Report: Russia Investigation Could Last At Least Another Year

Firing Comey to end the Russiagate investigation. Bigly bad move.
Thank you for the demonstration of how butt-hurt, hate-driven snowflakes who won't accept the outcome of elections defend criminal Democrats who hide Russian crimes, leak classified information, and illegally protect criminal Democrats like Hillary, Abedin, and Mills from prosecution.... 'Party Before Country' - the Snowflake way!
Thanks for the info. Obviously, I'm uninformed. Now, if you'll just provide a credible link where that Benghazi investigation came up with a single example of intentional wrong doing, I won't have to call you a lying piece of shit.

1. this is not the thread for that. Want that info / to discuss this - start another thread.

2. As you already know, this subject has been discussed at great length in a plethora of other threads in which many links proving all this was posted. Feel free to look them up, assuming you know how to work the 'search' feature on the board ... and assuming you aren't a lazy POS who like to be spoon-fed. (There is also this thing called 'Google'...)

3. Knowing this has been discussed at great length and knowing you were part of those discussions, which means you have already seen the evidence, that tells me you already know about / have seen the links and really don't give a I am not going to waste my time.

Merry Christmas, and have a nice day.
Thanks for the info. Obviously, I'm uninformed. Now, if you'll just provide a credible link where that Benghazi investigation came up with a single example of intentional wrong doing, I won't have to call you a lying piece of shit.

1. this is not the thread for that. Want that info / to discuss this - start another thread.

2. As you already know, this subject has been discussed at great length in a plethora of other threads in which many links proving all this was posted. Feel free to look them up, assuming you know how to work the 'search' feature on the board ... and assuming you aren't a lazy POS who like to be spoon-fed. (There is also this thing called 'Google'...)

3. Knowing this has been discussed at great length and knowing you were part of those discussions, which means you have already seen the evidence, that tells me you already know about / have seen the links and really don't give a I am not going to waste my time.

Merry Christmas, and have a nice day.

I was only responding to your claim. Yes, it's been discussed a lot, yet no one has been able to produce that credible proof I asked for. Why?
I was only responding to your claim. Yes, it's been discussed a lot, yet no one has been able to produce that credible proof I asked for. Why?
Bullshit. Because you deny it does not make it so. I personally produced a plethora of links doing just that. Feel free to search through my posts. Just because you say no one has done it, though, does not make that claim true.

ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ‘Dramatically Edited by Administration,’ and Scrubbed of Terror References

White House Lied About Editing Benghazi Talking Points | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

...snowflakes / Hillary / Democrats came running with excuses / justifications after this was exposed. SHE KNEW!
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I was only responding to your claim. Yes, it's been discussed a lot, yet no one has been able to produce that credible proof I asked for. Why?
Bullshit. Because you deny it does not make it so. I personally produced a plethora of links doing just that. Feel free to search through my posts. Just because you say no one has done it, though, does not make that claim true.

ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ‘Dramatically Edited by Administration,’ and Scrubbed of Terror References

White House Lied About Editing Benghazi Talking Points | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Rep. Jim Jordan vs. Hillary Clinton: Why Did You Tell Egyptians Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack But Not The American People?

...snowflakes / Hillary / Democrats came running with excuses / justifications after this was exposed. SHE KNEW!

Do you really think the outcome of a legitimate investigation is based on talking points? I;m not sure you know the answer to that question, but any sane person would be able to easily answer it.Since no intentional wrong doing as found, do you think Gowdy is in Hillary's pocket, or is he just incompetent?
Maybe the filthy, Illuminati Swamp Rat Mueller will ask to interview Julian Assange, ya know, the dude who actually know exactly who he obtained the DNC emails from that the Crooked Hillary Swamp Rat establishment calls "Russian meddling."
Maybe the filthy, Illuminati Swamp Rat Mueller will ask to interview Julian Assange, ya know, the dude who actually know exactly who he obtained the DNC emails from that the Crooked Hillary Swamp Rat establishment calls "Russian meddling."

You know Assange is in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and is too much of a coward to come here, don't you?
When Mueller reaches Ken Starr level of 7 years and 80 million dollars then all you Trump lemmings can start to complain.
In pursuit of justice and the truth, this investigation should continue for as long as it is necessary.

The thing is the Swamp Rat Mueller led investigation into who gave Wikileaks the DNC emails exposes the corruption of the Obama/Crooked Hillary FBI agents, democrats, the MSM and others who attacked our democracy. The hilarious thing is the MSM, democrats, etc., get all butthurt and attack anyone who exposes their corruption.
Hillary was protected. Hillary broke laws.

And Goudy caved to the Illuminati, or whoever you think was protecting Hillary? Is that what you think?
You do know that Gowdy and the committee he is on do not have prosecutorial powers. right?

Speaking of which, where the f* is Sessions? The 'Russia Interference' Investigation Wagon's wheels are coming off, CONFIRMED to be a partisan witch hunt, his FBI has just been exposed as a seditious bunch of criminals who have partisanly engaged in sedition, Conspiracy, etc.... and the US Attorney General is 'in hiding'. He's SUPPOSED to be the guy in charge of the FBI, overseeing all this evidence of crimes by various Democrats / the FBI, etc...and he is 'GONE'.

It makes me wonder WHAT 'THEY' HAVE ON HIM.
Hillary was protected. Hillary broke laws.

And Goudy caved to the Illuminati, or whoever you think was protecting Hillary? Is that what you think?
You do know that Gowdy and the committee he is on do not have prosecutorial powers. right?

Speaking of which, where the f* is Sessions? The 'Russia Interference' Investigation Wagon's wheels are coming off, CONFIRMED to be a partisan witch hunt, his FBI has just been exposed as a seditious bunch of criminals who have partisanly engaged in sedition, Conspiracy, etc.... and the US Attorney General is 'in hiding'. He's SUPPOSED to be the guy in charge of the FBI, overseeing all this evidence of crimes by various Democrats / the FBI, etc...and he is 'GONE'.

It makes me wonder WHAT 'THEY' HAVE ON HIM.

Did it matter if Goudy had no prosecutorial power? If he found no intentional wrongdoing, there as nothing to prosecute anyway. The only thing confirmed is Trump's inability to admit anything that he has done. He's like a little boy standing by a puddle of milk on the floor, and shouting "I didn't do it"
Did it matter if Goudy had no prosecutorial power?


You are wasting your time. This has already been discussed in GREAT detail in it's own separate thread. Every specific law / code Hillary violated was identified, and every aspect of how she violated each one was spelled out with links, quotes, facts, and evidence.

The 'myth / lie / excuse of how Hillary 'did not' do so was utterly and completely destroyed. Hillary broke numerous laws and is guilty as hell...undeniably. The fact that she has been protected from indictment, criminal charges, and prison is inconsequential to the fact that she did so.

Anyone who STILL attempts to claim Hillary broke no law in the face of so much undeniable evidence to the contrary is way past being merely a pro-Hillary, partisan extremist but is also a deliberate liar, willfully ignorant, and / or mentally unstable.
Speaking of which, where the f* is Sessions? The 'Russia Interference' Investigation Wagon's wheels are coming off, CONFIRMED to be a partisan witch hunt, his FBI has just been exposed as a seditious bunch of criminals who have partisanly engaged in sedition, Conspiracy, etc.... and the US Attorney General is 'in hiding'. He's SUPPOSED to be the guy in charge of the FBI, overseeing all this evidence of crimes by various Democrats / the FBI, etc...and he is 'GONE'.

It makes me wonder WHAT 'THEY' HAVE ON HIM.

What they have on him is "I don't want to get the shit-splatter of trump on my nice suit."

The poor man probably really wished he stayed in the Senate at this point.

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