Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Republicans didn't shout tyranny when the air traffic controllers were fired by Reagan when they struck for higher wages.

fucking hypocrites, the lot of you.
Reagan was within his rights. They worked for him. The public supported him

Reagan’s reaction to the PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization) strike was widely portrayed as harsh — not only did Reagan fire the controllers, he banned the government from ever rehiring them. The “ban for life” was rescinded by the Clinton administration, but not until 12 years after the strike.
But the public solidly supported Reagan’s action. Fully 59% of Americans approved of the way he was handling the issue, according to a Gallup poll conducted a few days after he fired the controllers. A Harris survey at about the same time showed that by 51% to 40%, more said they were in sympathy with the Reagan administration than with the air traffic controllers. Several months later, in January 1982, 50% said that Reagan’s treatment of the air traffic controllers was “about right.”
In many ways, the public’s reaction was predictable. While labor unions had much more support in the early 1980s than they do today, Americans clearly drew the line against strikes by government workers in essential occupations — including air traffic controllers. In the Gallup poll, just 28% said air traffic controllers should be permitted to strike while 68% said they should not. Even among those in households with a union member, just 40% said the controllers should be allowed to strike.
This underscores one of the many differences between the long-ago strike by PATCO and today’s fight between public employee unions and the Wisconsin state government. Notably, PATCO launched its strike to win major concessions from the federal government in wages and benefits. Government workers in Wisconsin have agreed to Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed benefit cuts, but are protesting merely to maintain their right to collective bargaining — which would be curtailed under the proposed legislation.
Organized labor is in a much weaker position today than it was during the air traffic controllers’ strike. A recent Pew Research survey found that favorability of labor unions is at one of its lowest levels since 1985. Gallup’s seven-decade track on public approval of labor unions has found a similar trend.
Moreover, the Wisconsin dispute is coming at a time when financially stressed state governments are seeking to roll back the benefits of state government workers. The Pew Research poll found that only about half (47%) favor decreasing pensions for government workers to balance their state’s budget. Yet that option is much more palatable than either cuts in program funding or increased taxes.
Even so, it is not clear whether the public nationally will support Wisconsin Republicans’ efforts to prevent government workers from unionizing. In the Pew Research survey, which was conducted before the Wisconsin protests drew national headlines, people were asked for their reaction when they hear of a disagreement between a labor union and a state or local government: 44% say that when they hear of such a dispute they side with the unions while 38% say they side with the governments.


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From your link:

"In striking, the union violated 5 U.S.C. (Supp. III 1956) 118p (now 5 U.S.C. § 7311), which prohibits strikes by federal government employees."

I guess you simply cannot read.

Fine, but in general, you guys on the right told me that rather than join a union, if you want more pay and the boss won't pay it, just quit and find a better job.

You didn't call that tyranny.

So if you boss requires a jab and you don't want it, quit and find a better job.

But that is tyranny.

Make up your fucking mind.

Funny how so many read your posts and assume you are a foreigner

I didnt elect biden

Blame that on trump haters

"Rumpole of the bailey" is a fictional character whose personnage I admire and who I adopted for my amusement.

It doesn't matter who we are or where we come from, everyone posts anonymously on internet forums.

All that matters is the argument.
Fine, but in general, you guys on the right told me that rather than join a union, if you want more pay and the boss won't pay it, just quit and find a better job.

You didn't call that tyranny.

So if you boss requires a jab and you don't want it, quit and find a better job.

But that is tyranny.

Make up your fucking mind.
No one ever said that. You cannot provide proof that anyone did. You simply make shit up to fit your beliefs.
Fine, but in general, you guys on the right told me that rather than join a union, if you want more pay and the boss won't pay it, just quit and find a better job.
The PATCO strikers didnt quit and find another job

They wanted to hold America hostage till their demands were met
BIG and little mistakes are being made Now, and have been made in the past. By All POLITICAL PARTYS & ADMISTRATIONS.
IF we ever get honest and admit that, Maybe WE could have a shot at a UNITED states of America.
Nope, you had free will to make a choice. You can't have it both ways.
I’m not having it both ways, and that is authoritarian, like having to buy health insurancs or be fined. Going after Disney was also authoritarian, now Disney could have just shut down and moved. Telling churches they could not hold service is authoritarian. Bth sides of the aisle are this way, you are biased and don’t want to see it.
Yep, laws are authoritarian. No one forced anyone by law to get vaxxed. No one held you down a la MAGA style and stuck you.

Any vax deaths are several 1/1000ths of the stupid anti-vax deaths. Look it up. Don't want to: suck it up. :)
Force would be making it illegal to refuse, but the mandate gives a choice.

But you all on the right told us on the left that there is no need to join a union because if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find a new job.

You told us that that is the 'free market', free will to choose, the opposite of tyranny.

If that is true, and you all have told me that it is true, then you can quit and find a new job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You can't have it both ways.
Lose a means of income or not, great choice, Disney could have moved so they had a choice, right? Not in my book, DeSantis was wrong and shutting churches down during the pandemic was authoritarian as well. Have health insurance or get fined, again, not a real choice. The government forcing businesses to make their employees take the vaccine was again, authoritarian. I see both sides butting into personal lives that they have no business in. A business making a choice is fine the government forcing you is authoritarian. Some laws are necessary and are fine but government like to take it to far.
Democrats administer drugs and perform life changing genital mutilations on children without parental permission. They label parents "terrorists" for speaking out at school board meetings. Democrats refuse to prosecute violent felons. Kids are dying from fentenyl brought into the U.S. by criminals who illegally cross the border. The "green" anarchists sabotage law abiding citizens and corporations. Meanwhile the left thinks that republicans are too "authoritarian"? You gotta be kidding or brain damaged to believe this shit.
Y'all on the right told us on the left that we don't need to join a union because if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find a new job.

That being true, then you can quit and find a new job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You told us that that is the 'free market', free will to choose, the opposite of tyranny.

You can't have it both ways,


The DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS MANDATED that vaccines be forced upon the people. THAT is the essence of fascism, moron.

Even the NAZI's had vaccine passports.
LIfe is full of rules, Papa, personal and private and professional and public. You are not exempt.
I never said otherwise, like I said, some are good but too many are just over the top, if you complain of one party and their overreach, then you must recognize the other party and their overreach, unless your political bias blinds you.

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