Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

Many people lost their job refusing the vaccine

many people lost their job when they walked out striking for wages when Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.

Y'all didn't scream tyranny then, you guys applauded, as I recall.

Oh, 'they can quit and find a new job, y'all said, it's free will, a free country, you don't have to work for that employer.

Oh, but no, if a mandate does the same damn thing, y'all crying in your beer 'tyranny' you're shouting.

Well, hypocrisy is the correct descriptor.
"In Kentucky, Republican lawmakers banned the teaching of sex ed and any discussion of puberty at all until sixth grade."

What is wrong with that law? I attended school in Kentucky and sex ed was a high school class in health often taken in 9th grade.

Back in the late 60's, we got the bare bones biology in the 6th grade and more elaborate sex ed in 8th grade.

Worked for me.

I turned out a lot less mentally ill than those who want to sexually mutilate children today. THEY ARE ALL ON PSYCHOTROPIC DRUGS!


Do you happen to have the numbers of American military personnel who were actually discharged because they wouldn't take a dangerous experimental drug? Yes! That violates the Nuremberg codes.
Well, that's funny, the military has been requiring vaccinations since I was a child and probably before that and I"m 72.
No one shouted 'nuremburg codes' not one peep out of anyone. What's the problem now?
Yet "nobody was forced".

These lying, brainwashed losers are so blatantly, abysmally stupid.


The mRNA vax has had over 12 billion jabs, it's proven safe. Military has required vaccinations for decades because soldiers, airman, sailors and marines travel the world, even the countries you go to require it. No one ever shouted 'tyranny'.

I was in the military and part of life in the military is you do what the government tells you to do. When we got our jabs, I don't recall anyone giving it a second thought. We did what we were told. Go over to medical and get your vaccinations, and we did it. No one complained, not one sailor,

It has always been tyranny in the military, it's tyranny by consent, and you know that when you swear your oath, so as a military person, you can't complain.
many people lost their job when they walked out striking for wages when Reagan fired the air traffic controllers.

Y'all didn't scream tyranny then, you guys applauded, as I recall.

Oh, 'they can quit and find a new job, y'all said, it's free will, a free country, you don't have to work for that employer.

Oh, but no, if a mandate does the same damn thing, y'all crying in your beer 'tyranny' you're shouting.

Well, hypocrisy is the correct descriptor.

Can you ever tell the truth? PATCO was conducting an illegal strike which could have crippled our economy and endangered the flying public. Reagan fired them because they refused to return to work. An act that was cheered loudly across America.
Well, that's funny, the military has been requiring vaccinations since I was a child and probably before that and I"m 72.
No one shouted 'nuremburg codes' not one peep out of anyone. What's the problem now?

The mRNA vax has had over 12 billion jabs, it's proven safe. Military has required vaccinations for decades because soldiers, airman, sailors and marines travel the world, even the countries you go to require it. No one ever shouted 'tyranny'.

I was in the military and part of life in the military is you do what the government tells you to do. When we got our jabs, I don't recall anyone giving it a second thought. We did what we were told. Go over to medical and get your vaccinations, and we did it. No one complained, not one sailor,

It has always been tyranny in the military, it's tyranny by consent, and you know that when you swear your oath, so as a military person, you can't complain.

"In Kentucky, Republican lawmakers banned the teaching of sex ed and any discussion of puberty at all until sixth grade."

What is wrong with that law? I attended school in Kentucky and sex ed was a high school class in health often taken in 9th grade.

Puberty hits in general well before the 9th grade.
Many people had no choice in the matter.
Get the jab or you're fired.
No, willfully choose between the jab and a new job.

That's the same argument you told us dems when you argued against unions.

"If you don't like what your employer pays you, rather than strike, just quit and find a better job'.

Make up your gawddamn mind.
No one is forcing you to get a covid vaccine. There is no law requiring it.
If you argue 'well my employer requires it, or I'll be fired'.

Well, republicans have told me that rather than join a union, if my employer won't pay me more I can quit and find another job.

Okay, if that is true, then you can quit and find another job that doesn't require a vaccination.

You can't have it both ways.
There is no law now! I was forced to either have the vaccine of be fired, even though I worked from home. I was a US government employee.
democrats keep pushing the boundaries of perversion so conservatives keep pushing back
You mean when you appointed two pervs for the Supreme Court and elected one perv as president?
The general population doesn't work for the military

The general population can get a job that doesn't require a vaccination.

I'm using the same logic you used when you on the right told me that rather than join a union, I should quit and find a better job.

"Free to choose" ''free will' 'free market' is what you guys told me.

Now you wouldn't be a hypocrite, would you?

Say it isn't so.

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