Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

For the past few years, the Republican approach to governance has been to cause a series of Breaking-Bad-like cliffhangers, with ever-more destructive consequences. It has gotten so ridiculous that even the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, one of the tireless deficit scolds encouraging Republican behavior, has finally gotten tired of it.

This government-by-crisis approach has cost the U.S. economy about 900,000 jobs and raised the unemployment rate by about 0.6 percent, according to a study by private forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers, commissioned by the Peterson Foundation, of all things. Peterson continues to wax apocalyptic about America's long-term debt, but appears to finally have gotten disgusted with Republican tactics in dealing with it. (Story continues below chart.)

The republicans are anti-jobs!
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Rahm Emanuel
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Rahm Emanuel

Mouth breathing repugs have never figured out that making a dumb bet and forcing a crisis where one did not previously exist always has at least TWO possible outcomes. Blaming Emanuel for accepting the benefit of a crisis he had nothing to do with starting is just being a poor sport. :lol: Who do you blame when you can't find your car keys? Dumb repugs don't realise that some people never lose thier car keys. Me? Never. We are just smarter than you goofs.
TK, either our GOP (since you are a TeaP again) killed jobs or they didn't.

Don't be the Saul Alinksy of the right, uh huh.
Remember the super recession started under BUSH. What ever he did was anti-American to our economy...What the republicans are currently doing to America is even worse.
Wait let me get this right? The dems have REFUSED for 4 years to create a budget and the Republicans are to blame? The Dems have created legislation that was anti business and cost the US jobs but now suddenly the republicans are to blame?

You people have a rich imagination.
Remember the super recession started under BUSH. What ever he did was anti-American to our economy...What the republicans are currently doing to America is even worse.

So Bush not the democratic controlled Congress was to blame but now the House is to blame for the current mess? I got that right?
Remember the super recession started under BUSH. What ever he did was anti-American to our economy...What the republicans are currently doing to America is even worse.

So Bush not the democratic controlled Congress was to blame but now the House is to blame for the current mess? I got that right?

Yes, that is when it really started happening. When Bush set out all the spending related to 9/11 and the two unneccesary wars apart from the budget the idea of a budget was worthless. The budget blew up when Obama put the cost of Bush's wars and the TART Bush got us into back into the budget and the light of day. Ignorant repugs can blame Obama all you want but the real truth is that YOU don't want to acknowledge the costs of Bush's presidency so a real and true budget will probably never happen.

Your goal is just over the horizon...Just keep blaming the ******...
Wait let me get this right? The dems have REFUSED for 4 years to create a budget and the Republicans are to blame? The Dems have created legislation that was anti business and cost the US jobs but now suddenly the republicans are to blame?

You people have a rich imagination.

You cant give them that much credit,willful ignorance is much better.
The Republicans have been on Full Stupid recently but I don't believe their actions have caused 900k job losses.
If this study is correct, then:
The Government has become so immense and intricate to cause this amount of devastation, then surely you must admit that the Government is far too large and certainly operating outside its designated purpose --- to secure our natural rights.

If this study is wrong:
LOL at you.

You're damned either way kid.
And here everybody was thinking it was the 7 trillion in debt the community organizer ingratiated the taxpayers with.
Remember the super recession started under BUSH. What ever he did was anti-American to our economy...What the republicans are currently doing to America is even worse.

So Bush not the democratic controlled Congress was to blame but now the House is to blame for the current mess? I got that right?

Yes, that is when it really started happening. When Bush set out all the spending related to 9/11 and the two unneccesary wars apart from the budget the idea of a budget was worthless. The budget blew up when Obama put the cost of Bush's wars and the TART Bush got us into back into the budget and the light of day. Ignorant repugs can blame Obama all you want but the real truth is that YOU don't want to acknowledge the costs of Bush's presidency so a real and true budget will probably never happen.

Your goal is just over the horizon...Just keep blaming the ******...

I guess you think that Bush should have apologized to OBL for having those buildings in front of the airplanes that his followers hijacked instead of bombing them. Obama would have.

And, what about the 4 straight years of $1 trillion+ deficits? The only thing that prevented a budget from being passed was the Democrat Senate, since the Republican House passed one every year.
Some on the left seem to think Bush is still president. Colourblindness is a terrible thing. They don't seem to understand they chose The One who has occupied the office for four and one-half years.
Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

For the past few years, the Republican approach to governance has been to cause a series of Breaking-Bad-like cliffhangers, with ever-more destructive consequences. It has gotten so ridiculous that even the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, one of the tireless deficit scolds encouraging Republican behavior, has finally gotten tired of it.

This government-by-crisis approach has cost the U.S. economy about 900,000 jobs and raised the unemployment rate by about 0.6 percent, according to a study by private forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers, commissioned by the Peterson Foundation, of all things. Peterson continues to wax apocalyptic about America's long-term debt, but appears to finally have gotten disgusted with Republican tactics in dealing with it. (Story continues below chart.)

The republicans are anti-jobs!

right, in 16 days ( and ending last night) that have already figured this out, meanwhile a 360 Million dollar gov. website cannot tell us how many people have enrolled......getdafugouttahere:lol:
Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

Republican Debt Crises Have Killed 900,000 Jobs: Study

For the past few years, the Republican approach to governance has been to cause a series of Breaking-Bad-like cliffhangers, with ever-more destructive consequences. It has gotten so ridiculous that even the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, one of the tireless deficit scolds encouraging Republican behavior, has finally gotten tired of it.

This government-by-crisis approach has cost the U.S. economy about 900,000 jobs and raised the unemployment rate by about 0.6 percent, according to a study by private forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisers, commissioned by the Peterson Foundation, of all things. Peterson continues to wax apocalyptic about America's long-term debt, but appears to finally have gotten disgusted with Republican tactics in dealing with it. (Story continues below chart.)

The republicans are anti-jobs!

Yeah, yeah that's the ticket. Republicans are anti jobs.

That's why they are blocking the Keystone Pipeline too.

Republicans don't want Americans to get jobs building a pipeline.

Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

No budget...
So we are forced to go through this every year...

And it's the republicans fault....

Pass a budget...
Remember the super recession started under BUSH. What ever he did was anti-American to our economy...What the republicans are currently doing to America is even worse.

So Bush not the democratic controlled Congress was to blame but now the House is to blame for the current mess? I got that right?

Yes, that is when it really started happening. When Bush set out all the spending related to 9/11 and the two unneccesary wars apart from the budget the idea of a budget was worthless. The budget blew up when Obama put the cost of Bush's wars and the TART Bush got us into back into the budget and the light of day. Ignorant repugs can blame Obama all you want but the real truth is that YOU don't want to acknowledge the costs of Bush's presidency so a real and true budget will probably never happen.

Your goal is just over the horizon...Just keep blaming the ******...
Wait let me guess? Bush never paid for those wars, they cost nothing until Obama was President and did not add to the debt under Bush? Is that actually what you are arguing, cause otherwise your entire rant is horse SHIT.

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