Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

I can see you're going on ignore in short order.
You keep bringing up bullshit thats been discussed here ad nauseum.
And I will always tell you the truth. The vax was vetted and tested, and so very few suffered from it then compared to the clueless who did not get it and died. Maybe it was a way to clean the herd and repair the genetic pool: it seems to be working.
Here's the CREEPNG Marxism that has occurred throughout the 20th century that has led us to the madness we're in today. Explained, and precisely predicted, by Uncle Yuri....

NONE of this can be denied; it is ALL in our faces TODAY.
And many who took it are also pushing up daisies. What’s your point?
Your comments are silly. Fact check: Reports of adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines are unverified › 2022 › 02 › scicheck-latest-cdc-data-unvaccinated-adults-97-times-more-likely-to-die-from-covid-19-than-boosted-adults

Latest CDC Data: Unvaccinated Adults 97 Times More Likely to Die from ...

Feb 9, 2022As of early December, unvaccinated adults were about 97 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people who had received boosters, according to Centers for Disease
And I will always tell you the truth. The vax was vetted and tested, and so very few suffered from it then compared to the clueless who did not get it and died. Maybe it was a way to clean the herd and repair the genetic pool: it seems to be working.

Not gonna deal with yet another ill informed moron.
And you claiming to always tell the truth is laughable. You'd have to know the truth to tell it ya moron.
So tell me,why do the vaccinated keep getting covide and spreading it to others?
If you try and tell me thats not true you're off to ignore.
So now you do not believe companies should be able to set their own terms of employment? Strange than who should?
You idiots always have the same song and dance. Way back, if you didn't like twitter, create your own platform. If you don't like shithole blue cities, move. Coal miners, learn to code. Well things seem to be changing. Now, you ass-wipes don't like twitter...create your own platform. Disney doesn't like Florida...move to Puerto Rico.

Terms of employment were established when hired, not different every couple of months. You don't like the new rules...get a new job. Seems many did. Hospitals, as an example, that terminated those that didn't get vaccinated are now whining like the rest of you idiot liberals.
Democrats administer drugs and perform life changing genital mutilations on children without parental permission. They label parents "terrorists" for speaking out at school board meetings. Democrats refuse to prosecute violent felons. Kids are dying from fentenyl brought into the U.S. by criminals who illegally cross the border. The "green" anarchists sabotage law abiding citizens and corporations. Meanwhile the left thinks that republicans are too "authoritarian"? You gotta be kidding or brain damaged to believe this shit.

Or a Democrap.

But then, I guess that's the same thing that you just said.
You Trump asslickers did a fine job thinning your herd by convincing them not to get the vaccine.

Way to go, Ace.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Can't stop obsessing over Trump's ass.

He/she/it has got a raging hard on for Orange Man.

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

You can be a criminal for damn near anything the power fiefdom wants.
They are called LAWS.
They are there for a reason.
There is a reason that Progressive Socialists want the police defunded.
Only dumbasses, the same dumbasses aren't calling social workers, when they got robbed, they're calling police.
Trump and his cult wanted the same.

Trump's call to defund DOJ, FBI puts Senate, House GOP ...​

The Hill › homenews › 3936557-trumps-call...

Apr 6, 2023 — Former President Trump's call for Congress to defund the Department of Justice and the FBI in response to growing legal pressure creates a ...

Jim Jordan Wants to Defund the FBI and Dept. of Justice​

Rolling Stone › politics › politics-news

Apr 2, 2023 — Jim Jordan Is Cool With Defunding the Police — as Long as it's the FBI and DOJ. But just a couple months ago, the congressman said the U.S. " ...

I support the police. However, I also believe they need to reduce being tyrants to genuflect to.
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.
Projection or flibbertigibbet? Can't make up my mind this morning.... :laughing0301: Doesn't matter, though. We're gonna survive Biden and his inflicted Depression. And America shall prevail on account of our founders who graciously asked the Lord to bless their posterity, and he has and will when we call upon Him. Love, beautress
Many were. Either get it or lose your job. Aren't you aware of that?
So.....................Get another one.
Many people get fired for not wearing safety glasses or coming to work in sneakers.
How many people would be cut from the military, if they refused vaccines?
Especially ...................

Army Shots - Basic Training Vaccinations List​

USArmyBasic › About the Army

Our Army Shots List gives you a heads up on what vaccinations to expect when entering Basic Training, as well as throughout your Army career.

Current Status of Vaccines for Military Personnel - NCBI​

National Institutes of Health (.gov) › books › NBK220954

The Department of Defense (DoD) administers 17 different vaccines, as outlined in the Joint Instruction on Immunizations and Chemoprophylaxis (Secretaries ...

You said: "Seems a kind of semi-fascist sentiment."​

And exactly what do you have against peace on earth which Trump will deliver as the next POTUS who will keep the good Lord on our side as was our American ancestors' prayer to the Almighty for posterity? America allows freedom of religion to worship our Father in Heaven as we see fit. The Constitution honors human rights, and this one is in the First Amendment.
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