Republican Convention "We Built it Theme"

Aug 7, 2012
Isn't this theme confirming what the right says Obama said? Instead, shouldn't it be "You" in place of "We"? YOU Bulit this! (as in YOU the individual)

Repubs are arguing about something Obama didn't say but let's indulge them and say he did say what they contend.

(1) You didn't build that translates into Oth ers built it or We builit it.
(2) Holding a convention with that theme in a publically built convention hall which does go along with the theme they have of "We" Built It.
(3) So in essence by saying "we", they are agreeing in the collective sense of citizens and government together building something -- not an indivdual or an individual business but "others" or "we".

If I were a strategist I would turn this on them like they turned something Obama didn't mean on him.
Isn't this theme confirming what the right says Obama said? Instead, shouldn't it be "You" in place of "We"? YOU Bulit this! (as in YOU the individual)

Repubs are arguing about something Obama didn't say but let's indulge them and say he did say what they contend.

(1) You didn't build that translates into Oth ers built it or We builit it.
(2) Holding a convention with that theme in a publically built convention hall which does go along with the theme they have of "We" Built It.
(3) So in essence by saying "we", they are agreeing in the collective sense of citizens and government together building something -- not an indivdual or an individual business but "others" or "we".

If I were a strategist I would turn this on them like they turned something Obama didn't mean on him.

Voters are not the brightest bulbs, but they are smarter than that.
Republican Convention "We Built it Theme"
I never saw any conflict in this theme......if they were talking about the Republican Primary.....


That's right lefties, split hairs and play semantic games promoted by the tax exempt hypocrites, Media Matters.
Enjoy labor day everyone!



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