Republican cry room

I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.

That is about the average time it takes the pendulum to swing, and it will always swing back that is the nature of the duopoly.

I would rather wait than be a slave to the two parties.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.

That is about the average time it takes the pendulum to swing, and it will always swing back that is the nature of the duopoly.

I would rather wait than be a slave to the two parties.


It's called reality. Unless you somehow change how our system works via amendment we are a two party system.

The only other way for a change to happen is for one of the main parties to collapse.
27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.

That is about the average time it takes the pendulum to swing, and it will always swing back that is the nature of the duopoly.

I would rather wait than be a slave to the two parties.


It's called reality. Unless you somehow change how our system works via amendment we are a two party system.

The only other way for a change to happen is for one of the main parties to collapse.

No Amendment needed, all that is needed is for states to proportion the EC votes based on votes received instead of a winner take all. There is no Constitutional requirement for winner take all.
Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.

That is about the average time it takes the pendulum to swing, and it will always swing back that is the nature of the duopoly.

I would rather wait than be a slave to the two parties.


It's called reality. Unless you somehow change how our system works via amendment we are a two party system.

The only other way for a change to happen is for one of the main parties to collapse.

No Amendment needed, all that is needed is for states to proportion the EC votes based on votes received instead of a winner take all. There is no Constitutional requirement for winner take all.

Maybe not a federal amendment, but probably State level amendments.

And the way the Senate and the House are elected still favors a two party split.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

This Tuesday was an astounding success!

41 Never Trumpers retired, and were replaced by more Conservative Trump Friendly Republicans, and Right Leaning Democrats. Or did you not hear Nancy Pelosi's Neutered Tone? They have a slim majority, and have a House that moved to The Right. The Democrats in The House or going to be forced to Legislate and Govern or be booted in just two short years. That is a FACT. Mueller, Ginsberg, and Impeach 45 will be NON EXISTENT in the very near and short future. Bob Acosta had a meltdown at The White House he was so distraught over the failed Blue Wave.

The Democrat Party was forced to recruit Conservative Democrats, Veterans and Business People to compete with The Trump Effect. Many of them were "Fake Moderates" and were exposed and defeated, but many of them were genuine middle of the road guys. This is not your Crazy Aunt's Libtard Congress. Those people are quickly becoming dinosaurs except for their DemNazi districts.

The GOP has the largest majority in The Senate in 100 years, and also won key Governorships in Florida, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire etc. Of the races we lost, the contests were very close with a lot of Newcomers in The GOP that got enough exposure for them to win in 2020.

Did you watch The News at all. Juan Williams on Fox News was nearly suicidal. Liberal Tears everywhere over the Blue Wave that failed. Left Tard "Rock Stars" all went down in flames.

Multiple DemNazi Senators who voted against Kavanaugh all defeated. Punks like Paul Ryan another "Never Trumper" got his panties in a bunch and ran home scared and retired.

There hasn't been a president since JFK that extended his majority in The Senate in a midterm. And The President held the usual midterm losses far below the average beating Obama 64 seats lost, 6 Senate seats lost, Bill Clinton, 54 seats lost, plus I believe 5 Senate seats, George Bush, 30 seats lost.

How about guys like Harding? 77 Seats lost.

Grant? 96 House seats lost, and 8 Senate seats lost.

You folks don't know it yet, but what happened this Tuesday was an astounding success, and sets the GOP up for getting Trump re-elected as a shoe in, and all the new GOP candidates that lost got exposure. Any nonsense and obstruction, and bullshit about impeachment, or even just a failure to govern by The Dems means a bloodbath in 2020.

The Blue Wave fell FLAT ON IT'S FACE.

5 Brutal Midterm Losses for US Presidents
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It does not bring me back to anything, I am still waiting for the first Libertarian governor! But hope springs eternal in me!

But it is a significant change for the Dems

It only took them 20 years to start their clawback.

And you are going to be waiting a long time for a "Big L" Libertarian governor.

That is about the average time it takes the pendulum to swing, and it will always swing back that is the nature of the duopoly.

I would rather wait than be a slave to the two parties.


It's called reality. Unless you somehow change how our system works via amendment we are a two party system.

The only other way for a change to happen is for one of the main parties to collapse.

No Amendment needed, all that is needed is for states to proportion the EC votes based on votes received instead of a winner take all. There is no Constitutional requirement for winner take all.

Maybe not a federal amendment, but probably State level amendments.

And the way the Senate and the House are elected still favors a two party split.

True, it will take baby steps to get it moving in the right direction....not that I really think it will.
I disagree. I think we are in the shape we are in because of incivility and partisanship. I think the only way we are truly ever going to move forward is to stop letting the media drum up hatred, and then demand Washington actually come together, and stop this partisan nonsense.

Could you imagine the strides that could be made if people actually found common ground? Alas, it will likely never happen because the parties will never agree on anything.

The media doesn’t drum up my hatred, it’s quite organic thank you very much. I don’t believe in compromising or giving Evil even the slightest bit of Mercy. We need a true cleansing of Liberalism in this nation. Remove all non-Conservative individuals, organizations and philosophies before this nation is beyond saving.
Open season, huh? In what way?

And...I thought you were going to end it all......didn't get enough attention?

Every way possible. Socially. Financially, Physically, etc... Whatever needs to be done.

Options are still open. I’m still in upstate NY. I got talked off the ledge by a trio of people I know and respect yesterday morning, but things could still change.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

This Tuesday was an astounding success!

41 Never Trumpers retired, and were replaced by more Conservative Trump Friendly Republicans, and Right Leaning Democrats. Or did you not hear Nancy Pelosi's Neutered Tone? They have a slim majority, and have a House that moved to The Right. The Democrats in The House or going to be forced to Legislate and Govern or be booted in just two short years. That is a FACT. Mueller, Ginsberg, and Impeach 45 will be NON EXISTENT in the very near and short future. Bob Acosta had a meltdown at The White House he was so distraught over the failed Blue Wave.

The Democrat Party was forced to recruit Conservative Democrats, Veterans and Business People to compete with The Trump Effect. Many of them were "Fake Moderates" and were exposed and defeated, but many of them were genuine middle of the road guys. This is not your Crazy Aunt's Libtard Congress. Those people are quickly becoming dinosaurs except for their DemNazi districts.

The GOP has the largest majority in The Senate in 100 years, and also won key Governorships in Florida, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire etc. Of the races we lost, the contests were very close with a lot of Newcomers in The GOP that got enough exposure for them to win in 2020.

Did you watch The News at all. Juan Williams on Fox News was nearly suicidal. Liberal Tears everywhere over the Blue Wave that failed. Left Tard "Rock Stars" all went down in flames.

Multiple DemNazi Senators who voted against Kavanaugh all defeated. Punks like Paul Ryan another "Never Trumper" got his panties in a bunch and ran home scared and retired.

There hasn't been a president since JFK that extended his majority in The Senate in a midterm. And The President held the usual midterm losses far below the average beating Obama 64 seats lost, 6 Senate seats lost, Bill Clinton, 54 seats lost, plus I believe 5 Senate seats, George Bush, 30 seats lost.

How about guys like Harding? 77 Seats lost.

Grant? 96 House seats lost, and 8 Senate seats lost.

You folks don't know it yet, but what happened this Tuesday was an astounding success, and sets the GOP up for getting Trump re-elected as a shoe in, and all the new GOP candidates that lost got exposure. Any nonsense and obstruction, and bullshit about impeachment, or even just a failure to govern by The Dems means a bloodbath in 2020.

The Blue Wave fell FLAT ON IT'S FACE.

5 Brutal Midterm Losses for US Presidents

Nixon gained Senators in his midterm.

Bush II lost 30 seats in his second mid-term, he gained in both the House and the Senate in his first mid-term. In his first he gained 8 house seats and 2 senate seats.

If you are going to talk trash, at least get your facts straight
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.

Link please?
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.

Link please?
Every minute of every show before the election...
27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.

Link please?
Every minute of every show before the election...

So, you are just making shit up again.

That is a very emotional thing to do! :21::21:
27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.

Link please?
Every minute of every show before the election...

Here is proof you are just one more lying Trump sheep...that took about 5 seconds to find.

2018 Election Forecast: Dems poised to take House, GOP likely retains Senate - CNNPolitics
Comparison to Obama’s midterms?

That has been posted about 90 times, why do I need to do it again?

Today is today, quit living in the past, join us in the present!
Before the election The Clinton news network was saying progressives would gain at least 40 seats in the house, take back the Senate and the governorships...
But then again the Clinton news network never has any conservative guesses on their shows... They like it like that.

Link please?
Every minute of every show before the election...

So, you are just making shit up again.

That is a very emotional thing to do! :21::21:

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