Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

What does legal status have to do with driver's licenses that are supposed to be about safety?
What about a tourist who does not want citizenship, but just wants to be able to rent a car here and drive, for the years they are visiting?
Are you going to deny them a US driver's license while a legal resident because they are undocumented as far as citizenship?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

No, I meant they legally can and will drive on a Mexican driver's license if we do not issue.
If we do not issue them a US driver's license, then they have no local residency requirement, so their Mexican driver's license remain valid forever.

If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.
I would rather them not be in this country. If they cannot get a license they may not drive for fear of being pulled over and deported. Illegals should not be in our country period! End of story.

Yet, here they are. Here they have always been in greater or lesser numbers. And here, they drive, without licenses or insurance.

Not having a license won't stop them. Having a license will at least insure they know the basic rules.

Yep, illegals are all about following the rules...good one.

This is where common sense departs from the conservative brain. Just because someone doesn't follow rules in one context doesn't mean they don't in other contexts. A driver's license is not a "reward" for anything - it's simply a legal document saying you have passed the tests and requirements to drive in this country. Period.

You have two choices - don't issue it, and hope they don't drive (not going to happen) or issue it and improve the odds that they will be safer drivers. That is all this is about. Common sense.

I see, so if you rob a liquor store, chances are pretty slim that you'll rob a bank....certainly not the stupidest thing you've said but pretty damn close.

Common sense is now spiraling down into actual retardation.

According to your logic - if you jaywalk, the chances that you'll rob a bank are higher.

So in your mind jaywalking is almost the same as robbing a about retards.
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

People who come here, legally or illegally, spend thousands, so are not just going to take off.
And the facts are they drive better and commit fewer crimes, because they know they have to be on their best behavior if they want to stay.
Issuing driver's licenses does not ensure safety, but it makes them safer than if you do not issue licenses.

If they had no license to begin with, got caught, then their car gets towed, they get arrested, and reported to ICE. That's the way it should be.

I'm sure all you people ignored my link about the 80,000 illegals who were deported. All of them had a DUI charge or a DUI conviction. That's just one year.
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.
If they have a driver's license, they have had some drivers education and they can buy auto insurance which benefits everyone. The GOP's attempt to keep driver's licenses out of the hands of illegal immigrants is just plain stupid.

No, stupid is rewarding people for coming here and breaking our laws. Complain about American businesses hiring them, and then do what you can to make it easier to get to these jobs they're not supposed to have.

Issuing a driver's license is not a reward. They don't care. Only we care, because they it makes them safer.

I care. It gives them a legal US ID. They do not deserve one as they are illegal.

Using a state driver's license as a US ID is illegal.
By law, no US ID can ever be required except when returning across our borders, after taking a trip out.
Sure you can argue that, but you completely overlook the issue of public safety. As a driver - I would rather people be licensed to drive regardless of their citizenship status.
I would rather them not be in this country. If they cannot get a license they may not drive for fear of being pulled over and deported. Illegals should not be in our country period! End of story.

Yet, here they are. Here they have always been in greater or lesser numbers. And here, they drive, without licenses or insurance.

Not having a license won't stop them. Having a license will at least insure they know the basic rules.

You don't need a drivers license to know the basic rules. You can look that up on the internet or get a drivers manual from your local DMV. They all have them.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?
Unless you’re here legally such as a travel visa, work visa, green card, etc. you do not have the right to get a drivers license. Period. End of story.

I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

No, I meant they legally can and will drive on a Mexican driver's license if we do not issue.
If we do not issue them a US driver's license, then they have no local residency requirement, so their Mexican driver's license remain valid forever.

If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.

What are you talking about? This is about illegals driving on our roads. If they have a license from their country, what good would it do to give them one here if it's so legal?
I would rather them not be in this country. If they cannot get a license they may not drive for fear of being pulled over and deported. Illegals should not be in our country period! End of story.

Yet, here they are. Here they have always been in greater or lesser numbers. And here, they drive, without licenses or insurance.

Not having a license won't stop them. Having a license will at least insure they know the basic rules.

You don't need a drivers license to know the basic rules. You can look that up on the internet or get a drivers manual from your local DMV. They all have them.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

We issue them to Americans because Americans deserve the opportunity of that privilege. You want to give privileges to people that broke our laws by coming here in the first place.
I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

People who come here, legally or illegally, spend thousands, so are not just going to take off.
And the facts are they drive better and commit fewer crimes, because they know they have to be on their best behavior if they want to stay.
Issuing driver's licenses does not ensure safety, but it makes them safer than if you do not issue licenses.

If they had no license to begin with, got caught, then their car gets towed, they get arrested, and reported to ICE. That's the way it should be.

I'm sure all you people ignored my link about the 80,000 illegals who were deported. All of them had a DUI charge or a DUI conviction. That's just one year.

If they have a valid Mexican driver's license, local police can not touch them.
If ICE can prove they are illegal, then ICE can deport them, but local cops have no jurisdiction.

As for the 80k DUI deportings, that is a very low percentage considering there are 20 million illegals.
The reality is they are safer and less criminal than citizens.
I am not sure I see how rights have anything to do with it, because the POINT is the can and will drive anyway, so issuing them a driver's license just allows us to ensure they are better and safer drivers.

We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

No, I meant they legally can and will drive on a Mexican driver's license if we do not issue.
If we do not issue them a US driver's license, then they have no local residency requirement, so their Mexican driver's license remain valid forever.

If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.

What are you talking about? This is about illegals driving on our roads. If they have a license from their country, what good would it do to give them one here if it's so legal?

The advantage of them getting a license here is that they may not have been well tested in Mexico, or they may not be up on local state law peculiarities. You also want a local address on file so you can get a hold of them if there is a complaint or law suit.
We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

No, I meant they legally can and will drive on a Mexican driver's license if we do not issue.
If we do not issue them a US driver's license, then they have no local residency requirement, so their Mexican driver's license remain valid forever.

If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.

What are you talking about? This is about illegals driving on our roads. If they have a license from their country, what good would it do to give them one here if it's so legal?

The advantage of them getting a license here is that they may not have been well tested in Mexico, or they may not be up on local state law peculiarities. You also want a local address on file so you can get a hold of them if there is a complaint or law suit.

No, what I want is to make them as miserable as possible being here. I want them hiding in sewers and scared to death of getting caught here.

We on the right are doing everything we can to stop this terrible problem, and you on the left are doing everything you can to getting more of them in this country. And yes, making it comfortable and rewarding their criminal behavior is doing just that.
Yet, here they are. Here they have always been in greater or lesser numbers. And here, they drive, without licenses or insurance.

Not having a license won't stop them. Having a license will at least insure they know the basic rules.

You don't need a drivers license to know the basic rules. You can look that up on the internet or get a drivers manual from your local DMV. They all have them.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

We issue them to Americans because Americans deserve the opportunity of that privilege. You want to give privileges to people that broke our laws by coming here in the first place.

For driving to be a privilege, then you would have to ensure enough mass transit so that there would be no risk to survival.
And that is not really true. It is nearly impossible to survive without driving in this country. We need a whole lot more mass transit.
We can say that about our law breakers as well. Why should a judge suspend somebody's license if they are going to drive anyway? Maybe when they get out of jail is six or seven years for killing somebody driving drunk, just give them their licenses back. They're going to drive anyway, right???

If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

People who come here, legally or illegally, spend thousands, so are not just going to take off.
And the facts are they drive better and commit fewer crimes, because they know they have to be on their best behavior if they want to stay.
Issuing driver's licenses does not ensure safety, but it makes them safer than if you do not issue licenses.

If they had no license to begin with, got caught, then their car gets towed, they get arrested, and reported to ICE. That's the way it should be.

I'm sure all you people ignored my link about the 80,000 illegals who were deported. All of them had a DUI charge or a DUI conviction. That's just one year.

If they have a valid Mexican driver's license, local police can not touch them.
If ICE can prove they are illegal, then ICE can deport them, but local cops have no jurisdiction.

As for the 80k DUI deportings, that is a very low percentage considering there are 20 million illegals.
The reality is they are safer and less criminal than citizens.

Why don't you watch that video I posted, and then come back and tell me you want to see more like her. Because that's what you are advocating for. More dead Americans at the hands of illegals. They should not be driving at all..... period. If they want to drive, let them go back to their own country and drive there.

I hope when one of these illegals kill somebody in another state than issued their license, the family sues the state for a billion dollars and wins.
No, I meant they legally can and will drive on a Mexican driver's license if we do not issue.
If we do not issue them a US driver's license, then they have no local residency requirement, so their Mexican driver's license remain valid forever.

If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.

What are you talking about? This is about illegals driving on our roads. If they have a license from their country, what good would it do to give them one here if it's so legal?

The advantage of them getting a license here is that they may not have been well tested in Mexico, or they may not be up on local state law peculiarities. You also want a local address on file so you can get a hold of them if there is a complaint or law suit.

No, what I want is to make them as miserable as possible being here. I want them hiding in sewers and scared to death of getting caught here.

We on the right are doing everything we can to stop this terrible problem, and you on the left are doing everything you can to getting more of them in this country. And yes, making it comfortable and rewarding their criminal behavior is doing just that.

Traditionally the right is who brings in illegal immigrant workers.
Trump is unusual for the right because he is appealing to populists that did not used to exist.
You don't need a drivers license to know the basic rules. You can look that up on the internet or get a drivers manual from your local DMV. They all have them.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

We issue them to Americans because Americans deserve the opportunity of that privilege. You want to give privileges to people that broke our laws by coming here in the first place.

For driving to be a privilege, then you would have to ensure enough mass transit so that there would be no risk to survival.
And that is not really true. It is nearly impossible to survive without driving in this country. We need a whole lot more mass transit.

My mother never drove a car in her life. Neither did her parents. Now you're using the excuse of mass transportation? My mother did fine. When she wanted to go somewhere that she couldn't walk to, she got a cab. One of us drove her to where she needed to go. She walked to the bus stop.
If someone gets a license, they have to show they know how to drive safely and what the rules are. It's a beginning and at least adds a little bit to public safety. If people lose their licenses and drive anyway - that's another issue. If people are going to drive anyway without ever having gotten a license - they are more likely to be unsafe.

Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

People who come here, legally or illegally, spend thousands, so are not just going to take off.
And the facts are they drive better and commit fewer crimes, because they know they have to be on their best behavior if they want to stay.
Issuing driver's licenses does not ensure safety, but it makes them safer than if you do not issue licenses.

If they had no license to begin with, got caught, then their car gets towed, they get arrested, and reported to ICE. That's the way it should be.

I'm sure all you people ignored my link about the 80,000 illegals who were deported. All of them had a DUI charge or a DUI conviction. That's just one year.

If they have a valid Mexican driver's license, local police can not touch them.
If ICE can prove they are illegal, then ICE can deport them, but local cops have no jurisdiction.

As for the 80k DUI deportings, that is a very low percentage considering there are 20 million illegals.
The reality is they are safer and less criminal than citizens.

Why don't you watch that video I posted, and then come back and tell me you want to see more like her. Because that's what you are advocating for. More dead Americans at the hands of illegals. They should not be driving at all..... period. If they want to drive, let them go back to their own country and drive there.

I hope when one of these illegals kill somebody in another state than issued their license, the family sues the state for a billion dollars and wins.

I see no logic in that since illegals have better records than citizens.
If they're illegal, their license is not legally honored in this country. That may be true for a documented person.

Tell me, what other country in the world can you break into, and the government issue you a drivers license?

The US is required to always honor a Mexican driver's license by NAFTA.
Has nothing to do with immigration status.
And what you seem to be forgetting is that Mexicans are natives, not illegal immigrants.
To get to Mexico, they migrated down from the US.

What are you talking about? This is about illegals driving on our roads. If they have a license from their country, what good would it do to give them one here if it's so legal?

The advantage of them getting a license here is that they may not have been well tested in Mexico, or they may not be up on local state law peculiarities. You also want a local address on file so you can get a hold of them if there is a complaint or law suit.

No, what I want is to make them as miserable as possible being here. I want them hiding in sewers and scared to death of getting caught here.

We on the right are doing everything we can to stop this terrible problem, and you on the left are doing everything you can to getting more of them in this country. And yes, making it comfortable and rewarding their criminal behavior is doing just that.

Traditionally the right is who brings in illegal immigrant workers.
Trump is unusual for the right because he is appealing to populists that did not used to exist.

We always existed. Trump knew that. It's one of the reasons why he promised us a crackdown on illegals. It won him the presidency out of all the other candidates. We've always been here. It's just that the RNC and media both ignored us. Trump isn't, and that's why you're going to see five more years of him.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

We issue them to Americans because Americans deserve the opportunity of that privilege. You want to give privileges to people that broke our laws by coming here in the first place.

For driving to be a privilege, then you would have to ensure enough mass transit so that there would be no risk to survival.
And that is not really true. It is nearly impossible to survive without driving in this country. We need a whole lot more mass transit.

My mother never drove a car in her life. Neither did her parents. Now you're using the excuse of mass transportation? My mother did fine. When she wanted to go somewhere that she couldn't walk to, she got a cab. One of us drove her to where she needed to go. She walked to the bus stop.

About 10 years ago you could take a bus.
But they no longer bother with them enough to be practical anymore.
Safety is the most bogus argument to make in this case. Just because you have a drivers license doesn't mean you are going to drive safe. Do you suppose it's easier or harder for law enforcement to locate a driver that hit a pedestrian and took off if they are illegal? Of course not. They just pack their bags and get back to El Salvador and not worry about it.

I wish you people on the left were more honest. Just admit you want these illegals here and aim to make them being here illegally as comfortable as possible.

People who come here, legally or illegally, spend thousands, so are not just going to take off.
And the facts are they drive better and commit fewer crimes, because they know they have to be on their best behavior if they want to stay.
Issuing driver's licenses does not ensure safety, but it makes them safer than if you do not issue licenses.

If they had no license to begin with, got caught, then their car gets towed, they get arrested, and reported to ICE. That's the way it should be.

I'm sure all you people ignored my link about the 80,000 illegals who were deported. All of them had a DUI charge or a DUI conviction. That's just one year.

If they have a valid Mexican driver's license, local police can not touch them.
If ICE can prove they are illegal, then ICE can deport them, but local cops have no jurisdiction.

As for the 80k DUI deportings, that is a very low percentage considering there are 20 million illegals.
The reality is they are safer and less criminal than citizens.

Why don't you watch that video I posted, and then come back and tell me you want to see more like her. Because that's what you are advocating for. More dead Americans at the hands of illegals. They should not be driving at all..... period. If they want to drive, let them go back to their own country and drive there.

I hope when one of these illegals kill somebody in another state than issued their license, the family sues the state for a billion dollars and wins.

I see no logic in that since illegals have better records than citizens.

Then let me give you some logic: We can't stop an American from getting drunk and killing another American. That's because we don't have a crystal ball. But the last American that was murdered by an illegal could have been stopped. We had the control to save that American life.
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You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

We issue them to Americans because Americans deserve the opportunity of that privilege. You want to give privileges to people that broke our laws by coming here in the first place.

For driving to be a privilege, then you would have to ensure enough mass transit so that there would be no risk to survival.
And that is not really true. It is nearly impossible to survive without driving in this country. We need a whole lot more mass transit.

My mother never drove a car in her life. Neither did her parents. Now you're using the excuse of mass transportation? My mother did fine. When she wanted to go somewhere that she couldn't walk to, she got a cab. One of us drove her to where she needed to go. She walked to the bus stop.

About 10 years ago you could take a bus.
But they no longer bother with them enough to be practical anymore.

Good. So when an illegal can't get around, they'll go back home. That's what my position is on all this.
I would rather them not be in this country. If they cannot get a license they may not drive for fear of being pulled over and deported. Illegals should not be in our country period! End of story.

Yet, here they are. Here they have always been in greater or lesser numbers. And here, they drive, without licenses or insurance.

Not having a license won't stop them. Having a license will at least insure they know the basic rules.

You don't need a drivers license to know the basic rules. You can look that up on the internet or get a drivers manual from your local DMV. They all have them.
No, but you need to know the rules of road and be able to pass a driving test and eye test which are not near as easy as they once were to pass.

You're talking to a person that spent his life on the road. Don't tell me that drivers licenses make anybody a better driver. I see licensed drivers all day long. Again, these are cheap excuses for what you on the left really want, and that is these illegals in this country and comfortable as you can make them.

Then why bother issuing or requiring a driver's license from anyone, if they do not make people safer?

Because it is a way to test your vision and to garner more money out of you.

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