Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Then you're against students being FORCED to be vaccinated against polio etc before they can begin school. Got it.
If you're going to go down that road, you're not worth arguing with. Tell me if you can see the difference here:

1. Polio primarily attacked people under 5 years of age, and the vaccination was highly effective against people getting sick.
2. COVID primarily killed people who were elderly or who had co-morbidities such as diabetes, were grossly overweight, or had cardiovascular diseases and the vaccine not only didn't prevent people from getting the disease, but MAYBE made it less severe.

Please, take you time and think over it carefully. I'm sure you can do it. Don't let me down, but be careful, you already have a big strike against you.
95% of the population weren't forced into ANYTHING.
The government allowed and encouraged the hysteria surrounding COVID and vaccination. There was little reason for society to freak out and try to cancel people for not getting vaccinated if they were otherwise healthy. The government fed that hysteria.
You are the type of retard who is convinced that vaccines are bad for you despite scientific evidence that proves vaccines save lives, millions of them over the years including those for Covid.

You're a first class moron. Willfully ignorant.

Translation: "I'm scared to talk about my obsession with Trump's ass, or the actual subject of the thread, so I must throw out some bullshit to distract everybody".

... but MAYBE made it less severe.

Please, take you time and think over it carefully. I'm sure you can do it. Don't let me down, but be careful, you already have a big strike against you.

The government allowed and encouraged the hysteria surrounding COVID and vaccination. There was little reason for society to freak out and try to cancel people for not getting vaccinated if they were otherwise healthy. The government fed that hysteria.
No MAYBE about it. Millions of families were saved from the terror your kind would inflict on them.
Nobody held them down to get the jab. They had free will to refuse and go look for other jobs.

You ignorant gas lighters better understand that business and government set the rules not you.
No, business and government are run by the people. We elect representatives and buy or refuse to buy the product. Reality.
Stop lying. is pro vax. Lie again and I will ignore you. › news › breaking-leadingage-joins-call-for-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-all-healthcare-workers

BREAKING: LeadingAge joins call for COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all ...

Jul 26, 2021LeadingAge joined a list of at least 56 other professional healthcare groups that came out Monday morning in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers. is pro vax. Lie again and I will ignore you. › news › breaking-leadingage-joins-call-for-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-for-all-healthcare-workers

BREAKING: LeadingAge joins call for COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all ...

Jul 26, 2021LeadingAge joined a list of at least 56 other professional healthcare groups that came out Monday morning in favor of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all healthcare workers.
You're the liar. Firing an employee who refused the vaccine is force. Nap time for you.
No MAYBE about it. Millions of families were saved from the terror your kind would inflict on them.
Strike two. If you don't up your debate game, you're going to simply go the way of the dodo bird. I've stated that the vaccine didn't do much for young, healthy people because COVID primary killed the elderly or those with co-morbidities. Did you even bother to look up what that word means? Would you care to post here who COVID killed and for whom the disease was uncomfortable, but easily survived and who got natural immunity by surviving it?

You're making a bunch of emotional, unsupported statements that are not debate, they're just the flailing of someone who is backed into a rhetorical corner and is desperately trying to salvage some kind of dignity. And failing.
Did that MAL retard freak out & get the "jab"? Or how about his asseaters in Congress etc who all lined up for it? His Fox News lying goon squad. They "freak out" too?
What is a “MAL?”

The people who freaked out were libs making that personal decision for everyone else
It's mind boggeling how you idiots are against a vaccine that saves lives. The death rate from Covid has significantly dropped since the vaccines were approved. End of story.
As the virus mutates it gets weaker, also antibodies begin to form as well as herd immunity so vaccine or not the death rate would slow as time progresses. The Spanish flu had high death rates and began to slow after a year or two. If it hadn’t more would have died as no vaccine was available until 1938 and not widely available until 1945.

Not disputing that the vaccine saved lives but as viruses mutate and her immunity increase the number of deaths drops.
Nobody held them down to get the jab. They had free will to refuse and go look for other jobs.

You ignorant gas lighters better understand that business and government set the rules not you.
Yep, like I said, the government is authoritative, party doesn’t matter. Democrat or Republican. The thread was about Republicans being authoritarians and they are but they are no different than the Democrats.
If you're going to go down that road, you're not worth arguing with. Tell me if you can see the difference here:

1. Polio primarily attacked people under 5 years of age, and the vaccination was highly effective against people getting sick.
2. COVID primarily killed people who were elderly or who had co-morbidities such as diabetes, were grossly overweight, or had cardiovascular diseases and the vaccine not only didn't prevent people from getting the disease, but MAYBE made it less severe.

Please, take you time and think over it carefully. I'm sure you can do it. Don't let me down, but be careful, you already have a big strike against you.

The government allowed and encouraged the hysteria surrounding COVID and vaccination. There was little reason for society to freak out and try to cancel people for not getting vaccinated if they were otherwise healthy. The government fed that hysteria.

Completely different jabs. Only the ignorant think they are anywhere near the same.

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