Republican cry room

I grew up and was raised in an era where you learn that you win some, you lose some, and that losses are opportunities.

I have no need of a safe space.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.
Nevada. Arizona, Texas they will all be blue....the GOP full on racist against as minorities...they are fucked.
It was as predictable a mid-terms as we have ever had. Democrats have their victory and true to form they will waste it by being petty, hateful and obsessive over Impeaching Trump.
Only about 30% of the population are straight-party-ticket voters, approximately 15% each way. The rest of the population will vote for whichever dog or pony puts on the best show.

I'm not convinced people are sick of parties. I believe they're sick of they way parties fight like brother and sister in the back seat on a 14-hour drive.

Look at how large the independent voter registration numbers are.

They dwarf both parties.

America is sick of both parties. Both parties have moved to the extremes.

We are ripe for a new major third party.

Because independents embrace the full spectrum of political thought, no single-third party could encompass them all. All we can for for is that we don't devolve into a country of multiple parties, all extremist in some way, that form awkward, incestuous coalitions to seize power. You know, like Europe and most of the rest of the world.

Indeed. Independents know when to vote for the tax cut or free entitlements.

They are very discerning as to the best way to drive up the most massive debt in human history that will someday destroy the Republic.

Thank God we have them.
I deal with my grief by binge-watching MST3K on Netflix...

I'm good now.

That show is still around?


It's a cute show but I like the original way it's done. Put on a very stupid movie, turn the volume down then add your own dialogue.

We used to do that in the 70s and 80s. Especially at parties when we weren't sober.
I deal with my grief by binge-watching MST3K on Netflix...

I'm good now.

That show is still around?


It's a cute show but I like the original way it's done. Put on a very stupid movie, turn the volume down then add your own dialogue.

We used to do that in the 70s and 80s. Especially at parties when we weren't sober.

A lot of the old episodes are available on Netflix. The show has been rebooted in what they are calling "Season 11". The new show, also on Netflix, is really good too.
Eight and a half years have passed since ObamaCare became the law of the land.

Somehow, the Republicans just never got around to writing a replacement for ObamaCare in all that time. Probably because it never occurred to the rubes to ask to see one.

The Republicans did manage to pass more than 60 full or partial repeals of ObamaCare, though...

...until January 2017. Then I guess they lost the instruction sheet for how to do that. What a weird coincidence this sudden failure to repeal ObamaCare coincided with their total takeover of our government, amiright? Right when they could ACTUALLY repeal ObamaCare, and had more seats in both Houses, they suddenly...didn't. Huh!

I mean, they couldn't have been pulling some kind of hoax on the rube herd all those times they repealed Obamacare in the House all those years, right? Right? Right?

Trump couldn't have been lying when he said he had a beautiful replacement which would be enacted on Day One, right? Right? Right?

And now guess what? It's going to be another two years, at least, before they can pretend to repeal ObamaCare again.

Oh, wait. I wasn't supposed to make you cry even more. Sorry about that!
I deal with my grief by binge-watching MST3K on Netflix...

I'm good now.

That show is still around?


It's a cute show but I like the original way it's done. Put on a very stupid movie, turn the volume down then add your own dialogue.

We used to do that in the 70s and 80s. Especially at parties when we weren't sober.

A lot of the old episodes are available on Netflix. The show has been rebooted in what they are calling "Season 11". The new show, also on Netflix, is really good too.

I didn't know it was on Netflix and rebooted too. Cool.

It's a cute show.

Maybe I'll have some friends over to watch it but like the way we did it with stupid movies in the 70s & 80s, turn the volume down and supply our own dialogue. LOL.
Time for Conservatives and Republicans to take Hillary Clinton’s advice - No Civility until we hold both Houses and the Presidency again. Until then it’s open season in Moderated, Liberals and Progressives.
I disagree. I think we are in the shape we are in because of incivility and partisanship. I think the only way we are truly ever going to move forward is to stop letting the media drum up hatred, and then demand Washington actually come together, and stop this partisan nonsense.

Could you imagine the strides that could be made if people actually found common ground? Alas, it will likely never happen because the parties will never agree on anything.
If there are any lessons to be learned from this election (spoiler alert, there aren't), it's that your average voter isn't interested in hyper-partisan rants about immigration, Obamacare, or any other of the single-issues that partisans think are the most important things on Earth.

There is no audience for a hyper-partisan rant outside of a similarly inclined vacuum chamber.
the election process is worthless --according to Dems
.....anyone elected is not worthy of their elected position/officially elected /legally elected/etc of the post--according to the Dems
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.
Nevada. Arizona, Texas they will all be blue....the GOP full on racist against as minorities...they are fucked.

By what manner is the GOP full on racist against as minorities? I know what the narrative is, but narrative is often cheap propaganda aimed at the weakest among us.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.
Nevada. Arizona, Texas they will all be blue....the GOP full on racist against as minorities...they are fucked.

By what manner is the GOP full on racist against as minorities? I know what the narrative is, but narrative is often cheap propaganda aimed at the weakest among us.
Muslim ban....cheer
Mexicans are rapists ....cheer.
Caravan evil....cheer.
White superamacist have good people...cheer.
Nazis support GOP/Trump....cheer.

Look at the date minorities overwhelmingly vote anti GOP.
Time for Conservatives and Republicans to take Hillary Clinton’s advice - No Civility until we hold both Houses and the Presidency again. Until then it’s open season in Moderated, Liberals and Progressives.
Open season, huh? In what way?

And...I thought you were going to end it all......didn't get enough attention?
Only about 30% of the population are straight-party-ticket voters, approximately 15% each way. The rest of the population will vote for whichever dog or pony puts on the best show.

I'm not convinced people are sick of parties. I believe they're sick of they way parties fight like brother and sister in the back seat on a 14-hour drive.

Look at how large the independent voter registration numbers are.

They dwarf both parties.

America is sick of both parties. Both parties have moved to the extremes, and most Americans are thoroughly sick of them. Those who are registered Democrats and Republicans are mostly voting AGAINST the other party. "Lesser of two evils" horseshit.

We are ripe for a new major third party.
Vote L until things change.

Nothing at all surprised me about the election. It was a forgone conclusion that the Dems would win the house and the Reps would keep the senate. The only people disappointed or surprised are the Repubs who mistakenly thought that they could buck all historical data and keep the house, and the Dems who believed Trump was so hated that there would be a blue tsunami into both chambers.

I agree and I'm not to bothered by the whole thing though I did think the Reps would keep the House.

Now I'm going to watch Pelosi and the idiot Dems run investigation after investigation and tie up the House doing something that's already being done.

Should be interesting and it will allow people to see how ineffective and idiotic they all are.
I figure since Dems. remain extensively harmed by Trump's election, we need our own cry room over losing 23 seats in the House last night. At this point, I'm probably physically and emotionally harmed, because Nevada took another step forward California by electing a Dem. Senator and Gov.

Anyhow misery loves company, does anyone else need a hug? What kinds of words of corruption and condolences can we share? I don't suppose our new Gov. won because of Russia, but it might work for a year or so. I demand an investigation, and tax returns too.

27 house seats and counting...

and 7 governorships

and 6 state houses.

Which repairs the damage and brings you back to what? 2012 or so?

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