Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Yeah She was.
Perhaps if you worked somewhere other than Burger King you'd understand.
And of course with the dems shutting everything down getting another good job is almost impossible.
All you leftist are really showing your ass on this topic,perhaps if you had a job paying in the high six figures you'd understand.

Hey dumbass I live in a Rethugikkkon controlled state. As a matter of fact it is controlled by a super majority and this state shut down.
I do make 6 figures. Try harder, fail better!
Hey dumbass I live in a Rethugikkkon controlled state. As a matter of fact it is controlled by a super majority and this state shut down.
I do make 6 figures. Try harder, fail better!

Suuuure ya do.
And what state do you really live in?
Trust me,you dont want to trade photos of homes and'll lose.
Police, nurses, doctors and many others forced to take the jab or lose their job

Aldo is a moron.
There's been tons of examples of get the jab or lose your job.
I dont watch the MSM so maybe they dont report on them but we all know it's happened many times.
The military,pilots and nurses have been hit hard with this bullshit yet somehow Aldo hasn't seen it?
I call bullshit.

Rules For Radicals. It's their favorite book -- those few of them that can read.

When do you think they will ever actually realize that we see through what they're trying to do?

And what's that genius? Think hard & if you can't think of anything go back & stream a few minutes of Fox to be spoonfed by Tuck or Sean or Laura or Fox & Fiends.
Aldo is a moron.
There's been tons of examples of get the jab or lose your job.
I dont watch the MSM so maybe they dont report on them but we all know it's happened many times.
The military,pilots and nurses have been hit hard with this bullshit yet somehow Aldo hasn't seen it?
I call bullshit.
You Trump asslickers did a fine job thinning your herd by convincing them not to get the vaccine.

Way to go, Ace.
I was not forced to be vaccinated as were no other employees at my company. Therefore the government did NOT force any of the employees at Goodyear in Akron Ohio to be. Why are you lying?
Where did I lie, because your company didn’t require vaccines mean that Washington State University men’s football coach wasn’t fired. Health care workers were fired, so get your facts straight before you call anyone a liar.

Whether you got fired or not it is the government using its authorative powers.
Thank goodness the courts didn’t put up with the authoritative mandates.
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Aldo is a moron.
There's been tons of examples of get the jab or lose your job.
I dont watch the MSM so maybe they dont report on them but we all know it's happened many times.
The military,pilots and nurses have been hit hard with this bullshit yet somehow Aldo hasn't seen it?
I call bullshit.
If he never saw it it means he is a partisan nut job who doesn’t think for himself and feeds off the pablum of one of the two parties.
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Your business employers make the rules. The government you elect makes the rules. You as employees do not make the rules; your representatives (not you) make the rules. Don't like it? Tough to be you, and no sympathy for you.

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