Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

So now the meme is that if your insurance was less expensive before the ACA it was "junk insurance"? Where did that talking point come from?

Fact: People whose insurance covered their care before are now finding that it will be too expensive to use for what they need it for.

All that coverage for the extras means diddly if what the patient actually needs the insurance for now comes with too high of a deductible. People will be avoiding seeking medical care because they can't afford the out-of-pocket especially after they've payed the increased premiums. That defeats the point of insurance.
I heard it is because of some of the insurance doesn't meet the standards. So pretty much they're dropped and forced to go over to Obamacare.

Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

Subsidies? That's what this is about? Those who can buy insurance for next to nothing off the taxpayer dole?
Hey genius, shit coverage is still shit coverage. No matter who pays for it.
One of the biggest challenges PPACA faces is getting young and healthy people to participate. They will eschew insurance and pay the fines. It's cheaper. And many of these people can afford to pay for regular doctor visits for checkups and such, out of pocket.
Without this section of the population in the exchanges, all bets are off with regard to Obamacare being cheaper than present insurance policies...
Question. Why do you support Obamacare so strongly? Is there something in it for you?
Are you going to be one the people getting their coverage on the backs of the producers?

Right we aren't even talking about the GRoup Market...we are talking about the individual market, try and stay on track.

Second, VERY few plans were grandfathered, MOST insurance companies simply complied with the Law and as such ALL of those plans were forced to be cancelled because of the ACA.


The Group market has not begun its changes yet, Bammy gave them an extra year.

The plans affected right now are the individual plans......

Insurance companies could choose to have their plans grandfathered in for one year or comply immediately.

The policies bing cancelled now are those that chose to comply right away, the grandfathered plans will suffer the same fate NEXT December.

SO...the ACA has forced this mass cancellation because the plans became compliant just as the Law dictates.

In short, Obama knew this and lied about it.

Ah, ok.

Well, that's on the Prez, then, isn't it.
Research it for yourself above all. It's not ok to just say no, you're not buying it, ACA isn't going anywhere no matter how much it makes Cons/Teapartiers howl.

right, becasue now matter what, it must succeed? ..why? becasue it would be a Obama or dem failure? you even care that tp and cons are ont the only ones losing what they wanted or were happy with? If this things plays out the way it looks like it might, there can be as many 15 million folks ( or more) who lose a plan/doctors etc. that they are quite content with? do what? Help 20 , 25 million? is that it? YOU have been lied to as well you know, do you even care? at all?

[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]

We've waited too long for healthcare plans that would cover the millions who haven't had a chance. I'm tired of arguing with you all about it, it is here to stay. Lead, follow or get out of the way, nutters.

What in the hell does "the millions that haven't had a chance" mean? Everyone that is low income can apply for and receive Medicare. There are thousands of free city and county clinics where doctors volunteer their services for the indigent. Most even have free dental care. All they have to do is call on their free Obamaphone and make an appointment. Even those that are in this country illegally can go to the local hospital emergency room for free treatment.
I think I know who the 'nutter' is.
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right, becasue now matter what, it must succeed? ..why? becasue it would be a Obama or dem failure? you even care that tp and cons are ont the only ones losing what they wanted or were happy with? If this things plays out the way it looks like it might, there can be as many 15 million folks ( or more) who lose a plan/doctors etc. that they are quite content with? do what? Help 20 , 25 million? is that it? YOU have been lied to as well you know, do you even care? at all?

[MENTION=18645]Sarah G[/MENTION]

We've waited too long for healthcare plans that would cover the millions who haven't had a chance. I'm tired of arguing with you all about it, it is here to stay. Lead, follow or get out of the way, nutters.

What in the hell does "the millions that haven't had a chance" mean? Everyone that is low income can apply for and receive Medicare. There are thousands of free city and county clinics where doctors volunteer their services for the indigent. Most even have free dental care. All they have to do is call on their free Obamaphone and make an appointment. Even those that are in this country illegally can go to the local hospital emergency room for free treatment.
I think I know who the 'nutter' is.

That was the propaganda that the left used to get this crap going - so those MILLIONS of Americans that didn't have insurance could have coverage.

18 million. Less than 1% of the population. Yet we are destroying the most envied health care system in the world in order to "insure" these folks.

Don't let these jerk offs kid you. This isn't about "health care". It's about CONTROL.

Again, way back when, the United States government could put a man on the moon and bring him back safely. Now the damned government can't launch a website.
Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

Sure did

If Papa Obama wanted, he could change it easily to allow people to keep their programs

Obama Lied
Healthcare plans died
So now the meme is that if your insurance was less expensive before the ACA it was "junk insurance"? Where did that talking point come from?

Fact: People whose insurance covered their care before are now finding that it will be too expensive to use for what they need it for.

All that coverage for the extras means diddly if what the patient actually needs the insurance for now comes with too high of a deductible. People will be avoiding seeking medical care because they can't afford the out-of-pocket especially after they've payed the increased premiums. That defeats the point of insurance.

The primary purpose of Obamacare isn't to provide insurance. It's simply a way for the Dems to scare and control the population.
So now the meme is that if your insurance was less expensive before the ACA it was "junk insurance"? Where did that talking point come from?

Fact: People whose insurance covered their care before are now finding that it will be too expensive to use for what they need it for.

All that coverage for the extras means diddly if what the patient actually needs the insurance for now comes with too high of a deductible. People will be avoiding seeking medical care because they can't afford the out-of-pocket especially after they've payed the increased premiums. That defeats the point of insurance.

The primary purpose of Obamacare isn't to provide insurance. It's simply a way for the Dems to scare and control the population.

Indeed. Wait until next year when employers are forced to comply and begin kicking employees off their employer insurance by the tens of thousands.

You think America is pissed now? Just wait.

Frankly, I am thrilled to death about this crap. This will mark the end of the dems rule. Mark my word. You have to love democrats. They ALWAYS reach for a "bridge too far" and it bites them on the ass.

"Obamacare" will go down as the biggest joke in the history of America.
So now the meme is that if your insurance was less expensive before the ACA it was "junk insurance"? Where did that talking point come from?

Fact: People whose insurance covered their care before are now finding that it will be too expensive to use for what they need it for.

All that coverage for the extras means diddly if what the patient actually needs the insurance for now comes with too high of a deductible. People will be avoiding seeking medical care because they can't afford the out-of-pocket especially after they've payed the increased premiums. That defeats the point of insurance.

The primary purpose of Obamacare isn't to provide insurance. It's simply a way for the Dems to scare and control the population.

For left

they are perfectly content to prostrate themselves before the state

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