year old woman needs, maternity insurance..LMAO

BUT she gets what SHE needs...EVERYBODY gets what they need.....what a bs waste of time...
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Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

what protections?

The GD site doesn't work and from what has been reported the prices are ridiculous. Congress passed a waiver and Obama signed it exempting them.

The site is not the only way to buy insurance.

It will be fixed in time.

The prices are not ridiculous. They are lower than plans with basic protection that were available on the individual market.

People telling you that they have double or triple the premiums.....are lying.

Nope, sorry.
YOU are lying. Period.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

I gave you too much credit, integrity would demand that you man up and admit you were wrong.

I find it sad that you won't.

What was I wrong about?

Obama lied.
No "interpretation" is needed we have him in his own words...
OMG you guys! Did you hear that under Obamacare, everybody is losing all their insurance and has to buy new insurance that costs a million times more and it is bad? Why did Obama lie to us and tell us that if we liked our plan we can keep our plan, when he knew, HE KNEW!!!! that a lot of Americans have really shitty insurance that only pretends to be “insurance,” but is cheap? THAT insurance is going away now, because socialist commie Obamacare won’t allow insurance companies to sell plans with enormous deductibles and very little coverage. If we want to keep our terrible shitty insurance, we can’t keep it now, because insurance companies are being forced to stop their bait and switch games. BUT WE LIKED THE BAIT, WAAAAAH! Why do you lie so much, Obama?

Tommy Christopher at Mediaite has been all over the misleading coverage of the ACA rollout; the “Obama Promised Nothing Would Ever Change” story has actually gotten loud enough that even the rightwing Newsbusters website is acknowledging that Obamacare is not the only reason that some people’s policies are changing.

And for what is already a very slim slice of the private insurance market — people covered by what Consumer Reports calls “junk insurance” — some insurers are just plain pulling those plans even though technically they were “grandfathered in.” Holders of shitty plans can keep them, but only if the insurance companies choose to continue selling them. But since they can’t sell new policies in those crappy plans, it makes more sense for the companies to discontinue them altogether, a detail that gets left out of most coverage.
Still, this is a bit of an unforced error for Team Obama — instead of the unqualified “if you like your insurance plan, your doctor, or both, you will be able to keep them,” it probably would have been better to have added “if your insurance doesn’t cover essentials like hospitalization, we’ll help you get on a plan that does while still being affordable.” But the narrative du jour now takes that “you can keep your plan” and turns it into “Obama lied, because insurance companies are cancelling our shitty plans!”

Read more at Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing

so you gonna spin us with some, as George Will calls it, " pioneering new dimensions of sophistry" via this article? Or?

do you know what an argument in mitigation is? you are engaged in making one....epic fail.

No, I'm just sharing what I believe to be some good snark at Cons' expense. :)

And please, do explain to me just what this means, since you seem to like throwing that term around a lot lately.

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