Report: Obama Knew a Year Before ACA Became Law Millions Would Lose Insurance

The C'sucker lied knowingly, as he has many times, Fast & Furious, Benghazi, IRS,......

He once described his first speaking engagement thusly:" After speaking for about two minutes I stopped to catch a breath and after looking at the faces in the crowd, knew I had them eating out of my hand." He knows all he has to do is show his pearly whites and shortly thereafter he'll be hearing the sounds of his male and female followers experiencing orgasms.

As that old Third Reich Propagandameister, Joe Goebbels, used to say "If you tell a lie often enough, the people will believe you"

How did Liam Nieson, as the character Oskar Schindler in the movie "Schindler's List" describe himself "I don't make, design, or produce anything. I'm all about the panache'? Everything else seemingly is the product of the "Vacuous cypher, Valerie Jarret"
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If the original plan, the single-payer system, had been put into place from the beginning, we wouldn't have this mess.

But the big insurers have a bunch of bitches inside the Beltway who do whatever they are fucking told. In 2009 there were six health insurance lobbyists for every person in Congress. That's when the great health care reform took the wrong turn.

If Obama knew this and lied, then I will own that.

But I will not...will not...ever as long as I live support a for-profit health care system. The air I breathe and the water I drink ARE NOT something I can choose to have or not have, and we have to have a system in place to protect people's health for the common good, not for a bunch of corporations.

What about the food you eat there dippy? That has to be non-profit as well?

Yeah, a 10% profit margin is SOOOOOO Detrimental to the modern healthcare system....
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

I was about to give you some positive rep points then you had to blow it with your Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Besides, I refuse to rep anybody who wants Saddam back in power. Which you do.

How about Hitler? Want him back, too?

Stalin? Oh, hell yes. We ALL know you want him back.

Pol Pot? To you, Pol Pot was a left-leaning moderate.

I wanna be here when Castro dies so I can watch you break down into tears.

How about Mao? I'm sure you loved him. Just like Peter Lewis, the dimocrap billionaire who owns Progressive Insurance.

You dimocraps are all the same.... Dictator-worshiping dirtbags.

Maybe someday you can build an altar in your back yard to Saddam.

Blow your fucking legs off, leave them in Iraq and then read the headlines today, asshole:

Car bombs kill scores in Baghdad, in sign of crisis in Iraq

IRBIL, Iraq — Nearly two years after the U.S. troop withdrawal, Iraq is in the midst of a deepening security crisis as an al-Qaeda affiliate wages a relentless campaign of attacks, sending the death toll soaring to its highest level since 2008.
Car bombs kill scores in Iraq, in sign of growing strength of al-Qaeda affiliate ISIS - The Washington Post

You're the deranged one.
If the original plan, the single-payer system, had been put into place from the beginning, we wouldn't have this mess.

But the big insurers have a bunch of bitches inside the Beltway who do whatever they are fucking told. In 2009 there were six health insurance lobbyists for every person in Congress. That's when the great health care reform took the wrong turn.

If Obama knew this and lied, then I will own that.

But I will not...will not...ever as long as I live support a for-profit health care system. The air I breathe and the water I drink ARE NOT something I can choose to have or not have, and we have to have a system in place to protect people's health for the common good, not for a bunch of corporations.
Medicare and Medicaid have already done that. Obamacare isn't about protecting hc or reducing costs. Its about wealth transferal and Democrat control in Washington.
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

I was about to give you some positive rep points then you had to blow it with your Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Besides, I refuse to rep anybody who wants Saddam back in power. Which you do.

How about Hitler? Want him back, too?

Stalin? Oh, hell yes. We ALL know you want him back.

Pol Pot? To you, Pol Pot was a left-leaning moderate.

I wanna be here when Castro dies so I can watch you break down into tears.

How about Mao? I'm sure you loved him. Just like Peter Lewis, the dimocrap billionaire who owns Progressive Insurance.

You dimocraps are all the same.... Dictator-worshiping dirtbags.

Maybe someday you can build an altar in your back yard to Saddam.

Blow your fucking legs off, leave them in Iraq and then read the headlines today, asshole:

Car bombs kill scores in Baghdad, in sign of crisis in Iraq

IRBIL, Iraq — Nearly two years after the U.S. troop withdrawal, Iraq is in the midst of a deepening security crisis as an al-Qaeda affiliate wages a relentless campaign of attacks, sending the death toll soaring to its highest level since 2008.
Car bombs kill scores in Iraq, in sign of growing strength of al-Qaeda affiliate ISIS - The Washington Post

You're the deranged one.

So you really DO want Saddam back in power?

Figures :dunno:

BTW, I have a CIB -- And there's only one way to get one of those.

Don't even try to lecture me on the costs of War, bitch
I heard it is because of some of the insurance doesn't meet the standards. So pretty much they're dropped and forced to go over to Obamacare.

Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

As opposed to Bronze Policies with $15,000 deductibles, co pays, and 80/20 splits?
Ocare's policies are typically worse than what they are replacing.

But the real story here is, Why aren't you outraged that the president knowingly lied to get his program passed. Are you so used to men lying to you that you simply accept it as normal?
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

I was about to give you some positive rep points then you had to blow it with your Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Besides, I refuse to rep anybody who wants Saddam back in power. Which you do.

How about Hitler? Want him back, too?

Stalin? Oh, hell yes. We ALL know you want him back.

Pol Pot? To you, Pol Pot was a left-leaning moderate.

I wanna be here when Castro dies so I can watch you break down into tears.

How about Mao? I'm sure you loved him. Just like Peter Lewis, the dimocrap billionaire who owns Progressive Insurance.

You dimocraps are all the same.... Dictator-worshiping dirtbags.

Maybe someday you can build an altar in your back yard to Saddam.

Blow your fucking legs off, leave them in Iraq and then read the headlines today, asshole:

Car bombs kill scores in Baghdad, in sign of crisis in Iraq

IRBIL, Iraq — Nearly two years after the U.S. troop withdrawal, Iraq is in the midst of a deepening security crisis as an al-Qaeda affiliate wages a relentless campaign of attacks, sending the death toll soaring to its highest level since 2008.
Car bombs kill scores in Iraq, in sign of growing strength of al-Qaeda affiliate ISIS - The Washington Post

You're the deranged one.

Ask yourself why are the bombings taking place. Why did Bush have to stick around to clean up the mess but Obama leaves behind an even bigger mess and remains blameless.

Here's a clue: Ethnic and religious cleansing. Look it up.
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

I was about to give you some positive rep points then you had to blow it with your Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Besides, I refuse to rep anybody who wants Saddam back in power. Which you do.

How about Hitler? Want him back, too?

Stalin? Oh, hell yes. We ALL know you want him back.

Pol Pot? To you, Pol Pot was a left-leaning moderate.

I wanna be here when Castro dies so I can watch you break down into tears.

How about Mao? I'm sure you loved him. Just like Peter Lewis, the dimocrap billionaire who owns Progressive Insurance.

You dimocraps are all the same.... Dictator-worshiping dirtbags.

Maybe someday you can build an altar in your back yard to Saddam.

I was simply helping you see what integrity looks like by contrasting it with those who have none,

and reminding those who are still in denial about Bush's Iraq lies that they ought not consider themselves qualified to sanctimoniously throw stones at the current President
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

The major difference is Bush believed what the entire free world intelligence community was telling him as well as many leading Democrats.

Obama just plain lied in order to get reelected.
I heard it is because of some of the insurance doesn't meet the standards. So pretty much they're dropped and forced to go over to Obamacare.

Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

As opposed to Bronze Policies with $15,000 deductibles, co pays, and 80/20 splits?
Ocare's policies are typically worse than what they are replacing.

But the real story here is, Why aren't you outraged that the president knowingly lied to get his program passed. Are you so used to men lying to you that you simply accept it as normal?

It's a pathology, Rabbi.

They are so accustomed to lying themselves that they think it's no big deal.

I know people like them.... dimocraps to a man.... Every one of them.

You can't believe anything they say. Every word out of their mouths is a lie or couched in such a manner that you can't tell.

obama didn't get elected by accident. There are plenty of people out there just like him... Lying dirtbags who care NOTHING about anything but themselves.

We could present photographic evidence that obama is a spy for a Foreign government and got caught in the bathroom with a little boy with his pants down and he would STILL get 45% of the vote in a National Election.

Bill Clinton is an accused (probable) rapist and a KNOWN serial molester of women and he would win in 2016 -- Easily, if he were allowed to run again.

It's a sickness, Rabbi.

It isn't that dimocrap scum fucked up and elected a man with no morals. It isn't that they were duped into voting for him.

It isn't that they were tricked or fooled into voting dimocrap.

They KNOW who and what the dimocrap scum party stands for AND THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!

In fact, many of them cheer the dishonesty!

Think I'm kidding? You better think again.

We're talking Third World voters here, Rabbi.

Might as well be in Uganda
Yes, the cheap insurance is junk insurance, they don't cover people and the costs can be very high if they have to go to the hospital.

The very high cost insurance isn't taking subsidies that you are allowed into consideration.

Here is a link to a good consumer website. Fill in the form, they don't ask for personal info but will help answer questions for your own situation.

Health Law Helper ? Affordable Care Act Interactive Tool

As opposed to Bronze Policies with $15,000 deductibles, co pays, and 80/20 splits?
Ocare's policies are typically worse than what they are replacing.

But the real story here is, Why aren't you outraged that the president knowingly lied to get his program passed. Are you so used to men lying to you that you simply accept it as normal?

It's a pathology, Rabbi.

They are so accustomed to lying themselves that they think it's no big deal.

I know people like them.... dimocraps to a man.... Every one of them.

You can't believe anything they say. Every word out of their mouths is a lie or couched in such a manner that you can't tell.

obama didn't get elected by accident. There are plenty of people out there just like him... Lying dirtbags who care NOTHING about anything but themselves.

We could present photographic evidence that obama is a spy for a Foreign government and got caught in the bathroom with a little boy with his pants down and he would STILL get 45% of the vote in a National Election.

Bill Clinton is an accused (probable) rapist and a KNOWN serial molester of women and he would win in 2016 -- Easily, if he were allowed to run again.

It's a sickness, Rabbi.

It isn't that dimocrap scum fucked up and elected a man with no morals. It isn't that they were duped into voting for him.

It isn't that they were tricked or fooled into voting dimocrap.

They KNOW who and what the dimocrap scum party stands for AND THEY DON'T CARE!!!!!

In fact, many of them cheer the dishonesty!

Think I'm kidding? You better think again.

We're talking Third World voters here, Rabbi.

Might as well be in Uganda

You are correct. People project their own values on to those opposed to them.
So the Republicans are basically honorable people who play by the rules and they think the Dems are the same. Then they are astounded when Dems do things like leak their private emails (Harry Reid), or lie (Harry Reid on Romney's taxes), or turn around and accuse them of being mean (Ted Kennedy on Bush's prescription drug benefit and NCLB).
Dems otoh have no such scruples. So they are not disturbed when others lie to them.
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

The major difference is Bush believed what the entire free world intelligence community was telling him as well as many leading Democrats.

Obama just plain lied in order to get reelected.

No the difference is over 4000 Americans died because of Bush's lies. And tens of thousands were wounded.

The point is, just tell the truth about Bush and you won't have to be reminded by people like me that you didn't.

But back to the topic,

they should have let people grandfather any plan they wanted to into the post-ACA world,

or, made it clear to people which plans were simply unacceptable. Most of the cheap plans, pre-ACA, are a joke and a rip-off.
Dishonest and unaccountable government is what the left supports.

It makes it easier to be a liberal.
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

The major difference is Bush believed what the entire free world intelligence community was telling him as well as many leading Democrats.

Obama just plain lied in order to get reelected.

No the difference is over 4000 Americans died because of Bush's lies. And tens of thousands were wounded.

The point is, just tell the truth about Bush and you won't have to be reminded by people like me that you didn't.

But back to the topic,

they should have let people grandfather any plan they wanted to into the post-ACA world,

or, made it clear to people which plans were simply unacceptable. Most of the cheap plans, pre-ACA, are a joke and a rip-off.

Are you terminally stupid or constitutionally incapable of recognizing the truth? Every intelligence service believed what Bush said. Clinton believed it. Kerry believed it. Kennedy believed it.
Why would people want plans that were a joke or a rip off? Do you think people are as stupid as you are?
No lie, just the rational human's inability to foresee mindless Pub, and insurers', dishonesty and obstruction...

So what you're saying is the President is so incompetant that he couldn't figure out what was completely obvious from the beginning? And somehow that you need pretend that it's everyone elses fault.

Please God give this people wisdom.
Funny thing is, all of the ACA plans are even worse because of the price and the massive deductibles.

well, they are worse for YOU.

but they are better for insurance companies - and the benefit of those is what obamacare is all about.

you did not believe the lie that is is about helping the uninsured to get insurance, did you? ;)
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

The major difference is Bush believed what the entire free world intelligence community was telling him as well as many leading Democrats.

Obama just plain lied in order to get reelected.

No the difference is over 4000 Americans died because of Bush's lies. And tens of thousands were wounded.

The point is, just tell the truth about Bush and you won't have to be reminded by people like me that you didn't.

But back to the topic,

they should have let people grandfather any plan they wanted to into the post-ACA world,

or, made it clear to people which plans were simply unacceptable. Most of the cheap plans, pre-ACA, are a joke and a rip-off.

Replacing a cheap rip-off with an expensive rip-off?

You think that explains it?

Hey, go to with it. Lol.
Ok, so why haven't millions lost their insurance yet?

It's hard to buy into right-wing propaganda at the moment. These are the same clowns that say only 9 people have signed up for Obamacare, when we're well over 500,000 at the moment even without the websites being functional.

More have lost it than have enrolled in ACA..... it just started birdbrain... the report didn't say immediately lost their insurance.
No, the President did not tell the truth about grandfathering healthcare plans.

To deny that is comparable to denying that Bush lied us into Iraq.

The major difference is Bush believed what the entire free world intelligence community was telling him as well as many leading Democrats.

Obama just plain lied in order to get reelected.

they pretend they do not understand the difference.

as they pretend that tax incentives or cuts are the same as welfare cash handouts.

when caught in broad daylight on the lies - they just turn around and continue to lie.

leftards always lie. That is their MO.

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