repub requirements for work target low income people over 50...most who already work.

Once again the left offers a skewed version of what might happen without addressing what is happening. Fifty year old people are sleeping on the streets and in makeshift camps. What does the democrat leadership plan to do about today's freaking crisis?

The repubs want to reduce expenditures by targeting poor people....again. But they want to make the Tax Cut for the Rich permanent.
Thread title is a lie, linked article title is a lie, shocker there. Several more lies in the article until you get to the truth of what is actually proposed. People age 50 - 55 without dependents or disability will be required to take training, look for a job or perform community service. Oh the horror.
I am not going to lie, if Biden giving in to this is what gets the debt ceiling deal done, I am all for it.

How much debt is reasonable to stick our children with since 31 trillion doesn't make you blink? They get nothing for it, the're just paying our bills. So how much IS reasonable to do to them?
Republicans don't have the balls, or the integrity, to actually get rid of the welfare state. So they penalize its victims. Chickenshits, every one.
Republicans don't have the balls, or the integrity, to actually get rid of the welfare state. So they penalize its victims. Chickenshits, every one.

So the ones who are against that are chickenshits too? No, they aren't, think about it
Thread title is a lie, linked article title is a lie, shocker there. Several more lies in the article until you get to the truth of what is actually proposed. People age 50 - 55 without dependents or disability will be required to take training, look for a job or perform community service. Oh the horror.
Except there are already work requirements in most states.

The repubs want to reduce expenditures by targeting poor people....again. But they want to make the Tax Cut for the Rich permanent.
What is wrong with someone between 50-55 that is not disabled or caring for a disabled kid to work 20 hours a week? Hell, they should work more than that.

I'm mixed on the tax cuts but lean towards letting them expire for the rich.

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