Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Correct, otherwise meaning that if a consensus couldn't be reached on a bill that funds the wall and government, then of course the government can't run without a budget set for it to run, so off went the lights as the stand off between the demon-crats and the American people represented by Trump continues.
So you agree that by not signing the spending bill Drumpf not only shut down the government but he also warned everyone in advance that this was his intentions?
You want it to be Trump so bad that you can't stand it don't you ???? To bad so sad.
Its a foregone fact Drumpf shut down the government. Why would I want him to do that?
Trump and the Demon-crats shut down the government, but Trump told the weak and worried in the room that he would take the blame for it.... There I fixed it for you.
Thats funny. I dont remember Dems claiming they shut down the government. I only heard Drumpf do that.
They didn't have to say it, Trump said it for them. They were scared to buck their radicals.
Correct, otherwise meaning that if a consensus couldn't be reached on a bill that funds the wall and government, then of course the government can't run without a budget set for it to run, so off went the lights as the stand off between the demon-crats and the American people represented by Trump continues.
So you agree that by not signing the spending bill Drumpf not only shut down the government but he also warned everyone in advance that this was his intentions?
You want it to be Trump so bad that you can't stand it don't you ???? To bad so sad.
Its a foregone fact Drumpf shut down the government. Why would I want him to do that?

Well considering you need you EBT card refiled you wouldn't.
Just looked up what an EBT card is. So youre on welfare huh? I thought you said you had a job as a grass cutter?

LOL, you aren't cut out for this. I'm already in your head.
So you agree that by not signing the spending bill Drumpf not only shut down the government but he also warned everyone in advance that this was his intentions?

So Barry can shut the Gov to get what he wants but Trump can't?
How very enlightened of you.
I know you have difficulty reading but no said Drumpf couldnt shut down the government. I just pointed out that not only did he shut the government down he warned everyone on top of it.
He didn't do it alone duh.
Who else could have signed it in his stead? If the answer is no one then he did do it alone. He even admitted he did it alone. :rolleyes:
You getting nervous, because you are talking gobbly gook badly.
Now youre pretending you cant read huh? Thats not gong to make you look any better. Everyone, and I do mean everyone can see you have the discernment skills of a distracted baby.
So you agree that by not signing the spending bill Drumpf not only shut down the government but he also warned everyone in advance that this was his intentions?
You want it to be Trump so bad that you can't stand it don't you ???? To bad so sad.
Its a foregone fact Drumpf shut down the government. Why would I want him to do that?

Well considering you need you EBT card refiled you wouldn't.
Just looked up what an EBT card is. So youre on welfare huh? I thought you said you had a job as a grass cutter?

LOL, you aren't cut out for this. I'm already in your head.
True. Never been that type of person like you that uses EBT cards. Sorry. :rolleyes:
Wow, the thread has really been hijacked from Tlaib's disgraceful cursing tirade against Trump to now being accused of spewing anti-Semitic slurs / exposing herself as anti-Semitic in criticizing Republicans...

After the DNC's e-mails were hacked in 2016, exposing their racist / sexist / homophobic / anti-Semitic comments, Tlaib should fit right in with the rest of them...

Rashida Tlaib accused of anti-Semitic slur, days after profane anti-Trump tirade

"Tlaib, responding to a post by Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday, suggested that Senate Republicans were more loyal to Israel than the U.S., amid a report that GOP leaders were planning to introduce a bill that would punish companies that participate in the so-called "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" (BDS) global movement against Israel.

(BDS proponents seek to pressure Israel through economic and other means -- often, until Israel ceases to exist in its current form.)

"They forgot what country they represent," Tlaib, a Palestinian-American who made history last week by becoming one of the first two Muslim women to ever serve in Congress, wrote."

So the vulgar disrespectful Anti-Semitic Muslim PALESTINIAN-American who hates our President would like to see our ally, Israel, cease to exist...

While I support the right of businesses to boycott and engage in businesswe or not with whoever they want, that still does not take away that Tlaib just exposed herself as an Anti-Semitic Muslim troll who wants to see the complete destruction of our ally Israel, ceasing to exist as they currently do, much like her Anti-Semitic / terrorist 'kin' in Palestine....

....which, coincidentally, is where fellow brain-dead freshman Cortez thinks Israel is building settlements. :p
Bullshit is right. Iran bought a product. They didn’t get it. Therefore we owed them that money back. A change of government does not extinguish it.

Total lie.

The money was from a people who were destroyed. The government and people of the Persian Empire were overthrown and enslaved by the Islamic Regime.

It's like you would claim we owed the Nazis for monies owed to the Weimarch Republic. Stupid and evil.
is going to impeach the mother fucker!

Go dems go!

Rashida Tlaib calls Trump an expletive during pitch to impeach

Speaking to a crowd of supporters Thursday night, the Michigan Democrat and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress said of Trump: "People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won. Bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they don't, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”
I feel bad for the children being taught hatred toward a President by virtue signaling bigots and not Civics. Your views are abhorrent.
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I can hardly wait for the media and her party to call her out for her hateful rhetoric......but will NOT hold my breath waiting....and they complain about Trump....have to love these Muslim radical ABNORMALS!

The radicals took control of the House today. Far left anti-Trumpers and open Socialists are now in charge of the US House of Representatives.

Michigan Democrat Rashida Tlaib, an open Israel-hater, was sworn in on a Koran today.

And after her swearing in she immediately called on President Trump’s impeachment — the “mother f*cker”!!

The far left crowd LOVED IT and Cheered with delight!....What was that Nancy about DECORUM?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Give this freak a camera, and let her talk.

You can't buy advertising this good. Those suburban women are in for a rude awakening about the results of allowing themselves to be shamed into virtue signalling in the ballot box.

Rashida, celebrating a Boycott, Divestiture, Sanctions resolution against Israel:


Yet another example of the fear, ignorance, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right.

And further proof that conservatives have an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion.

The reprehensible right, indeed.
These people are calling for the overthrow of our form of government. It's more than simple change.
is going to impeach the mother fucker!

Go dems go!

Rashida Tlaib calls Trump an expletive during pitch to impeach

Speaking to a crowd of supporters Thursday night, the Michigan Democrat and one of the first Muslim women elected to Congress said of Trump: "People love you and you win. And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won. Bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they don't, because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the mother***er.'”

Way to make an impression!!

The democrat Party desperately needs adult supervision

Did her harsh language offend your little snowflake ears?
Fuck no!

I'm glad she's acting like that!

I'm glad Alexa Cortex is your party's leading luminary!

I'm glad fucking psychopath Pelosi is the Speaker

I'm glad you want to eliminate the Electoral College!

You guys and gals are fucking ta-riffic!!

I am glad of that also because watching your get triggered is fun as hell.
Yes! Absolutely! Watching conservatives get triggered is ‘fun as hell” that’s why ewe fall in the c category!
"Triggered" is a faggoty term coined by SJWs.
The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?
The gutter level of the guys these women were willing to vote says a lot about these women themselves.They appear to be low-information types, including the ones too stupid to realize that you don't get into that "submissive" thing unless you are doing it with billionaires who can give you jewels, mansions, and yachts in exchange, like in the movies.

They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?

So I am demeaning people if I criticize those who willfully choose to demean others and those who willfully accept demeaning behavior directed toward them?

Again, it was you who spoke of giving other adults some "freedom," as if you are someone entitled to give to, or withdraw freedom from another human being. And this sexual-submissive thing has permeated some parts of our society, and is even taught by some religious groups.You can't deny this. You can't be smoking that much dope.

You've essentially claimed that millions upon millions of white women are somehow tied to this.

You are so full of crap, they probably call you browneyes.

I don't recall saying anything about giving people freedom. Please support your claim.

And you are obsessed with the "sexual-submissive" thing. One has to wonder what you watch on your computer at night.
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Congressman Rashid Taliban is ugly as fuck, and stupid as fuck. No self respecting individual would have sex with her, so her implying a normal person would is total fantasy. Hey but the DNC make ugly ass, darkie losers wear bright red lipstick and heavy, clown-like make-up like they did with Donkey Face for the 60 Minutes interview with homosexual Cooper Anderson.
They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?
They appear to be......only from the lips of a left winger.

I am not even going to try and bother to explain to you the broad spectrum of voters and how a dumbass like you can, in no way, lump them together.

Submissive thing ?????

Don't bother trying to understand this one, she's off her rocker and lost in the radical extremes of fifth wave feminism.

Basically any woman who happens to prefer men who stand up for themselves is a "submissive" in these types lunacy. Women like this are exactly why so many women across the ages have been subjugated; you give them a little freedom and they go ballistic thinking they're Amazonian's who can enslave or kill all men. Trying to speak any sense to them would be like unleashing a pack of hyenas onto a dying gazelle and expecting them to use forks and napkins...

What a pile of BS. Everybody is standing up for themselves, who ever they are. But people who attempt to do it by demeaning others, instead of working together, working toward the same ideal for all, are reprehensible.

Coming from you...this is hysterical. I can't stop laughing.

All you've done is demean people who you don't agree with.

Are you insane or ADD ?

So I am demeaning people if I criticize those who willfully choose to demean others and those who willfully accept demeaning behavior directed toward them?

Again, it was you who spoke of giving other adults some "freedom," as if you are someone entitled to give to, or withdraw freedom from another human being. And this sexual-submissive thing has permeated some parts of our society, and is even taught by some religious groups.You can't deny this. You can't be smoking that much dope.

You've essentially claimed that millions upon millions of white women are somehow tied to this.

You are so full of crap, they probably call you browneyes.

I don't recall saying anything about giving people freedom. Please support your claim.

And you are obsessed with the "sexual-submissive" thing. One has to wonder what you watch on your computer at night.

Go back and read your own comment that begins: "Basically any woman who prefers men who stand up for themselves . . ." It's up there with the other quotes, if you can't recall saying anything about giving women freedom. I'd find it for you, but I have to work on an android tablet right now until my new laptop arrives, but it's all there in the quotes you listed.

And the cults have been indoctrinating girls into this "submissive" thing for a long time.Given the right-wing male obsession with sex, sexuality, teenage girls, and sexual domination, I'd say that you need to do some thinking.
Two groups are shuddering thanks to her, Democrats and Muslims. The press wants to sell tickets regardless of the subject. AOC is a new toy for the media as well, but she is just silly and harmless. This woman is vile and dangerous-she brings the REAL hatred out for people to get whipped up about. Hope Nancy can get her on a short leash.
Two groups are shuddering thanks to her, Democrats and Muslims. The press wants to sell tickets regardless of the subject. AOC is a new toy for the media as well, but she is just silly and harmless. This woman is vile and dangerous-she brings the REAL hatred out for people to get whipped up about. Hope Nancy can get her on a short leash.

In one sentence you say that AOC is "silly and harmless." In your very next sentence you say that she is "vile and dangerous."

You guys sound very fearful of this woman. She is there to put her foot down and kick some ass, and I damned well hope that she succeeds.
It would be interesting to hear what she thinks of the young Saudi woman in Thailand seeking asylum.

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