"Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

"Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%

Both Bushes had higher job approval ratings in the year before their re-election contests than Obama does now, helping explain why Obama has fared less well on the generic ballot in the year prior to the election year. George H.W. Bush's approval rating in July 1991 averaged 71%, while George W. Bush's July 2003 average was 60%. Obama's latest weekly average is 46%.

This could really hurt the President...
Independent registered voters are currently more likely to vote for the Republican candidate (44%) than for Obama (34%)

It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.
It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

True enough.

In much the same way that Obama voters in 2008 are now realizing that their candidates ideals do not match their own.
It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

True enough.

In much the same way that Obama voters in 2008 are now realizing that their candidates ideals do not match their own.

yep, that is why they would rather pick a "faceless" Republican over Obama and his clown administration.
"Republican Candidate" Extends Lead vs. Obama to 47% to 39%

Registered voters by a significant margin now say they are more likely to vote for the "Republican Party's candidate for president" than for President Barack Obama in the 2012 election, 47% to 39%

This could really hurt the President...
Independent registered voters are currently more likely to vote for the Republican candidate (44%) than for Obama (34%)

It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.
It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

True enough.

In much the same way that Obama voters in 2008 are now realizing that their candidates ideals do not match their own.

How so?

I voted for Obama to get us the hell out of Iraq, to change the focus of the GWOT to AQ and Bin Laden, and to start getting us out of Afghanistan.

He's 2/3 in my book so far.

I am less concerned with social issues then our insane Bush administration foreign policy.

It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.
It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Exactly...a dozen or more candidates and not one can.
It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Actually, if you read the question (see the chart), that is pretty much how it's worded....
You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Actually, if you read the question (see the chart), that is pretty much how it's worded....

No, that's not at all how the poll shakes out.

There is a big difference between "A Republican" vs. "Michelle Bachman".

I'll agree that the poll isn't exactly reassuring for the president, but it doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence in the Republican field either.

Though, this early in the game, that's not terribly surprising. I am more interested to see who emerges from the crop as the front runner. I doubt it will be Bachman and I think Romney is basically a concession of defeat as he is so droll (Personally, I think Romney would be the best of the group to lead the nation, I just doubt he can win his own primary or turn out voters in the general). I wonder if Huntsman is going to turn into a dark horse (like Clinton) or fade.

It certainly seems like Gingrich is done and I don't think Caine is going anywhere. Ron Paul is, well, Ron Paul.

The only person on the GOP side that scares me is Bachmann or Gingrich. I don't think either of them would be good for the nation. We could survive anyone else.
Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Actually, if you read the question (see the chart), that is pretty much how it's worded....

No, that's not at all how the poll shakes out.

There is a big difference between "A Republican" vs. "Michelle Bachman".

But there's not much difference between "the Republican candidate" and "ANY Republican candidate", which is what I thought you were looking for...

Personally, still way to early to gleen any meaning other than a declining interest in 0drama...
You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Exactly...a dozen or more candidates and not one can.

there are 15 officially 'declared' GOP candidates.
2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Newton Gingrich
Jon Huntsman
Gary Johnson
Fred Karger
Andy Martin
Thad McCotter
Jimmy McMillan
Tom Miller
Ron Paul
Tim Pawlenty
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Vern Wuensche

However, 'officially' a candidate doesn't equal 'has any real chance of getting far in the primaries. The bolded names above are the only ones that, IMHO, have a shot at getting anywhere in the primaries.
Then there should be some polls that show any named Republican beating Obama.

Exactly...a dozen or more candidates and not one can.

there are 15 officially 'declared' GOP candidates.
2012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Michele Bachmann
Herman Cain
Newton Gingrich
Jon Huntsman
Gary Johnson
Fred Karger
Andy Martin
Thad McCotter
Jimmy McMillan
Tom Miller
Ron Paul
Tim Pawlenty
Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Vern Wuensche

However, 'officially' a candidate doesn't equal 'has any real chance of getting far in the primaries. The bolded names above are the only ones that, IMHO, have a shot at getting anywhere in the primaries.

I think you'll be surprised at how much traction Michelle Bachmann gets. The social conservatives need a home, and she is their best bet.

As I said, Bachmann is being astute. She won't win the primary, but she might pick up a cabinet seat.

Probably smart, as she is running out of oxygen in Minnesota and a national campaign is only going to expose more of her wackiness and embarrass her constituents.

She was also smart enough to retain Ed Rollins. She came to play.

It is easy to pick an idelized candidate with no face. However once a face is attached many will realize that their ideals do not match the candidates.

You may have it backwards - the poll may be saying that people have gotten to the point where they prefer ANY republican to obama.

Yeah, "any Republican" shows courage and executive awareness.
Below is Michelle Bachmann showing courage and executive awareness as she hides behind a bush watching a Gay Rally. Very presidential!
Bachmann wouldn't even carry her home state versus Pawlenty who would carry his home state.
When push comes to shove, people will vote for a presidential candidate who posses a proven record of executive experience, particularly after the Obama experiment.

Bachmann observing a Gap Rally (click to enlarge)
I can see where that'd be true. According to an online poll he does better than Romney, Romney tied with Palin and got twice the votes as Bachmann. The problem is,,, he'd never get the GOP nomination. Even though Paul more or less set most of the ideals for the Tea Party, he still trails Bachmann and Palin amongst Republicans who lean towards the Tea Party,,,I guess he isn't pretty enough or maybe, not nuts enough (and I'm not saying Paul is nuts).
Of course it doesn't help that Paul seems to get snubbed by Republicans.

Paul Wins Independent Voters Poll

Chicago. At midnight last night, Whiteout Press, an independent news outlet, closed its online Republican Primary Presidential poll. The result was another overwhelming victory for Texas Congressman Ron Paul. While the online poll is non-scientific, it is a wide sampling of independent voters and independent leaning Republicans.

The Whiteout Press poll captured the votes of 842 nationwide respondents over the month of June 2011. Here are the final results:

Ron Paul – 57 percent

Herman Cain – 21

Fred Karger – 5

Gary Johnson – 2

Sarah Palin – 2

Mitt Romney – 2

Rick Santorum – 2

*Receiving 1 percent: Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, Tom Miller, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Rudy Giuliani, Paul Ryan

Ron Paul Wins Independent Voters Poll
I agree, Ron Paul will have a tough time winning the party nomination. But in Texas, he is leading the polls, and he is making gains in other early states. Of course, he has a long way to go. But Paul is a libertarian, and when it comes to economics he is about as anti government as you can get without being an anarcho-capitalist. I just wanted to point out that a large number of independents are for more of a radical change than people tend to think. I don't think it is fair to say they are always pro "moderate" candidates.

Yet the Tea Party is dropping in the polls.

Tea Party takes hit among independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

CNN Poll: Unfavorable view of Tea Party on the rise - CNN
I never said a large number of Independents were pro tea party. Ron Paul disagrees with the branch of the tea party that is pro-warfare state and more socially statist, which is why I suspect independents are dropping their support.
If only the Republicans can push through a constitutional amendment to allow the Generic Republican Bot 5000 to run.
If only the Republicans can push through a constitutional amendment to allow the Generic Republican Bot 5000 to run.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW-05IZsric]‪Eric Cartman (Awesomo)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Americans have always voted first and foremost on the economy, and rightly or wrongly, they hold whoever is president accountable. In 2012, they will rightly hold obama accountable. Unless something that is a real game changer happens between now and the election, I will be STUNNED if obama is re-elected. We had our historic first black resident, now we need to elect someone who knows what he's doing.

Suggesting that Obama was elected our of sympathy or need to make history completely ignores the reality of the mess the GOP had made of things for the past 8 years. Bush completely tarnished the GOP brand (to the point that it had to pull the "Tea Party" stunt).

Hogwash. Obama won for a number of reasons.

1. McCain had the exceptional bad luck to have the financial crisis occur two weeks before the election, when he was rapidly closing the gap with obama at the polls. The crisis, caused by (1) leftwing meddling in the housing market and (2) unjustifiably low interest rates implemented by the Fed, was none of Bush's doing, but the propaganda arm of the democrat party (aka the lib media) successfully laid it at the GOP doorstep.

2. Minorities overwhelmingly voted for obama, apparently because he was a minority. Even the asians, traditionally mostly in the GOP column, went 2/3 for obama.

3. The lib media dropped even the PRETENSE of neutrality, becoming 24/7 straight-forward obama cheerleaders. Even NBC (NBC!) had to remove Andrea Mitchell and one other anchor from the 2008 GOP convention, because of their exceptionally brazen bias.

4. If they know how to do ANYTHING, the obamanistas know political manipulation backwards and forwards. Eg, they were the first to recognize the importance of the new internet media, and the potential for using it to round up millions of uninformed and gullible young voters.

Obama wasn't elected because of his race.

:lmao: HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Obama is the ultimate leftwing wetdream - a black guy in white house. In a few years, with no applicable experience, little intellect, and a shady background, a guy who just a few years ago was an obscure illinois legislator became president. He was trotted out at the 2004 convention to be the "black guy who makes a speech", the lib media picked up on him, and has never got tired of hyping him. No ifs, obama is our first "affirmative action" president. Just IMAGINE if he had the exact same paltry background, but were white. Righ now, nobody outside of Illinois would ever have heard of him. :lol:
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And when Fox brings this up to a Democrat guest, they will claim that its just a poll,or a photo-shot of the day(however its phrased) and even tonight, Dumbass Lier Jaun Williams laffed at the poll....and isn't it odd when any poll shows Obama with a 10 point lead over any GOP candidate, they take it seriously?
Gallup is a right wing tool!


I don't put much stock in polls power of predicting much of anythin, except on election day. But, it's good to know, personally.

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