Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

No lie, just the rational human's inability to foresee mindless Pub, and insurers', dishonesty and obstruction...

I'm not really sure why I'm asking....but why do you think NBC News is lying about the President? Any theories?

This all sounds very ominous until you consider that the naturally high turnover rate associated with the individual market means that it's highly unlikely that individuals would still be enrolled in plans from 2010 in 2014. In fact, the Obama administration publicly admitted this when it issued the regulations in 2010, leading Republicans like Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) to seize on the story in order to push for repeal of the grandfather regulations. Here is a story in The Hill from Sep. 22, 2010 pointing to this very same 40 to 67 percent range. [...]

The debate was widely covered in the press, so it's unclear what exactly the NBC investigation unit has uncovered.

Here Is What's Wrong With That Story About Obama Knowing That Your Health Care Policy Would Get Cancelled


Right we aren't even talking about the GRoup Market...we are talking about the individual market, try and stay on track.

Second, VERY few plans were grandfathered, MOST insurance companies simply complied with the Law and as such ALL of those plans were forced to be cancelled because of the ACA.
This is stunning. Absolutely stunning. And the report is from NBC News! Please read this and see how your President lies to you.

Report: Obama administration knew millions wouldn't be able to keep insurance
By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo News

"Before the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, President Obama promised Americans they could keep their healthcare plan if they liked it. But already hundreds of thousands of citizens are receiving notification that their plans are being cancelled because they don't comply with the new law, and, according to NBC News, the Obama administration has known for at least three years the cancellations were coming.

While campaigning for health care reform in 2009, Obama went out of his way to make one thing perfectly clear: if you like your current health care plan, you will be able to keep it.

On June 15, 2009, Obama said this: "We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.”

In 2012, he echoed that sentiment, saying, "“If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

However, many are finding that not to be the case. More than 300,000 cancellation notices have been sent out in Florida, according to Kaiser Health News, and another 180,000 in California. In New Jersey, the number of cancellations tops 800,000, the Star-Ledger reports.

According to NBC News, approximately 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million Americans who buy their health insurance individually should expect to receive a cancellation letter over the next year "because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law."

This could result in millions of Americans being forced to purchase different policies, potentially at higher premiums.

So how did the Obama administration know the cancellations would be coming?

The Affordable Care Act states that people who had health insurance prior to March 23, 2010 – the day President Obama signed the bill into law – will be able to keep those policies even if they don't meet the requirements of the new law. However, the Department of Health and Human Services tightened that provision, so that "if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered," NBC News reports.

Because the market for individual insurance experiences significant turnover, the insinuation is the Obama administration had to have known many policies "grandfathered" in would not qualify for the ACA. NBC News claims that the administration knew in 2010 that "more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them."

“This says that when they made the promise [that individuals could keep their plans], they knew half the people in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” Robert Laszewski of Health Policy and Strategy Associates told NBC News.

Monday, former Obama adviser David Axelrod said on MSNBC's Morning Joe that "most people are going to keep their own plan." When asked about Axelrod's admission of "most" as opposed to all, White House spokesman Jay Carney acknowledge that some individual's plans will be cancelled, but countered that the plans they switch to will be better and affordable.

"What the president said and what everybody said all along is that there are going to be changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act to create minimum standards of coverage," Carney said. "… So it's true that there are existing health-care plans on the individual market that don't meet those minimum standards and therefore do not qualify for the Affordable Care Act."

Actually, what the President said back in 2009 was "[the Affordable Care Act] is for people who aren’t happy with their current plan. If you like what you’re getting, keep it. Nobody is forcing you to shift."

Only now, some who like their plans are being forced, including Laszewski. According to NBC News, he has a so-called "Cadillac plan" – "the best health insurance policy you can buy," he said – but recently received notice in the mail that it was being cancelled."

I would say I'm surprised by this but why lie.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

what protections?

The GD site doesn't work and from what has been reported the prices are ridiculous. Congress passed a waiver and Obama signed it exempting them.

The site is not the only way to buy insurance.

It will be fixed in time.

The prices are not ridiculous. They are lower than plans with basic protection that were available on the individual market.

People telling you that they have double or triple the premiums.....are lying.

Oh really. My premium increased 76% for $168 a month

So, you don't know what your talking about since that is what you mostly do, not a revelation

This all sounds very ominous until you consider that the naturally high turnover rate associated with the individual market means that it's highly unlikely that individuals would still be enrolled in plans from 2010 in 2014. In fact, the Obama administration publicly admitted this when it issued the regulations in 2010, leading Republicans like Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY) to seize on the story in order to push for repeal of the grandfather regulations. Here is a story in The Hill from Sep. 22, 2010 pointing to this very same 40 to 67 percent range. [...]

The debate was widely covered in the press, so it's unclear what exactly the NBC investigation unit has uncovered.

Here Is What's Wrong With That Story About Obama Knowing That Your Health Care Policy Would Get Cancelled


Right we aren't even talking about the GRoup Market...we are talking about the individual market, try and stay on track.

Second, VERY few plans were grandfathered, MOST insurance companies simply complied with the Law and as such ALL of those plans were forced to be cancelled because of the ACA.



Right we aren't even talking about the GRoup Market...we are talking about the individual market, try and stay on track.

Second, VERY few plans were grandfathered, MOST insurance companies simply complied with the Law and as such ALL of those plans were forced to be cancelled because of the ACA.


The Group market has not begun its changes yet, Bammy gave them an extra year.

The plans affected right now are the individual plans......

Insurance companies could choose to have their plans grandfathered in for one year or comply immediately.

The policies bing cancelled now are those that chose to comply right away, the grandfathered plans will suffer the same fate NEXT December.

SO...the ACA has forced this mass cancellation because the plans became compliant just as the Law dictates.

In short, Obama knew this and lied about it.
This is stunning. Absolutely stunning. And the report is from NBC News! Please read this and see how your President lies to you.

Report: Obama administration knew millions wouldn't be able to keep insurance
By Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo News

"Before the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, President Obama promised Americans they could keep their healthcare plan if they liked it. But already hundreds of thousands of citizens are receiving notification that their plans are being cancelled because they don't comply with the new law, and, according to NBC News, the Obama administration has known for at least three years the cancellations were coming.

While campaigning for health care reform in 2009, Obama went out of his way to make one thing perfectly clear: if you like your current health care plan, you will be able to keep it.

On June 15, 2009, Obama said this: "We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.”

In 2012, he echoed that sentiment, saying, "“If [you] already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

However, many are finding that not to be the case. More than 300,000 cancellation notices have been sent out in Florida, according to Kaiser Health News, and another 180,000 in California. In New Jersey, the number of cancellations tops 800,000, the Star-Ledger reports.

According to NBC News, approximately 50 to 75 percent of the 14 million Americans who buy their health insurance individually should expect to receive a cancellation letter over the next year "because their existing policies don’t meet the standards mandated by the new health care law."

This could result in millions of Americans being forced to purchase different policies, potentially at higher premiums.

So how did the Obama administration know the cancellations would be coming?

The Affordable Care Act states that people who had health insurance prior to March 23, 2010 – the day President Obama signed the bill into law – will be able to keep those policies even if they don't meet the requirements of the new law. However, the Department of Health and Human Services tightened that provision, so that "if any part of a policy was significantly changed since that date -- the deductible, co-pay, or benefits, for example -- the policy would not be grandfathered," NBC News reports.

Because the market for individual insurance experiences significant turnover, the insinuation is the Obama administration had to have known many policies "grandfathered" in would not qualify for the ACA. NBC News claims that the administration knew in 2010 that "more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them."

“This says that when they made the promise [that individuals could keep their plans], they knew half the people in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” Robert Laszewski of Health Policy and Strategy Associates told NBC News.

Monday, former Obama adviser David Axelrod said on MSNBC's Morning Joe that "most people are going to keep their own plan." When asked about Axelrod's admission of "most" as opposed to all, White House spokesman Jay Carney acknowledge that some individual's plans will be cancelled, but countered that the plans they switch to will be better and affordable.

"What the president said and what everybody said all along is that there are going to be changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act to create minimum standards of coverage," Carney said. "… So it's true that there are existing health-care plans on the individual market that don't meet those minimum standards and therefore do not qualify for the Affordable Care Act."

Actually, what the President said back in 2009 was "[the Affordable Care Act] is for people who aren’t happy with their current plan. If you like what you’re getting, keep it. Nobody is forcing you to shift."

Only now, some who like their plans are being forced, including Laszewski. According to NBC News, he has a so-called "Cadillac plan" – "the best health insurance policy you can buy," he said – but recently received notice in the mail that it was being cancelled."

I'm not stunned or even mildly surprised.
PPACA has nothing to do with health care, health insurance, reducing the deficit or any of the other selling point Obama and his minions threw at us..
This is politics. And it is about Obama's legacy. Obama is a climber. An egocentric narcissist.
Holding this Obamacare law together is is ONLY focus. He has trotted around the country in full campaign mode touting his 'plan'..He has told one lie after another. The difference between an error and a lie is the former is due to lack of knowledge or an oversight. The latter is a willful act of conveying a message or claim that one knows is not true...
Ok, so why haven't millions lost their insurance yet?

It's hard to buy into right-wing propaganda at the moment. These are the same clowns that say only 9 people have signed up for Obamacare, when we're well over 500,000 at the moment even without the websites being functional.

Most insurance company enrollment periods run from October through the end of the year..
The bombs will be dropped over the next 8 weeks.
And now you will provide a factual link that backs up your claim of 500,000 enrolled.
Just because a person happens to actually get into the website, does not mean they have enrolled in the program.
Ok, so why haven't millions lost their insurance yet?

It's hard to buy into right-wing propaganda at the moment. These are the same clowns that say only 9 people have signed up for Obamacare, when we're well over 500,000 at the moment even without the websites being functional.

Most insurance company enrollment periods run from October through the end of the year..
The bombs will be dropped over the next 8 weeks.
And now you will provide a factual link that backs up your claim of 500,000 enrolled.
Just because a person happens to actually get into the website, does not mean they have enrolled in the program.

ALL non grandfathered plans die Dec 31st.
No lie, just the rational human's inability to foresee mindless Pub, and insurers', dishonesty and obstruction...

I'm not really sure why I'm asking....but why do you think NBC News is lying about the President? Any theories?

You do realize that NBC is owned by a major player in the military industrial complex and they give way, WAY more money to Republicans than Democrats, right?

The media in America is not liberal. It's all owned by Republicans.

MSNBC just happens to be the only space left where truth and facts come into play.

Nice fucking try...
That post and 50 cents gets you a senior coffee at Burger King...
I find it amusing when one of you flamers plays the "military industrial complex" card....
Stow it.
These are crap policies being cancelled btw...

Actually, many of them are decent policies; they just do not offer 100% coverage on all preventative care. Costs are being shifted in many cases. For some, the policies under the ACA will be cheaper, but for others they will be more expensive. While I do support the ACA and believe it is a step in the right direction, there need to be some changes.
Which is not the issue at all.

In order to sell this monstrosity, (and they barely managed to do that with the lies), they lied through their teeth to the American people in order to gin up the mediocre support they had.

To state that "If you like your current healthcare plan, you can keep your current healthcare plan. Period" and "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your doctor. Period" was a malicious and deliberate manipulation of the information given to the American people for the intent of passing a law that once enacted, would be nearly impossible to remove.

It provides unlimited power to the ruling class and a near guarantee of perpetual reelection.

If the media were honest and actually did the job they claim to exist for, they would be attacking this administration and this congress on an hourly basis demanding answers to why they lied to the American people.
The medical coverage should have been better at their place of employment.

HUH?....This ought to be funny.
Does it make sense to you for married couples, senior citizens who are still full time workers, people with certain medical conditions that prevent them from bearing children, to be FORCED to insure themselves for maternity, pre and post natal care?
Should men have to carry insurance for maladies that only affect women? And vice versa?
The medical coverage should have been better at their place of employment.

Compared to what?.. They were paying for what they need. Hence, the 62 year old woman didn't need maternity coverage lol

FYI NBC News took down the article earlier and they tweeted it was because of a "glitch"

Two paragraphs were changed from the original story:

Then they put up an editied version. It was only under pressure from outside NBC, the story was put back up in its entirety.
Here we have a poster in this thread claiming that the main stream media is not lib biased.
Meanwhile a news organization is making a decision as to what is news and which details to include and which ones to exclude. This, based solely on how the story affects the Obama admin.
These are crap policies being cancelled btw...

Actually, many of them are decent policies; they just do not offer 100% coverage on all preventative care. Costs are being shifted in many cases. For some, the policies under the ACA will be cheaper, but for others they will be more expensive. While I do support the ACA and believe it is a step in the right direction, there need to be some changes.

So we ALL won't be saving $2,500 per year?

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