Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

They love public transportation any way so the DL fraud is mostly so they can commit other frauds in order to be more entrenched.

It's to make voter fraud more confusing to detect and harder to prosecute. If an illegal goes to the library (or wherever) to deliberately try and register to vote, he or she will get turned away. If they allow the person to register and they get caught, it's a criminal case.

If they automatically register you to vote while getting a drivers license, and a DMV worker registered an illegal, it's easy to claim it was an honest mistake. If the illegal gets caught voting, they can claim ignorance of the law. Their DL said they could vote, so they voted.

There is that danger. But mostly, in my mind is rewarding them for being here illegal and giving them something a Citizen takes for granted.

Exactly. They are not supposed to be living in this country. They are not supposed to be working in this country, but the left wants to make it easier for them to get to work by handing them a drivers license.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Illegals get no privileges. Couldn't be more straight forward, but PROGS don't think in straight lines, they think in circles.
All of which could be solved by kicking them out of the country, and preventing them coming here in the first place.

Your liberal friends here want to see you thrown in prison. If you highly suspect your maid is here illegally and not reporting her, then you sir are a criminal according to them.

Legally, you would be aiding and abetting a crime. Yes, catch them and kick them out. But you also want to remove the available jobs for them as well to remove the temptation. And how do we do this? Adhere to the LAW. You know, that funny little thing that you rtwingnutjobs think you are above when it suits you.

We're doing what we can by having business raids and arresting the illegals, but we can't force companies to obey the laws. Companies hire big time lawyers. If they get caught, let the lawyers handle it. The best way to stop them from getting hired is them not being here in the first place.

Are you saying that if the Employer is caught aiding and abetting that he should be ignored so that he can continue with the next batch after his first batch is arrested by ICE? The only thing that did was to encourage more to enter the US illegally because they have a ready made job waiting for them.

I never said that at all. I made reference to Floppers situation.

What happens is after a bust, the prosecutor has to prove to the court that the employer knowingly hired illegals, which is very difficult to do. It's hard to prove that the employer had knowledge of their legal status. If the prosecutor has no evidence to show the courts, it doesn't even make sense to prosecute it. Even in employers cases, they are innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like if a prosecutor had to prove you did not fear for your life or serious bodily harm if you used deadly force. How is a prosecutor supposed to prove what you were thinking at the time?

I may be incorrect by this, but I've never seen an industry get busted twice for hiring illegals. After the first time, they either quit practicing those hiring policies or made extra effort to make sure they were not hiring illegal aliens.

Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
I'm pretty sure our maid is undocumented. I certain would not want to see her deported. She is hard working, reliable, supports her 3 kids without any government assistance. I'm not saying all illegals in the country are like her but many are.

I believe the biggest problem posed by illegal immigrants is not they are stealing jobs from Americans, are committing serious crimes, or living off welfare. It's that they can not assimilate into society. They tend to keep to themselves out fear of being discovered, are often victims or crimes and don't report criminal activity. They don't vote, participate in civic activities, or report problems in the community to anyone so their neighborhoods are often the worst in the city. Most of their children are raised in poverty, have relative poor educations and add to Americans social problems as adults.

All of which could be solved by kicking them out of the country, and preventing them coming here in the first place.

Your liberal friends here want to see you thrown in prison. If you highly suspect your maid is here illegally and not reporting her, then you sir are a criminal according to them.

Always the liberals' fault, eh? Well, the business owners who hire the illegals never seem to get arrested, do they? one link below. Even trump was hiring illegals and might still be doing it. Maybe he should have himself arrested to serve as an example. Illegal immigration is just something trump decided to run on same has his pretending he's a christian, reads the bible, etc.
Hundreds Of Employees Were Arrested In An ICE Raid. The Bosses Went Home Without A Charge.

Trump has done ten times more than DumBama when it comes to policies to keep the illegals out, and they are working too. A 75% decrease in border crossings since last May. Now he's tackling the Birther Tourism problem, and also created policy to stop immigrants likely to end up on our welfare rolls from getting a green card of Visa.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios

We can't station troops at our border forever. And I never said they collect welfare, but their kids do. Trump can't stop that. Could you imagine even if he could, how the MSM would go nuts if some illegal immigrant kid would starve to death or not be treated at an emergency room? Look at all the grief the left gave him about kids dying at the border, and they did everything they could to save the kids.

A wall does the work of troops. But again, the Democrats are so hell bent against it because they would not be able to remove it once it's erected. Border walls and fences work everywhere they are tried. They will work here as well.

If you completed the entire wall, it would stop, maybe 10%. The other 90% would still be coming in through the legal entry points. I think the money would be better spent in getting the Courts to do a faster turn around in the Immigration courts. Put that money where it can be best spent. And get those Border Patrol off nanny duty and back on the border where they can do the most good. There is a reason Obama had a higher deportation rate. He had more boots on the ground and fewer boots baby sitting.
Legally, you would be aiding and abetting a crime. Yes, catch them and kick them out. But you also want to remove the available jobs for them as well to remove the temptation. And how do we do this? Adhere to the LAW. You know, that funny little thing that you rtwingnutjobs think you are above when it suits you.

We're doing what we can by having business raids and arresting the illegals, but we can't force companies to obey the laws. Companies hire big time lawyers. If they get caught, let the lawyers handle it. The best way to stop them from getting hired is them not being here in the first place.

Are you saying that if the Employer is caught aiding and abetting that he should be ignored so that he can continue with the next batch after his first batch is arrested by ICE? The only thing that did was to encourage more to enter the US illegally because they have a ready made job waiting for them.

I never said that at all. I made reference to Floppers situation.

What happens is after a bust, the prosecutor has to prove to the court that the employer knowingly hired illegals, which is very difficult to do. It's hard to prove that the employer had knowledge of their legal status. If the prosecutor has no evidence to show the courts, it doesn't even make sense to prosecute it. Even in employers cases, they are innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like if a prosecutor had to prove you did not fear for your life or serious bodily harm if you used deadly force. How is a prosecutor supposed to prove what you were thinking at the time?

I may be incorrect by this, but I've never seen an industry get busted twice for hiring illegals. After the first time, they either quit practicing those hiring policies or made extra effort to make sure they were not hiring illegal aliens.

Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Illegals get no privileges. Couldn't be more straight forward, but PROGS don't think in straight lines, they think in circles.

How about stopping this nonsense of labeling it Left. It makes you look like an idiot. Not all Left believe that Illegals should have employment, housing and Drivers Licenses.
All of which could be solved by kicking them out of the country, and preventing them coming here in the first place.

Your liberal friends here want to see you thrown in prison. If you highly suspect your maid is here illegally and not reporting her, then you sir are a criminal according to them.

Always the liberals' fault, eh? Well, the business owners who hire the illegals never seem to get arrested, do they? one link below. Even trump was hiring illegals and might still be doing it. Maybe he should have himself arrested to serve as an example. Illegal immigration is just something trump decided to run on same has his pretending he's a christian, reads the bible, etc.
Hundreds Of Employees Were Arrested In An ICE Raid. The Bosses Went Home Without A Charge.

Trump has done ten times more than DumBama when it comes to policies to keep the illegals out, and they are working too. A 75% decrease in border crossings since last May. Now he's tackling the Birther Tourism problem, and also created policy to stop immigrants likely to end up on our welfare rolls from getting a green card of Visa.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios

We can't station troops at our border forever. And I never said they collect welfare, but their kids do. Trump can't stop that. Could you imagine even if he could, how the MSM would go nuts if some illegal immigrant kid would starve to death or not be treated at an emergency room? Look at all the grief the left gave him about kids dying at the border, and they did everything they could to save the kids.

A wall does the work of troops. But again, the Democrats are so hell bent against it because they would not be able to remove it once it's erected. Border walls and fences work everywhere they are tried. They will work here as well.

If you completed the entire wall, it would stop, maybe 10%. The other 90% would still be coming in through the legal entry points. I think the money would be better spent in getting the Courts to do a faster turn around in the Immigration courts. Put that money where it can be best spent. And get those Border Patrol off nanny duty and back on the border where they can do the most good. There is a reason Obama had a higher deportation rate. He had more boots on the ground and fewer boots baby sitting.

I seriously doubt the wall will only stop 10%. It will stop at least 90% of those who are crossing our border to get in. Again, Trump is working on the other entrance problems, particularly Visa's and green cards. If he can get the Democrats out of his way in November, it will improve that much more quickly.
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Illegals get no privileges. Couldn't be more straight forward, but PROGS don't think in straight lines, they think in circles.

How about stopping this nonsense of labeling it Left. It makes you look like an idiot. Not all Left believe that Illegals should have employment, housing and Drivers Licenses.

Fair enough. Left calling.
Always the liberals' fault, eh? Well, the business owners who hire the illegals never seem to get arrested, do they? one link below. Even trump was hiring illegals and might still be doing it. Maybe he should have himself arrested to serve as an example. Illegal immigration is just something trump decided to run on same has his pretending he's a christian, reads the bible, etc.
Hundreds Of Employees Were Arrested In An ICE Raid. The Bosses Went Home Without A Charge.

Trump has done ten times more than DumBama when it comes to policies to keep the illegals out, and they are working too. A 75% decrease in border crossings since last May. Now he's tackling the Birther Tourism problem, and also created policy to stop immigrants likely to end up on our welfare rolls from getting a green card of Visa.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios

We can't station troops at our border forever. And I never said they collect welfare, but their kids do. Trump can't stop that. Could you imagine even if he could, how the MSM would go nuts if some illegal immigrant kid would starve to death or not be treated at an emergency room? Look at all the grief the left gave him about kids dying at the border, and they did everything they could to save the kids.

A wall does the work of troops. But again, the Democrats are so hell bent against it because they would not be able to remove it once it's erected. Border walls and fences work everywhere they are tried. They will work here as well.

If you completed the entire wall, it would stop, maybe 10%. The other 90% would still be coming in through the legal entry points. I think the money would be better spent in getting the Courts to do a faster turn around in the Immigration courts. Put that money where it can be best spent. And get those Border Patrol off nanny duty and back on the border where they can do the most good. There is a reason Obama had a higher deportation rate. He had more boots on the ground and fewer boots baby sitting.

I seriously doubt the wall will only stop 10%. It will stop at least 90% of those who are crossing our border to get in. Again, Trump is working on the other entrance problems, particularly Visa's and green cards. If he can get the Democrats out of his way in November, it will improve that much more quickly.

It's already been covered in here. The Bulk of the Illegals entered through the ports of entry and either had fake papers or just overstayed their Visas. Sounds to me like the overstay of the Visa should be the easiest to fix.
We're doing what we can by having business raids and arresting the illegals, but we can't force companies to obey the laws. Companies hire big time lawyers. If they get caught, let the lawyers handle it. The best way to stop them from getting hired is them not being here in the first place.

Are you saying that if the Employer is caught aiding and abetting that he should be ignored so that he can continue with the next batch after his first batch is arrested by ICE? The only thing that did was to encourage more to enter the US illegally because they have a ready made job waiting for them.

I never said that at all. I made reference to Floppers situation.

What happens is after a bust, the prosecutor has to prove to the court that the employer knowingly hired illegals, which is very difficult to do. It's hard to prove that the employer had knowledge of their legal status. If the prosecutor has no evidence to show the courts, it doesn't even make sense to prosecute it. Even in employers cases, they are innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like if a prosecutor had to prove you did not fear for your life or serious bodily harm if you used deadly force. How is a prosecutor supposed to prove what you were thinking at the time?

I may be incorrect by this, but I've never seen an industry get busted twice for hiring illegals. After the first time, they either quit practicing those hiring policies or made extra effort to make sure they were not hiring illegal aliens.

Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.

Not if they are in a sanctuary city or state. ICE has to be contacted which the Democrat strongholds refuse to do. In fact, they even warn illegals when ICE plans on raiding companies.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch
Breaking the law is breaking the law. It's about time they quit letting the Democrats reward law breakers
Are you saying that if the Employer is caught aiding and abetting that he should be ignored so that he can continue with the next batch after his first batch is arrested by ICE? The only thing that did was to encourage more to enter the US illegally because they have a ready made job waiting for them.

I never said that at all. I made reference to Floppers situation.

What happens is after a bust, the prosecutor has to prove to the court that the employer knowingly hired illegals, which is very difficult to do. It's hard to prove that the employer had knowledge of their legal status. If the prosecutor has no evidence to show the courts, it doesn't even make sense to prosecute it. Even in employers cases, they are innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like if a prosecutor had to prove you did not fear for your life or serious bodily harm if you used deadly force. How is a prosecutor supposed to prove what you were thinking at the time?

I may be incorrect by this, but I've never seen an industry get busted twice for hiring illegals. After the first time, they either quit practicing those hiring policies or made extra effort to make sure they were not hiring illegal aliens.

Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.

Not if they are in a sanctuary city or state. ICE has to be contacted which the Democrat strongholds refuse to do. In fact, they even warn illegals when ICE plans on raiding companies.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

You left out something. "Iawfully present aliens" is another way of saying DACA which is eligible for employment. DACA is not considered an Illegal Alien according to the Supreme Court. Try again, this time , find me something where a REAL Illegal Immigrant can sue if you don't hire them.
Trump has done ten times more than DumBama when it comes to policies to keep the illegals out, and they are working too. A 75% decrease in border crossings since last May. Now he's tackling the Birther Tourism problem, and also created policy to stop immigrants likely to end up on our welfare rolls from getting a green card of Visa.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios

We can't station troops at our border forever. And I never said they collect welfare, but their kids do. Trump can't stop that. Could you imagine even if he could, how the MSM would go nuts if some illegal immigrant kid would starve to death or not be treated at an emergency room? Look at all the grief the left gave him about kids dying at the border, and they did everything they could to save the kids.

A wall does the work of troops. But again, the Democrats are so hell bent against it because they would not be able to remove it once it's erected. Border walls and fences work everywhere they are tried. They will work here as well.

If you completed the entire wall, it would stop, maybe 10%. The other 90% would still be coming in through the legal entry points. I think the money would be better spent in getting the Courts to do a faster turn around in the Immigration courts. Put that money where it can be best spent. And get those Border Patrol off nanny duty and back on the border where they can do the most good. There is a reason Obama had a higher deportation rate. He had more boots on the ground and fewer boots baby sitting.

I seriously doubt the wall will only stop 10%. It will stop at least 90% of those who are crossing our border to get in. Again, Trump is working on the other entrance problems, particularly Visa's and green cards. If he can get the Democrats out of his way in November, it will improve that much more quickly.

It's already been covered in here. The Bulk of the Illegals entered through the ports of entry and either had fake papers or just overstayed their Visas. Sounds to me like the overstay of the Visa should be the easiest to fix.

There is no science on that. The only way to calculate how many people get in through the border is by the arrests made, but as we all know, that's only the arrests and there is no possible way to know how many made it through and got away with it.

With Visa's, it's easy to calculate how many didn't leave on expiration. They didn't turn their Visa's back in. It doesn't work that way on the border.
I never said that at all. I made reference to Floppers situation.

What happens is after a bust, the prosecutor has to prove to the court that the employer knowingly hired illegals, which is very difficult to do. It's hard to prove that the employer had knowledge of their legal status. If the prosecutor has no evidence to show the courts, it doesn't even make sense to prosecute it. Even in employers cases, they are innocent until proven guilty.

It's kind of like if a prosecutor had to prove you did not fear for your life or serious bodily harm if you used deadly force. How is a prosecutor supposed to prove what you were thinking at the time?

I may be incorrect by this, but I've never seen an industry get busted twice for hiring illegals. After the first time, they either quit practicing those hiring policies or made extra effort to make sure they were not hiring illegal aliens.

Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.

Not if they are in a sanctuary city or state. ICE has to be contacted which the Democrat strongholds refuse to do. In fact, they even warn illegals when ICE plans on raiding companies.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

You left out something. "Iawfully present aliens" is another way of saying DACA which is eligible for employment. DACA is not considered an Illegal Alien according to the Supreme Court. Try again, this time , find me something where a REAL Illegal Immigrant can sue if you don't hire them.

You mean you don't believe the Judicial Watch report? You didn't even read it. I can tell by how quickly you responded.
They love public transportation any way so the DL fraud is mostly so they can commit other frauds in order to be more entrenched.

It's to make voter fraud more confusing to detect and harder to prosecute. If an illegal goes to the library (or wherever) to deliberately try and register to vote, he or she will get turned away. If they allow the person to register and they get caught, it's a criminal case.

If they automatically register you to vote while getting a drivers license, and a DMV worker registered an illegal, it's easy to claim it was an honest mistake. If the illegal gets caught voting, they can claim ignorance of the law. Their DL said they could vote, so they voted.

There is that danger. But mostly, in my mind is rewarding them for being here illegal and giving them something a Citizen takes for granted.
But the citizen is the only one with that right. They didn’t forfeit it to a criminal. So there’s that
What does a Drivers License have to do with immigration?

It just makes sure drivers have the proper skills and training?

Illegals get no privileges. Couldn't be more straight forward, but PROGS don't think in straight lines, they think in circles.
Blenders, mix it all up and individualism blends in. Non violence no jail time unless they and only they say so.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios

We can't station troops at our border forever. And I never said they collect welfare, but their kids do. Trump can't stop that. Could you imagine even if he could, how the MSM would go nuts if some illegal immigrant kid would starve to death or not be treated at an emergency room? Look at all the grief the left gave him about kids dying at the border, and they did everything they could to save the kids.

A wall does the work of troops. But again, the Democrats are so hell bent against it because they would not be able to remove it once it's erected. Border walls and fences work everywhere they are tried. They will work here as well.

If you completed the entire wall, it would stop, maybe 10%. The other 90% would still be coming in through the legal entry points. I think the money would be better spent in getting the Courts to do a faster turn around in the Immigration courts. Put that money where it can be best spent. And get those Border Patrol off nanny duty and back on the border where they can do the most good. There is a reason Obama had a higher deportation rate. He had more boots on the ground and fewer boots baby sitting.

I seriously doubt the wall will only stop 10%. It will stop at least 90% of those who are crossing our border to get in. Again, Trump is working on the other entrance problems, particularly Visa's and green cards. If he can get the Democrats out of his way in November, it will improve that much more quickly.

It's already been covered in here. The Bulk of the Illegals entered through the ports of entry and either had fake papers or just overstayed their Visas. Sounds to me like the overstay of the Visa should be the easiest to fix.

There is no science on that. The only way to calculate how many people get in through the border is by the arrests made, but as we all know, that's only the arrests and there is no possible way to know how many made it through and got away with it.

With Visa's, it's easy to calculate how many didn't leave on expiration. They didn't turn their Visa's back in. It doesn't work that way on the border.

If the data doesn't jibe with your Orange Deities speeches then doubt the data. The Data is sound. Maybe not perfect but it's more perfect than just making up as you go and denying the data completely. Today, very few Mexican Nationals actually sneak into the US by way of illegal crossings outside the entry points. The majority of the crossings are from the countries south of mexico and most of those seek out the nearest Border Patrol and turn themselves in.

Of course, there are the Drug Smugglers. And even a 50 foot wall doesn't even slow them down. If they can't climb it, they just toss their packages over the wall and someone on the other side picks it up. Or they tunnel under the wall. '

Mexico has a shortage of workers right now in Central Mexico. Almost every qualified and able person coming up from the south are offered jobs. The Mexican National has very little reason to illegally cross these days. In the Industrial Areas, there aren't Drug Cartels since that would be very, very bad for business and the Uber Rich Mexicans will spend any amount of money to prevent that from happening. Don't judge all of Mexico by the Border regions. I have friends that live in central Mexico along the coast and there are no Drug Cartels or high crime in those areas. It's like condemning all of America for the high crime and drug neighborhoods in Chicago.

Most of the Mexican Nationals that re working illegally are repeat customers who get deported over and over again. Even the criminals are multi deported illegals. What draws them here? They have family here and can easily find work and have been doing it for nigh on 20 years or more. No wall is going to stop this type. Take away their ability to earn a living, make them hungry, cold, wet and Mexico will have jobs for them in a heart beat. But in order to deny them employment we have to bust the employers hard. No excuses, no exceptions unless the Employer is making an effort not to hire illegals.
Then we need an accurate DB system to draw from. The SS system should be a good one. Yes, I know, some jinx the system but most of the illegals don't. They get hired without a decent SS and the only way a employer can justify that is to know they are illegals. It's pretty simple. And if they discover later they are illegal, turn them over to ice. If the Employer is making the effort then you can't really prosecute him. But most don't even make the effort. They just reap the benefits. The system is there for them to prevent hiring illegals.

Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.

Not if they are in a sanctuary city or state. ICE has to be contacted which the Democrat strongholds refuse to do. In fact, they even warn illegals when ICE plans on raiding companies.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

You left out something. "Iawfully present aliens" is another way of saying DACA which is eligible for employment. DACA is not considered an Illegal Alien according to the Supreme Court. Try again, this time , find me something where a REAL Illegal Immigrant can sue if you don't hire them.

You mean you don't believe the Judicial Watch report? You didn't even read it. I can tell by how quickly you responded.

If YOU had read it, you would have read the "Lawful Present Aliens" in your own cite. YOU didn't read your own cite but I did. Now, how about coming up with a case of a real "Illegal Immigrant" that has successfully sued like that. DACA people are authorized to work in the US pending a resolve by Congress for the DACA.
Illegals can sue a company for discrimination if the employer doesn't hire them. So the onus is on them. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

And how can an Illegal do that if they have no right to employment? Yah, they are going to go into court in front of a judge and plea that case? ICE will be waiting in the hallway.

Not if they are in a sanctuary city or state. ICE has to be contacted which the Democrat strongholds refuse to do. In fact, they even warn illegals when ICE plans on raiding companies.

Court Rules Illegal Aliens Can Sue over “Discriminatory Employment Policy” Requiring Green Cards - Judicial Watch

You left out something. "Iawfully present aliens" is another way of saying DACA which is eligible for employment. DACA is not considered an Illegal Alien according to the Supreme Court. Try again, this time , find me something where a REAL Illegal Immigrant can sue if you don't hire them.

You mean you don't believe the Judicial Watch report? You didn't even read it. I can tell by how quickly you responded.

If YOU had read it, you would have read the "Lawful Present Aliens" in your own cite. YOU didn't read your own cite but I did. Now, how about coming up with a case of a real "Illegal Immigrant" that has successfully sued like that. DACA people are authorized to work in the US pending a resolve by Congress for the DACA.

Where did I state anybody successfully sued an employer? I only provided evidence that it is possible and supported by a court. While it may have never happened.....yet, it's something employers who are in a highly populated areas of immigrants have to take into consideration when they are deciding on hiring applicants they believe may not be legal in this country.

My point here is that it's wrong to place all the burden on the employer alone. They are in a bad situation.
Everywhere there are legal immigrants from the south, there are illegal immigrants among them. IF the Democrats are "pandering," they are pandering to the legal immigrants who are friends/relatives of the illegals that they will vote to treat decently. Of course they don't want to see them deported. You wouldn't either. The vast majority of illegals would never get close to a polling place. Too risky.

I do agree that registering to vote at the Dept. of Motor Vehicles when you go to renew your license or whatever is a stupid idea that should be discontinued. Go to your town office and register, providing proof of citizenship. Citizenship is not necessary for a DL; a green card will do.
I'm pretty sure our maid is undocumented. I certain would not want to see her deported. She is hard working, reliable, supports her 3 kids without any government assistance. I'm not saying all illegals in the country are like her but many are.

I believe the biggest problem posed by illegal immigrants is not they are stealing jobs from Americans, are committing serious crimes, or living off welfare. It's that they can not assimilate into society. They tend to keep to themselves out fear of being discovered, are often victims or crimes and don't report criminal activity. They don't vote, participate in civic activities, or report problems in the community to anyone so their neighborhoods are often the worst in the city. Most of their children are raised in poverty, have relative poor educations and add to Americans social problems as adults.

All of which could be solved by kicking them out of the country, and preventing them coming here in the first place.

Your liberal friends here want to see you thrown in prison. If you highly suspect your maid is here illegally and not reporting her, then you sir are a criminal according to them.

Always the liberals' fault, eh? Well, the business owners who hire the illegals never seem to get arrested, do they? one link below. Even trump was hiring illegals and might still be doing it. Maybe he should have himself arrested to serve as an example. Illegal immigration is just something trump decided to run on same has his pretending he's a christian, reads the bible, etc.
Hundreds Of Employees Were Arrested In An ICE Raid. The Bosses Went Home Without A Charge.

Trump has done ten times more than DumBama when it comes to policies to keep the illegals out, and they are working too. A 75% decrease in border crossings since last May. Now he's tackling the Birther Tourism problem, and also created policy to stop immigrants likely to end up on our welfare rolls from getting a green card of Visa.
If illegal immigrants end up receiving federal welfare, then it is Mr Trump's responsible to see that that does not happen because it is a violation federal law.

If you put enough troops, national guard, and border patrolmen on the border you can stop people from crossing the border illegally. That does not solve the illegal immigration problem by a long shot. The number in the US is practically the same as when Trump took office.

The fact remains, Obama did deport more people than Trump.
Trump isn't matching Obama deportation numbers - Axios
Was Obama's deportation numbers caused by his alledged racist ideology that he held as the president ? Otherwords get rid of those illegals in order to fill their jobs with black folks maybe ?? Was that his angle on deporting as many as he could ?? Just curious is all.

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