Reptile: Modern Deuteronomy


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture vignette inspired by the film Broadcast News.



The world of commerce was arrayed like a blank chess board, and the key players included America, the European Union, China (and Hong Kong!), and South Korea (and North Korea!). U.S. President Donald Trump, a capitalism-baron who decided to become a politician, called the array a giant 'play.' This was no game, however, since, the casualties of 'war' could surface from a competitive nuclear-war scenario (e.g., North Korea).


Community values were very important. The Republican Party was in control in Washington, D.C. (USA), and culture-clans and ethnic-groups across America were expressing their idealism regarding shared values in a modern commercial world (i.e., Facebook, Wall Street, etc.). Hollywood was making many Shakespearean films such as Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice, and the 'hot-word' seemed to be (at least) 'fashion.' When Woody Allen released his fame-sardonic film Celebrity (starring Leo DiCaprio and Kenneth Branagh), people started gossiping about the great 'theater of dolls.'


The world of media was generating much free-speech intrigue and graphic imagery content, and video games marketed to youth (particularly Mortal Kombat) reflected a new age interest in explicit language, physicality, and eccentricity. The Mortal Kombat warrior-avatar 'Reptile' was an agile and venomous combat-skilled assassin who signified a modern fascination with mobility and relentless ambition. Society critics writing for The New Yorker suggested that new media imagery represented a global interest in free-speech propaganda.


Amidst all this flurry of pedestrianism-oriented 'drama,' comic books became the new art form, and fantastic characters arrayed in vigilantism-oriented poses such as Captain America (Marvel Comics), Green Lantern (DC Comics), Wonder Woman (DC Comics), and Spider-Woman (Marvel Comics) signified a real focus on humanism flexibility. CNN journalist Christiane Ananpour commented on Twitter that 'TrumpUSA' would be obligated to embody this new age 'zoo aesthetic.' Steven Spielberg began work on a film (starring Tom Hanks) about the value of journalism in modern times.


The style or tone or phrasing (I'm not sure how to reference it) you wrote this in sounds like Frederick Lewis Allen. He wrote: Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920s, and Since Yesterday: The 1930s in America, September 3, 1929 to September 3, 1939. Good reads, your included.

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