Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
You're uninformed. Most places REQUIRE a license to run that equipment or at the very least a trade school certificate.
Those are not the jobs the illegals are taking. They are taking the low and no skill job positions. Like fry cook and laborer

They are in all kinds of fields of different work. That's the problem.

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Like I said UNSKILLED jobs. And dunno why CITIZENS are included in that lol

Simply pointing out that they are not just in service and agriculture. And as the picture shows, they exceed Americans in holding some skilled jobs, which of course means lowering our wages.

My father is a bricklayer, and when the weather turned crappy, he went on unemployment for the winter season. One year he found out that they were in need of bricklayers in Florida, so he was going to go down there for the season instead. Then he found out they were making less than half of what he made up here. He was better of just going on unemployment. But they had a lot of foreigners down there willing to do the work for nothing.

We have a lot of that here in things like Housing Construction, Brick Laying, Cement, Carpet Laying, etc.. Just because a person is here illegally doesn't mean he doesn't already have a trade.

But it means they should not be working and should be deported back!

Oh, before what does that have to do with anything?

Read your response!

Easy answer. And I will use your response for it. The first step is to remove the JOBS they have to do. Then remove their Housing. And STOP issuing them Drivers Licenses because the really only have one direction and that's south to go. Now, those that don't take the hint, deport them as fast as the courts can process them. For those employers that still want to hire them, put them out of business either by fining, removing permits, or jail and allow honest employers to get those jobs.

Doing one without the others defeats the whole process.
Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
Good God,would you stop your incessant crybabying already....

Grow up, and stop wasting other people's time. Your mommy doesn't work here. If you are making an honest point, you will look up the info yourself. It's a simple principle. Gonna cry about it?
Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
Good God,would you stop your incessant crybabying already....

Grow up, and stop wasting other people's time. Your mommy doesn't work here. If you are making an honest point, you will look up the info yourself. It's a simple principle. Gonna cry about it?

Why must you insist on dragging someone mother into this conversation?

Is it because you are in the third grade and have flunked the third grade the last forty years?


Is it you want me to write something you can file a report on so you can say I was attacking you?

Also I did comment on the fact no other country issues drivers licenses to illegals, and yet you are focus on my mother instead and I wonder why?

Can you explain why you are derailing this thread?

Simple, you hate the reality that you are wrong when it come to issuing drivers licenses and you are most likely one of those that abuse illegals and prefer to keep them in the shadow and force them to work as slaves than send them home where they belong.

So in my opinion the Federal Government has the right to withhold tax dollars from States that issue a drivers license...
Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
Good God,would you stop your incessant crybabying already....

Grow up, and stop wasting other people's time. Your mommy doesn't work here. If you are making an honest point, you will look up the info yourself. It's a simple principle. Gonna cry about it?

You post that in response to anything you dislike or disagree with. It has become completely banal by now. You might have to go out and buy a second response, or actually start thinking. :lol: Just kidding, everyone knows you can't think.
Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
Good God,would you stop your incessant crybabying already....

Grow up, and stop wasting other people's time. Your mommy doesn't work here. If you are making an honest point, you will look up the info yourself. It's a simple principle. Gonna cry about it?

Why must you insist on dragging someone mother into this conversation?

Is it because you are in the third grade and have flunked the third grade the last forty years?


Is it you want me to write something you can file a report on so you can say I was attacking you?

Also I did comment on the fact no other country issues drivers licenses to illegals, and yet you are focus on my mother instead and I wonder why?

Can you explain why you are derailing this thread?

Simple, you hate the reality that you are wrong when it come to issuing drivers licenses and you are most likely one of those that abuse illegals and prefer to keep them in the shadow and force them to work as slaves than send them home where they belong.

So in my opinion the Federal Government has the right to withhold tax dollars from States that issue a drivers license...
Good God, stop your whining.
Why don't you make me boy?
Sorry, I made the mistake of talking-to you as if you were an adult. I had no idea you would roll up into the fetal position and start sucking your thumb. My apologies to your caretakers.

Wow, says the guy that wrote about someone mother in a thread.

The child is you with your childish taunts and attempting to get this thread thrown into the rubber room or badlands because you hate the subject, child!

Again, no other country offer illegals drivers licenses and yet you believe the U.S. should ignore Sanctuary Cities and States while also allowing illegals to drive with State issued licenses...

You do know most of those States that issues those licenses do not have those drivers there but instead those drivers leave that State and head to Texas and Florida while driving illegal in thos States, you do know this right?

Now why don't you grow up and stop acting like a sniveling little Bernie Sanders!
Good God,would you stop your incessant crybabying already....

Grow up, and stop wasting other people's time. Your mommy doesn't work here. If you are making an honest point, you will look up the info yourself. It's a simple principle. Gonna cry about it?

Why must you insist on dragging someone mother into this conversation?

Is it because you are in the third grade and have flunked the third grade the last forty years?


Is it you want me to write something you can file a report on so you can say I was attacking you?

Also I did comment on the fact no other country issues drivers licenses to illegals, and yet you are focus on my mother instead and I wonder why?

Can you explain why you are derailing this thread?

Simple, you hate the reality that you are wrong when it come to issuing drivers licenses and you are most likely one of those that abuse illegals and prefer to keep them in the shadow and force them to work as slaves than send them home where they belong.

So in my opinion the Federal Government has the right to withhold tax dollars from States that issue a drivers license...
Good God, stop your whining.

Again, who are you?

No one and telling the truth is whining, well you hate the truth so keep on being a joke...

Again, Federal Government should have the right to withhold federal funding if those like you are breaking Federal Law...
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You post that in response to anything you dislike or disagree with.
False. Whiny delusion. Damn, you people are grown men. Get your shit together.

Actually it is not false but factual and the only responses you can give is trolling and let me be clear your trolling is weak.

You have attempted to derail the conversation because you dislike it and why?

Simple, you know the Federal Government has the right to withhold Federal Funding if a States is not following Federal Guidelines.

So seeing Sanctuary States are issuing illegals Drivers Licenses then that mean the Federal Government can and should withhold Federal Funding when it come to the Highway system.

Let the Sanctuary States tax you more for fixing the roads you want illegals to drive on...
You post that in response to anything you dislike or disagree with.
False. Whiny delusion. Damn, you people are grown men. Get your shit together.

"cry baby!"

"fetal position!"

"when will you grow up?"

Careful yawning, you might drop your binky.

And yes, certain things are an instant "tell" that someone is not asking an honest question and plans to waste everyone's time with a rhetorical red herring. You, of course, agree, but your emotions are getting the best of you right now.
Actually it is not false
Actually, it is. And it is typical of the whining here when you goobers have little in the way of counterargument, except for vapid whining.

Wow, just cutting posts again to fit your spin and dodging the discussion as usual just because you are a troll.

Fact is the Federal Government has every right to withhold Federal Highway funding if a Sanctuary States is not following Federal Laws and Guidelines and yet you offer no counter argument except with trolling comments...
You keep screaming about the Left but take a good hard look at yourself right now.
Your comments keep getting dumber and dumber.

I have never hired nor even interviewed a fucking illegal. They can all pound sand. I have gone so far as to even report them.

Your comment is absurd
Because we are a capitalist country first and foremost and Sanders is a self described Socialist and contrary to his rhetoric there is nothing democratic about Socialism. Even mayor Pete and Bloomberg think Sanders is a whack job.
That's not compelling to me, sorry. These things are argued on data, not gut feelings and personal anecdotes, in a country of 300 million+.

You don't work in the business world, this is why your posts are crazy. If Bernie somehow wins the economy will tumble.

If Warren wins, much worse. Her promise is that her first day in the White House, she would sign an executive order to stop all fracking within the US. That means our fuel prices will eventually double, a lot of people out of work, and a recession on the horizon.

She won't win the nomination. She has become the fullback for Sanders. Attacking others so he looks better. Note how she rarely if ever attacks him.

Agreed, but nothing is over until the fat lady sings. She's still showing at the top so it's not really over.
You post that in response to anything you dislike or disagree with.
False. Whiny delusion. Damn, you people are grown men. Get your shit together.

"cry baby!"

"fetal position!"

"when will you grow up?"

Careful yawning, you might drop your binky.

And yes, certain things are an instant "tell" that someone is not asking an honest question and plans to waste everyone's time with a rhetorical red herring. You, of course, agree, but your emotions are getting the best of you right now.

No, it is not a waste of time when it is YOU and DRAGONLADY that are defending a State right when you forget the Federal Government has the right to withhold Federal Funding when a Sanctuary State does not follow Federal Laws and Guidelines.

So does Canada allow you to drive illegally in their country and do they issue illegals like you drivers licenses?
You put an illegal on a big piece of machinery and an accident happens YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BUSINESS in the subsequent lawsuits that come from every direction including your insurance carrier. In many states there are only a handful of companies that offer workmens compensation. You have an illegal make a claim against you and you will be rejected by all of them.

Most of these idiots writing about illegals running heavy equipment are clueless and have no idea what they are writing about.

The illegal is the one with a Mexican Backhoe License:


And not running heavy equipment...

You might think so but that's actually not fact. I've been a truck driver for over 25 years. More and more foreigners are coming here to take these jobs because Americans don't want to live on the road. In our company, when we need more tractor-trailer drivers, we promote from within. One of our guys take a straight truck driver out on the road, trains him, and get him licensed after he has enough practice.

I know what these guys had to go through to pass the Class A test. I can assure you that without a doubt, these foreigners that are driving trucks did not have to pass that test. They couldn't even come close to passing it.

At least once a year or more, some foreigner would come running up to my truck, and beg me to back their trailer in for him or her. I could understand if they were new, and it was a tough dock to get into. That does take an experienced driver. But the docks I'm talking about, an American could back a trailer into it almost blindfolded. These people never backed up a trailer in their life yet alone pass the test.
You put an illegal on a big piece of machinery and an accident happens YOU WILL LOSE YOUR BUSINESS in the subsequent lawsuits that come from every direction including your insurance carrier. In many states there are only a handful of companies that offer workmens compensation. You have an illegal make a claim against you and you will be rejected by all of them.

Most of these idiots writing about illegals running heavy equipment are clueless and have no idea what they are writing about.

The illegal is the one with a Mexican Backhoe License:


And not running heavy equipment...

You might think so but that's actually not fact. I've been a truck driver for over 25 years. More and more foreigners are coming here to take these jobs because Americans don't want to live on the road. In our company, when we need more tractor-trailer drivers, we promote from within. One of our guys take a straight truck driver out on the road, trains him, and get him licensed after he has enough practice.

I know what these guys had to go through to pass the Class A test. I can assure you that without a doubt, these foreigners that are driving trucks did not have to pass that test. They couldn't even come close to passing it.

At least once a year or more, some foreigner would come running up to my truck, and beg me to back their trailer in for him or her. I could understand if they were new, and it was a tough dock to get into. That does take an experienced driver. But the docks I'm talking about, an American could back a trailer into it almost blindfolded. These people never backed up a trailer in their life yet alone pass the test.

My comment was on construction and not eighteen wheeler driving but I understand what you are saying but how many of them were issued a CDL and are illegally here?

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