Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

These are crap policies being cancelled btw...

No, theyre not. They are policies that people are paying for out of pocket. Now O is kicking them aside.

In regards to the President's promise:

1. The people who are having to transition into policies that are equal to or better than the ones they have,

but are paying the same or less than they paid before, have no complaint.

2. Anyone who is being forced into less coverage for the same or more cost has a legitimate complaint. I seriously doubt any such people exist.

3. Anyone who is being forced into more expensive coverage in order to meet the new minimum standards of ACA has a legitimate complaint.

Anyone in categories 2 and 3 above should be allowed the grandfather option, however,

if insurance companies are canceling policies that could have been grandfathered, that's another matter. That should not be allowed.

(sigh) GRANDFATHERED policies only get a one year reprieve even they go away NEXT Dec 31st.
I don't get it. Why is this a surprise?

It is very basic and very simple.

Part of the ACA mandates that insurance companies offer in ALL policies certain benefits that many did not already offer.

Therefore, all of those plans with "deficiencies" would have to be eliminated and replaced.

You are fooling yourself if you do not believe that the President did not know this from day one.
In a nutshell....

Anyone can pass a law that eliminates pre existing conditions if they tout it as being less costly for all and no changes to all.

Anyone can pass a law that offers subsidies to those that cant afford insurance if it is touted to NOT be costly to anyone else.

So the talking points of "yeah, but now millions of people can now get insurance" and "those that are HIV positive can now get insurance" are meaningless.

A child can p[ass a law if he/she is able to lie about the effects on those that don't need the law.
The seeds of this ongoing Civil war in Iraq were sown within 6 months of the occupation.

Muslims will always try to put non-Muslims to the sword. They've been doing it for about 1200 years or so.

They have a lack of tolerance.

Sunnis are killing Shiites and Shiite are killing Sunnis.

So what. Why did we go into Iraq? There were several reasons. One was to free Shiites from their Sunni oppressors. Saddam was Sunni. Bani Saddar is Shiite.

The first group they went after once we left was Christians. Then they move onto apostates.

The same thing happened in the Sudan and is currently happening in Libya. Christian churches were being burned in Egypt.
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In a nutshell....

Anyone can pass a law that eliminates pre existing conditions if they tout it as being less costly for all and no changes to all.

Anyone can pass a law that offers subsidies to those that cant afford insurance if it is touted to NOT be costly to anyone else.

So the talking points of "yeah, but now millions of people can now get insurance" and "those that are HIV positive can now get insurance" are meaningless.

A child can p[ass a law if he/she is able to lie about the effects on those that don't need the law.

The gamble for the progressives is that they can fix enough of this mess to get people hooked on it by the 2014 congressional elections. Then they can say the "republicans are taking away your health coverage" until they are blue in the face.

The one thing they really need to hide, however, is the budget next year when all these subsidies kick in. If they take the form of a tax credit, then someone who used to pay $X amount in fed taxes will now pay $X-subsidized amount. Where are they going to make up this money without massive tax increases on those not being subsidized?
I heard it is because of some of the insurance doesn't meet the standards. So pretty much they're dropped and forced to go over to Obamacare.

Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

Irrelevant and immaterial. If I want to buy cheap insurance that covers my needs, it should be my choice to do so.

Nope, you can't. It's against the law.
Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

Irrelevant and immaterial. If I want to buy cheap insurance that covers my needs, it should be my choice to do so.

Nope, you can't. It's against the law.

No shit.

That's the point.

That's also a circular argument.
Nope, you can't. It's against the law.

No shit.

That's the point.

That's also a circular argument.

So they need to get to work on immigration and the farm bill. This is stupid, it isn't going to change anything. You lost, it hurts.

Let it go.

I didn't lose.

We all lost.

When it bites you in the ass just remember I told you so. They changed the law in 2010, after it was signed. That change caused all of the insurance companies to have to drop 1.6 million customers in the last month. 19 million will be effected and millions more later when company sponsored health plans fall under Obamacare next year.

Immigration doesn't need to be worked on. Not by these criminals. First they need to fix this mess, then they need to do something about our standing with our allies. Currently it's pretty piss poor. Nobody trusts us anymore. America is a joke.
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Why would anyone trust Obama with enforcement of a new Immigration Law? How has he done with the enforcement provisions of Obamacare?

With Obama it is all lies, b.s., and then more lies piled on top of the old lies. His 2nd term agenda is done. He has zero credibility remaining...even with most people of the left. No one believes him any more, nor should they.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

what protections?

The GD site doesn't work and from what has been reported the prices are ridiculous. Congress passed a waiver and Obama signed it exempting them.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

I gave you too much credit, integrity would demand that you man up and admit you were wrong.

I find it sad that you won't.
Nope, you can't. It's against the law.

No shit.

That's the point.

That's also a circular argument.

So they need to get to work on immigration and the farm bill. This is stupid, it isn't going to change anything. You lost, it hurts.

Let it go.

Actually, you lost.

The man you adamantly supported had to lie to you to get you to support his initiative.

Think about it....he appreciated your support SO MUCH that he had to lie to you to get you to support his initiative.

No, my dear. You lost. My candidate lost, true. But you personally lost.

You just refuse to see it.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

The part in bold.....

If they wanted it, they could have purchased it.

Obviously, they preferred to pay less to not have it.


Now they are being FORCED to pay for it...even if they don't want it.

And that is a good thing to you?

Either most people are stupid or I am smarter than most, but I knew Obama was a fucking liar the first time I saw him.

Name a president who isn't or wasn't.
It's one thing if a President makes a mistake and lies about how or why it happened, but Obama has deliberately set out to deceive the American people on virtually everything he has done. He's never had good intentions for this country and everyone knows it. Some (like the hacks on this site) will deny it, but anyone who reads their posts has to notice that they too despise the U.S.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

what protections?

The GD site doesn't work and from what has been reported the prices are ridiculous. Congress passed a waiver and Obama signed it exempting them.

The site is not the only way to buy insurance.

It will be fixed in time.

The prices are not ridiculous. They are lower than plans with basic protection that were available on the individual market.

People telling you that they have double or triple the premiums.....are lying.
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

I gave you too much credit, integrity would demand that you man up and admit you were wrong.

I find it sad that you won't.

What was I wrong about?
Hello nutters!

I am glad that I am not married to someone who takes every sentence I utter, interprets it in a way that they like, and uses it for years as a dagger with which to screw up our family life.

The President is guilty of overselling the idea that you can keep the plan you have. He did not mention that it meant the plan you have needs to be worth a shit. That is probably because he knows that dumb shits like you cannot think clearly when it comes to what he says.

That said....all the people who are crying about losing coverage.....are not losing coverage. They are getting some basic consumer protections.....which some will have to pay a little bit more for.

Will you ever get your heads around it? If you do, will you admit it? Or...will you keep repeating the bullshit because it feels good?

The part in bold.....

If they wanted it, they could have purchased it.

Obviously, they preferred to pay less to not have it.


Now they are being FORCED to pay for it...even if they don't want it.

And that is a good thing to you?


Yes....we are forcing people to get good insurance....or pay a penalty.

It is a good thing. Not as good as single payer.....but at least people are getting what they pay for.

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