Republican 'creeping authoritarianism' exposed

The folks who've hurt our nation more than any others are the fence-sitters. The only way for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing. It's a damned good thing that our Founding Fathers were "right wing extremists" else we'd still be under the tyrannical thumb of England.
The founding fathers were a mixture liberals, conservatives and moderates, they were united in principles, they didn’t believe in the status quo. I am fiscally conservative and not any extreme Republican is conservative. I am liberal on the first amendment and believe in the power of free speech and yet no extreme Democrat is liberal. I stand on principles and don’t let party sway me.
The founding fathers were a mixture liberals, conservatives and moderates, they were united in principles, they didn’t believe in the status quo. I am fiscally conservative and not any extreme Republican is conservative. I am liberal on the first amendment and believe in the power of free speech and yet no extreme Democrat is liberal. I stand on principles and don’t let party sway me.
The Founding Fathers had a few very important things in common. 1) They were vehemently opposed to tyranny and the abuse foisted upon them by the King of England. 2) They were almost all Christians of one denomination or another. So they generally held themselves and others to a certain moral standard based on biblical principles. 3) As a result of that, they were opposed to immorality and disgusting, unbridled sin. By no means would they stand for today's LGBTQ+Pedo situation.

But what they had most in common was their willingness to ACT! They pooled their minds and their resources, and they literally forced change. They collectively broke the chains that bound them to English servitude. So, from that point of view, they were by no means fence-sitters. From King George's perspective, they were complete Extremists to the “nth” degree.

Personally, I'm grateful for their revolutionary and extreme views, and I'm grateful for their contributions that led to a free and moral society. Were they perfect? No. But they were full of fire and shared a basic vision. What they stood for still lives on today in the “extreme” right wing of American society.
Florida is now Ground Zero for Republican authoritarianism, where rabid statism bans books, and dictates to medicine, education, science, private enterprise, people with wombs, etc.. Substituting ideological dogma for dispassionate expertise, the radical reversal from libertarian, laissez faire policies in the GOP is as rampant and tenacious as kudzu in the Palmetto State. Consider Environmental, Social & Governance Training:
Florida is where we are bringing back morals.
Or it could mean that you're as far left as a Commie can get.
Trump and his cult are "leftist"?

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump offers 'congratulations' as China's Communist Party ...

View attachment 799398
Washington Post › 2019/10/01

Oct 1, 2019 — President Trump on Tuesday congratulated China on the 70th anniversary of Communist Party rule, a message posted hours after a protester in ...

In praise of iron fists: Trump leans into his authoritarian ...​

Washington Post › 2022/09/06 › trum...

Sep 6, 2022 — “He rules with an iron fist, 1.5 billion people,” Trump said of Chinese President Xi Jinping. “Yeah, I'd say he's smart.
Trump and his cult are "leftist"?

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump offers 'congratulations' as China's Communist Party ...

View attachment 799398
Washington Post › 2019/10/01
Oct 1, 2019 — President Trump on Tuesday congratulated China on the 70th anniversary of Communist Party rule, a message posted hours after a protester in ...

In praise of iron fists: Trump leans into his authoritarian ...

View attachment 799397
Washington Post › 2022/09/06 › trum...
Sep 6, 2022 — “He rules with an iron fist, 1.5 billion people,” Trump said of Chinese President Xi Jinping. “Yeah, I'd say he's smart.
What's Trump's views on China have to do with what I posted? I totally disagree with Trump in this particular case and think Xi is a dangerous man. But Trump was likely praising Xi in an attempt to smooth relations with China while, at the same time, forcing China to “play fair” where trade is concerned.

While I may disagree with Trump on several issues, we can all agree that the economy and conditions here in America were much better than they are with the Pedo in Chief.
What's Trump's views on China have to do with what I posted?
" you're as far left as a Commie can get".
I totally disagree with Trump in this particular case and think Xi is a dangerous man. But Trump was likely praising Xi in an attempt to smooth relations with China while, at the same time, forcing China to “play fair” where trade is concerned.
So, the Chinese were at the closed door fundraiser at Mar A Lago?

Then, 4 days later.........

US imposes sanctions on China, stoking fears of trade war​

The Guardian › world › mar › china-u...

Mar 22, 2018 — Trump's move comes as the US prepares to impose tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium, sanctions that are meant to hit China. The US ...
While I may disagree with Trump on several issues, we can all agree that the economy and conditions here in America were much better than they are with the Pedo in Chief.

An investigation by the New York Times has revealed that experts and administration officials tried to warn Trump of the serious nature of the coronavirus pandemic early on. Alerts from high-ranking government experts began as far back as January, six weeks before his administration finally sprang into action on March 16, when he issued concrete guidelines for the public.

The report exhaustively outlines numerous ways in which Trump avoided listening to government authorities as they proposed strategies for dealing with the pandemic. It also details an administration mired in political bickering, which hamstrung officials at every phase of their response. The report prompted epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to respond that “obviously” lives could have been saved if the government had taken the warnings seriously.

Trump calls for shutdown until April 30​

Modern Healthcare › Government

Mar 29, 2020 — Trump calls for shutdown until April 30 ... President Donald Trump is extending the voluntary national shutdown for a month as sickness and death ...

Donald Trump Claims China Pays for Higher Tariffs, but ...​

Newsweek › ... › Beijing › Talks

May 5, 2019 — Economic analysts, including the White House's own adviser, appeared baffled by President Donald Trump's China tariff claim Sunday that ...

US unemployment surges to a Depression-era level of 14.7%​

AP News › article › donald-trump-us-news-a...

May 8, 2020 — And it robs President Donald Trump of the ability to point to a strong economy as he runs for reelection. “The jobs report from hell is here,” ...

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since ...​

Fortune › 2021/01/11 › us-economy-jobs-nu...

Jan 11, 2021 — Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover ... During the first three years of Donald Trump's presidency, the economy ...
In the video below (transcript provided) TV Host Alex Wagner points to a lot of bills being passed by Republican legislatures across America, which, in my view, is conclusive evidence of the premise she is forwarding, the notion of Republican 'creeping authoritarianism'. I think this is interesting because there isn't hardly a day that passes where I read some post about someone on the right accusing Democrats of authoritarianism (mandates is their evidence, which isn't really authoritarianism, because a mandate gives a choice, and it's not a law) yet their evidence is scant. The real evidence of authoritarianism is coming from the right.

Republicans are not passing bills to better people’s lives, they are focused on abortion and transgender issues, book banning, anti-woke crap (whatever that is, and they can't even define it) all this 'agenda' stuff and it isn't about improving our lives or making it better, nothing about the economy or inflation, or infrastructure, we Democrats are the ones for those issues, Republicans are focused on just a few things, it seems, stuff they fear. They are driven by fear issues, it seems.

This is a transcript (It's not perfect, I pulled it off of YouTube transcript function) of about 4 minutes or so of the pertinent part of the video (below) I want to direct your attention to:

Now, I will admit I am sympathetic to the view about transfemales competing in women's sports, but I don't think it should be matter for Congress, it should be a matter for Sports Officials to work out for themselves, remember, the issue is authoritarianism.

And this is precisely the accusation Republican's levy at Democrats, yet they are the ones who are doing it via actual laws, and not just mandates.
More lies from the left.

Parents require STABILITY, to raise our children in something resembling peace and tranquility.

We don't like our childrens' lives DISRUPTED by a bunch of screaming leftards worried about a worthless junkie three thousand miles away.


As far as I'm concerned leftards are dangerous and need to be controlled.
So you ARE a Commie. Thought so!
You just used the Magic Word. Say goodnight, gracie
It's all they know.


" you're as far left as a Commie can get".

So, the Chinese were at the closed door fundraiser at Mar A Lago?

Then, 4 days later.........

US imposes sanctions on China, stoking fears of trade war

View attachment 799401
The Guardian › world › mar › china-u...
Mar 22, 2018 — Trump's move comes as the US prepares to impose tariffs of 25% on steel and 10% on aluminium, sanctions that are meant to hit China. The US ...


An investigation by the New York Times has revealed that experts and administration officials tried to warn Trump of the serious nature of the coronavirus pandemic early on. Alerts from high-ranking government experts began as far back as January, six weeks before his administration finally sprang into action on March 16, when he issued concrete guidelines for the public.

The report exhaustively outlines numerous ways in which Trump avoided listening to government authorities as they proposed strategies for dealing with the pandemic. It also details an administration mired in political bickering, which hamstrung officials at every phase of their response. The report prompted epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, to respond that “obviously” lives could have been saved if the government had taken the warnings seriously.

Trump calls for shutdown until April 30

View attachment 799402
Modern Healthcare › Government
Mar 29, 2020 — Trump calls for shutdown until April 30 ... President Donald Trump is extending the voluntary national shutdown for a month as sickness and death ...

Donald Trump Claims China Pays for Higher Tariffs, but ...

View attachment 799403
Newsweek › ... › Beijing › Talks
May 5, 2019 — Economic analysts, including the White House's own adviser, appeared baffled by President Donald Trump's China tariff claim Sunday that ...

US unemployment surges to a Depression-era level of 14.7%

View attachment 799404
AP News › article › donald-trump-us-news-a...
May 8, 2020 — And it robs President Donald Trump of the ability to point to a strong economy as he runs for reelection. “The jobs report from hell is here,” ...

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since ...

View attachment 799405
Fortune › 2021/01/11 › us-economy-jobs-nu...
Jan 11, 2021 — Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover ... During the first three years of Donald Trump's presidency, the economy ...
Thanks for literally making my point. You criticize Trump for praising Xi then criticize Trump for forcing fair trade with Xi. THAT'S the friggin' point I just made.

Under Trump, fuel, food, and the general price of living was FAR better than it is now. Unemployment among blacks & women were at record lows. Fauci's “gain of function” virus changed things, but that was by design. Biden forced the Covid policies that decimated employment. Try to keep up.
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
If Trump were still president it would be a great idea. Not so much of a great idea with Biden in the White House.
Tell me: What makes a person a "commie", in your view?

And please describe "commie ideology".

Firstly, you could probably explain your ideology much more succinctly than I can, since you're more in tune with it. But here's a good explanation (in a nutshell):

“Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the establishment of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need.”

It's widely known that of the tactics used by the Communists is to divide the people into classes, then create class wars. This is and has been occurring for quite some time in America (since at least the 60s). Communists oppose religion, which is why they routinely attack it (especially the Christian religion). Communists are currently pushing the divide between the races with BLM/CRT ideology. They're pushing a divide between the sexes, with Feminism on the one hand and LGB/Trans “men” entering women's sports on the other. They're creating a divide between parents and their children with the support of Pedos reading sexually explicit material to Kindergartners. And by announcing to the world that “America's kids are ours” (recently quoted by Biden and written about by Hillary Clinton & others).

The list goes on and one.
Thanks for literally making my point. You criticize Trump for praising Xi then criticize Trump for forcing fair trade with Xi. THAT'S the friggin' point I just made.
You're FOS.
Tariffs aren't trade.
The orange moron, had a chance to trade with many other nations in the world but, naturally, Trump fucked that up, just because Obama's name was on the agreement.

Then the idiot signs a brand new trade deal with China, increasing trade with them by $200 billion a year, which, as usual was another failure.

China stiffed US on Trump Phase 1 trade agreement, failed ...​

Fox Business › markets › china-stiffed...

Feb 13, 2022 — China failed to increase its purchase U.S. goods despite an agreement with President Trump to grab an additional $200 billion of U.S. ...
Under Trump, fuel, food, and the general price of living was FAR better than it is now.
No, it wasn't.
Unemployment among blacks & women were at record lows.
Biden's unemployment rate was lower and for longer and still is lower than Trump's lowest unemployment numbers.

Fauci's “gain of function” virus changed things, but that was by design.
By Trump.

Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to ...​

Reuters › article › exclusive-u-s-slash...

Mar 25, 2020 — The Trump administration cut staff by more than two-thirds at a key U.S. public health agency operating inside China, as part of a larger ...

Biden forced the Covid policies that decimated employment. Try to keep up.

Trump Leaving Office With 3M Less Jobs Than When He ...​

Newsweek › ... › Unemployment

Jan 19, 2021 — Trump has the worst jobs record of any president since Herbert Hoover in 1933.


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If Trump were still president it would be a great idea. Not so much of a great idea with Biden in the White House.
Process, not personalities.

Our PROCESS is messed up. The checks and balances are broken.

This system WILL NOT WORK without the checks and balances.

Without them, it becomes no better than Nazi Germany. If you think our system is too big and complicated for one man io get hold of it, you're wrong.

Or a small group of people, like we're seeing now.

Anyone from corporate America looking at this situation, is going to see INSTITUTIONAL ROT. It is more than abundantly evident in the FBI's behavior, and the DOJ's behavior, and MANY of the most important instruments of state.
Firstly, you could probably explain your ideology much more succinctly than I can...
Sure, as a 22+ year Financial Advisor / CFP / ChFC/ CLU / 63/65/7, I know that I'm a better capitalist than someone like you can ever DREAM of being. That's easy.

Regarding your use of the term "commie", I notice that you focus on cultural issues. So (a) do you know that communism is the total state ownership and control of all production, distribution and property, and (b) what actual evidence do you have that the Democratic Party is committed to communism?
Sure, as a 22+ year Financial Advisor / CFP / ChFC/ CLU / 63/65/7, I know that I'm a better capitalist than someone like you can ever DREAM of being. That's easy.

Regarding your use of the term "commie", I notice that you focus on cultural issues. So (a) do you know that communism is the total state ownership and control of all production, distribution and property, and (b) what actual evidence do you have that the Democratic Party is committed to communism?
Understanding or knowing Capitalism doesn't necessarily make someone a Capitalist. But categorizing the current social strife into Communism vs. Capitalism is an over simplification of the differences in ideology. In many cases, Capitalists are totally on board with the Communist agenda. Fortune 500 companies support Marxist ideals all the time. Just ask Bud Light and Target.

The DNC routinely speaks of “equity” which is 100% Communist. It says that no matter the talent or ability or intelligence that separates individuals, all must end up equal in the end. If one group of people don't have as much as another group of people, then the people with the most MUST give a portion of what they have to the people who have less. That's about as Communist as you can get.

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