Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

It isn’t the government’s business to force it’s citizens to get health care, to vaccinate or to punish businesses that disagree with the government’s politics.

Companies did that. My company did NOT have a policy to vacinate to remain employed. Therefore the government did NOT force companies to make there employees get vaccinated.
Stop lying.
No, willfully choose between the jab and a new job.

That's the same argument you told us dems when you argued against unions.

"If you don't like what your employer pays you, rather than strike, just quit and find a better job'.

Make up your gawddamn mind.

Weak sauce....
Maybe because you've never had a real job.
It can take years to find a good job and you gain seniority which gives you more benefits like vacation time and pay raises.
You expect people to start all over in a new position,assuming they can find one that doesnt require the jab,without as many benefits and at a lower pay scale. What if the person is in his or hers late 40's or 50's and has decades of time in that job? Do you really believe starting over at that age as a viable solution?
If so you're an idiot who never stayed at a job long enough to gain those benefits that only time can bring.
Companies did that. My company did NOT have a policy to vacinate to remain employed. Therefore the government did NOT force companies to make there employees get vaccinated.
Stop lying.
State of Washinton did force companies to have employees vaccinate, so yes government, as did the federal government on requiring people to vaccinate, like those in the military, also states required their own employees to vaccinate. It was wrong for Florida to go after Disney. I’m not into silly partisan overreach.

Quit lying!
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Weak sauce....
Maybe because you've never had a real job.
It can take years to find a good job and you gain seniority which gives you more benefits like vacation time and pay raises.
You expect people to start all over in a new position,assuming they can find one that doesnt require the jab,without as many benefits and at a lower pay scale. What if the person is in his or hers late 40's or 50's and has decades of time in that job? Do you really believe starting over at that age as a viable solution?
If so you're an idiot who never stayed at a job long enough to gain those benefits that only time can bring.

It appears that not only does John Edgar have slow horses he's slow witted as well.......
Sure does and you are all for authoritarian government, but only if it agrees with your agenda otherwise you are against it, just the Republicans, the two parties are both about authoritarian overreach. You keep proving my point.
I am all for civilization that protects us and our civil liberties. You don't get to shit in public, unless homeless, I guess. You can yell about trans or MTG or whatever. You have no point, Papa, because you have no center of how society should be organized.
It isn’t the government’s business to force it’s citizens to get health care, to vaccinate or to punish businesses that disagree with the government’s politics.

I was not forced to be vaccinated as were no other employees at my company. Therefore the government did NOT force any of the employees at Goodyear in Akron Ohio to be. Why are you lying?
I am all for civilization that protects us and our civil liberties. You don't get to shit in public, unless homeless, I guess. You can yell about trans or MTG or whatever. You have no point, Papa, because you have no center of how society should be organized.
And you do? That’s funny! You like to be told what to breathe, eat and think, got to love the two political parties, they make it easy for you to be a lemming. Like I said some rules are fine and good, then you have government overreach, like vaccines, abortions, they want excessive gun laws, laws against participation throphies, all just silly.

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