Republican Debate Showed Party Could Have Problems In General Election!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
In this past week's debate many of the Republican candidates at times were plainly wrong and exaggerated in some of their criticisms of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and the Republicans will likely pay dearly in the general election if they select such a candidate. Rubio's, Bush's and Trump's criticism that the Obama Administration has gutted the military is wrong this exageration in a general election is going to make Republicans look like their not credible that their judgment is wrong on national defense. An outstanding effective weapon program for the U.S. in its fight against terrorism is the drone program and it has become more effective under the Obama Administration. The U.S. military's training of Iraqi troops that empowered these troops to recently take Ramadi from ISIL was outstanding their imparting of the use of snipers to cover the advance of troops and the use of air power to degrade enemy troop strength was immensely valuable in the war against ISIL. It is true that overall the Obama Administration has been a poor steward of America's military: why would anyone want to eliminate the A10 tank buster which offers unmatched air protection for U.S. ground troops in a significant sized battle, why would anyone want to reduce the number of America's aircraft carrier groups when they very possibly could be needed to stop Chinese aggression in Asia or Iranian aggression in the Middle East; Republicans should end the criticism at this stewardship limit.

Republican candidates are wrong to condemn the Obama Administration for its intervention in Libya to remove Omar Gaddafi when America got involved Gaddafi's troops had Benghazi surrounded and were poised to commit a mass killing that would have likely surpassed the killing of 7000 men in Srebrenica that shocked and shamed the world, the brutal dictator Gaddafi had to go the Libyan people had suffered enough. The Obama Administration failed in Libya in after the war not leading an international coalition that would have trained up and armed a Libyan government armed forces that could have disarmed the tribal militia's throughout the country of significant weapons and provided security throughout Libya.

Donald Trump's claim that the Democrats are failing veterans that their treated horribly is a distorted criticism; President Obama signed into law major reform legislation for the Veteran's Administration that dramatically helps America's vets in part by creating a program that enables them to get private care if VA hospitals cannot provide it - many Republican members of Congress have applauded and voted for the legislation. Governor Christie's statement that Obama had a filibuster proof Senate when he first took office is outright false that is why the Republican Senators' Snowe, Collins and Spector had so much power in crafting the 2009 Stimulus law because their votes were needed to get past the Senate Filibuster. Senator Ted Cruz's statement that President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder launched the "Fast & Furious" program that put guns into criminals hands is completely false the program was launched during the George W. Bush presidency.

The debate again demonstrated that there is something off about Ted Cruz's judgment; how could a candidate for the Presidency insult the people from arguably America's greatest city if he wins the job he will be representing these people and the much greater number of Americans that admire these people I am referring to Senator Cruz's statement that there is something wrong with New York City values. In the prior debate Cruz raised a judgment concern by in a very serious discussion about the illegal immigration problem joked he will get Donald Trump to build the wall protecting the southern border something's wrong when one is trying to be funny when the circumstances don't call for humor in the least!

Someones got to tell Jeb Bush that election campaigns in America in current times aren't places where the Queensberry rules are followed, it's a street brawl. Jeb really looked like a pitiable creature during the debate exchange with Donald Trump over Trump's inclination to slap tariff's on China over their unfair trade when Jeb criticized Mr. Trump saying he would get America into a trade war and Mr. Trump countered America doesn't need a weak president, etc. and Jeb looked beaten! It was essentially a repeat of the prior debate when Jeb criticized Mr. Trump over his call for temporarily suspending visas for Muslims that want to come to the U.S. and Mr. Trump verbally slams Jeb and Jeb again looks beaten. Jeb has got to get some coaching on nonphysical fighting so he stops looking like he is a weak candidate. Here is some thoughts from a guy from a big Irish family where engaging in such fighting goes part and parcel with learning how to walk. Characterize the whole thing as a boxing match where Mr. Trump is a hard-nosed fighter with outstanding arm reach and outstanding hand speed but slow leg speed. So your strategy Jeb is to hit Trump with whatever you got a one combination or one, two three combination and then get out don't go toe to toe with the Donald and don't look for him to be hurt don't look for anything from him he is too hard nosed; Jeb trust the American people viewing the debate that they will see what is the good on the issue you're hitting him on.

This debate highlights why the Republican Party has a very very serious problem with Donald Trump Mr. Trump is great at making a presentation he is a great salesman but as a leader is seriously flawed. If the Republican Party selects Donald Trump to be their Presidential nominee they are going so see him viewed across the nation as a Republican Barack Obama from an effectiveness standpoint they are going to see him viewed as a Presidential candidate with major character problems that will be an impediment to getting things accomplished in Washington if he is elected. Barack Obama revealed his revolting character in this past weeks State of the Union address when he was saying things like the economy is good and the threat of terrorism is overblown and you Republicans got to stop you're uncooperativeness with others which in the first two items are absolutely false and the last item your behavior Mr. President significantly caused this result with your repeated disregard of precedent on the functioning of the U.S. government and your disregard of the law namely in part the ACA. Mr. Trump will be viewed as untrustworthy from another standpoint that being who knows what group of people Mr. Trump will throw under the bus in pursuit of his goals and Mr. Trump's impulsive mouth is there any limit on what could come from that. During the debate Mr. Trump went on a long diatribe about in the shooters home for the San Bernardino attack there were pipe bombs all over the place and many people besides the shooters saw these bombs and said nothing. The truth of the matter reported in some specificity in the press is that a couple of the shooters neighbors were suspicious about what was going on in the home because they saw some unusual activity but did not report it to the police because they did not want to be accused of religious profiling which is very reasonable for police departments across the country even the TSA for U.S. airports struggles with the issue of profiling. Mr. Trump's statements insinuate that a group of Muslims knew that these shooters had a cache of pipe bombs but warned no one essentially saying a community of Muslims were culpable in the killings in San Bernardino, this is reprehensible for Mr. Trump to tarnish the reputation of a group of Muslims to defend his temporary suspension of visas for Muslim policy. One of the hosts of the debate, Neil Cavuto, referenced Mr. Trump's call for a forty-five percent tariff on Chinese exports to this country allegedly uttered by Mr. Trump to a journalist and Mr. Trump vehemently denied making such a statement during the debate. This is habitual behavior for Mr. Trump where he makes a rash extreme statement and later disavows the statement; Presidents cannot be so reckless this character trait of Mr. Trump's of making rash extreme statements a good analysis would conclude will cause harm in the country and is something the American people should worry about!
In this past week's debate many of the Republican candidates at times were plainly wrong and exaggerated in some of their criticisms of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats and the Republicans will likely pay dearly in the general election if they select such a candidate. Rubio's, Bush's and Trump's criticism that the Obama Administration has gutted the military is wrong this exageration in a general election is going to make Republicans look like their not credible that their judgment is wrong on national defense. An outstanding effective weapon program for the U.S. in its fight against terrorism is the drone program and it has become more effective under the Obama Administration. The U.S. military's training of Iraqi troops that empowered these troops to recently take Ramadi from ISIL was outstanding their imparting of the use of snipers to cover the advance of troops and the use of air power to degrade enemy troop strength was immensely valuable in the war against ISIL. It is true that overall the Obama Administration has been a poor steward of America's military: why would anyone want to eliminate the A10 tank buster which offers unmatched air protection for U.S. ground troops in a significant sized battle, why would anyone want to reduce the number of America's aircraft carrier groups when they very possibly could be needed to stop Chinese aggression in Asia or Iranian aggression in the Middle East; Republicans should end the criticism at this stewardship limit.

Republican candidates are wrong to condemn the Obama Administration for its intervention in Libya to remove Omar Gaddafi when America got involved Gaddafi's troops had Benghazi surrounded and were poised to commit a mass killing that would have likely surpassed the killing of 7000 men in Srebrenica that shocked and shamed the world, the brutal dictator Gaddafi had to go the Libyan people had suffered enough. The Obama Administration failed in Libya in after the war not leading an international coalition that would have trained up and armed a Libyan government armed forces that could have disarmed the tribal militia's throughout the country of significant weapons and provided security throughout Libya.

Donald Trump's claim that the Democrats are failing veterans that their treated horribly is a distorted criticism; President Obama signed into law major reform legislation for the Veteran's Administration that dramatically helps America's vets in part by creating a program that enables them to get private care if VA hospitals cannot provide it - many Republican members of Congress have applauded and voted for the legislation. Governor Christie's statement that Obama had a filibuster proof Senate when he first took office is outright false that is why the Republican Senators' Snowe, Collins and Spector had so much power in crafting the 2009 Stimulus law because their votes were needed to get past the Senate Filibuster. Senator Ted Cruz's statement that President Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder launched the "Fast & Furious" program that put guns into criminals hands is completely false the program was launched during the George W. Bush presidency.

The debate again demonstrated that there is something off about Ted Cruz's judgment; how could a candidate for the Presidency insult the people from arguably America's greatest city if he wins the job he will be representing these people and the much greater number of Americans that admire these people I am referring to Senator Cruz's statement that there is something wrong with New York City values. In the prior debate Cruz raised a judgment concern by in a very serious discussion about the illegal immigration problem joked he will get Donald Trump to build the wall protecting the southern border something's wrong when one is trying to be funny when the circumstances don't call for humor in the least!

Someones got to tell Jeb Bush that election campaigns in America in current times aren't places where the Queensberry rules are followed, it's a street brawl. Jeb really looked like a pitiable creature during the debate exchange with Donald Trump over Trump's inclination to slap tariff's on China over their unfair trade when Jeb criticized Mr. Trump saying he would get America into a trade war and Mr. Trump countered America doesn't need a weak president, etc. and Jeb looked beaten! It was essentially a repeat of the prior debate when Jeb criticized Mr. Trump over his call for temporarily suspending visas for Muslims that want to come to the U.S. and Mr. Trump verbally slams Jeb and Jeb again looks beaten. Jeb has got to get some coaching on nonphysical fighting so he stops looking like he is a weak candidate. Here is some thoughts from a guy from a big Irish family where engaging in such fighting goes part and parcel with learning how to walk. Characterize the whole thing as a boxing match where Mr. Trump is a hard-nosed fighter with outstanding arm reach and outstanding hand speed but slow leg speed. So your strategy Jeb is to hit Trump with whatever you got a one combination or one, two three combination and then get out don't go toe to toe with the Donald and don't look for him to be hurt don't look for anything from him he is too hard nosed; Jeb trust the American people viewing the debate that they will see what is the good on the issue you're hitting him on.

This debate highlights why the Republican Party has a very very serious problem with Donald Trump Mr. Trump is great at making a presentation he is a great salesman but as a leader is seriously flawed. If the Republican Party selects Donald Trump to be their Presidential nominee they are going so see him viewed across the nation as a Republican Barack Obama from an effectiveness standpoint they are going to see him viewed as a Presidential candidate with major character problems that will be an impediment to getting things accomplished in Washington if he is elected. Barack Obama revealed his revolting character in this past weeks State of the Union address when he was saying things like the economy is good and the threat of terrorism is overblown and you Republicans got to stop you're uncooperativeness with others which in the first two items are absolutely false and the last item your behavior Mr. President significantly caused this result with your repeated disregard of precedent on the functioning of the U.S. government and your disregard of the law namely in part the ACA. Mr. Trump will be viewed as untrustworthy from another standpoint that being who knows what group of people Mr. Trump will throw under the bus in pursuit of his goals and Mr. Trump's impulsive mouth is there any limit on what could come from that. During the debate Mr. Trump went on a long diatribe about in the shooters home for the San Bernardino attack there were pipe bombs all over the place and many people besides the shooters saw these bombs and said nothing. The truth of the matter reported in some specificity in the press is that a couple of the shooters neighbors were suspicious about what was going on in the home because they saw some unusual activity but did not report it to the police because they did not want to be accused of religious profiling which is very reasonable for police departments across the country even the TSA for U.S. airports struggles with the issue of profiling. Mr. Trump's statements insinuate that a group of Muslims knew that these shooters had a cache of pipe bombs but warned no one essentially saying a community of Muslims were culpable in the killings in San Bernardino, this is reprehensible for Mr. Trump to tarnish the reputation of a group of Muslims to defend his temporary suspension of visas for Muslim policy. One of the hosts of the debate, Neil Cavuto, referenced Mr. Trump's call for a forty-five percent tariff on Chinese exports to this country allegedly uttered by Mr. Trump to a journalist and Mr. Trump vehemently denied making such a statement during the debate. This is habitual behavior for Mr. Trump where he makes a rash extreme statement and later disavows the statement; Presidents cannot be so reckless this character trait of Mr. Trump's of making rash extreme statements a good analysis would conclude will cause harm in the country and is something the American people should worry about!
I can't read this post. You are missing punctuation and creating paragraphs are not you strong suit. Clean it up. You might get people to read it.

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