Republican Dog and Pony show live on your TV

Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.

Pull the liberal talking points IV from your arm and join us in the real world. Blue states are corrupt, that's why taxes are sky high in those states. So clean up your mess in blue states or suffer its up to you.

fuck em i say

they have it coming

You too are an asshole, non dare call you a patriot.

fuck you shit for brains

looks like your libtarded head is about to explode

it is time that states take care of themselves
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

You're the one saying it's wrong. I know the data and where it's from. I noticed not a one of you has posted any data of your own despite my urging.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Lib please talk to the hand :eusa_hand:

That's what I thought.
True, capped and trimmed - BFD: A distinction without a difference.

Why should a blue state suffer?


The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

You're the one saying it's wrong. I know the data and where it's from. I noticed not a one of you has posted any data of your own despite my urging.

Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!

That is not how this works, but I see the far left will do whatever they need to push their dying religion!
You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite lefties still use the tired old cliche of "corporate globalists" and "power elite" when they just experienced it for the last eight years under Barry Hussein. Didn't you see Barry use taxpayer dollars to pay off big alternate energy donors just before the companies went bankrupt? How about Hillary taking a quarter of a million dollars from Wall Street banks for 15 minute mystery speeches? Lefties make a big show of hating Wall Street but when their 401k's are on the line you bet your ass the hypocrites are secretly glad that the economy is booming.
The biggest screwing over of The American People was Bernie Sanders not being The DNC nominee, The Fake Russian Dossier, and The Uranium One Clinton Bribery scam And Comey letting Clinton get away with all of that and more and obstructing justice himself

Here’s your real dog and pony show.

The Blue states already pay more in than they receive back even with the State tax deduction. The Republicans want the Blue states to be double taxed on the same money to help pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corps.

^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

You're the one saying it's wrong. I know the data and where it's from. I noticed not a one of you has posted any data of your own despite my urging.

Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!

That is not how this works, but I see the far left will do whatever they need to push their dying religion!
Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!
Bullshit. I provided data to back my assertion. There is nothing more to back up. If you want to refute it, post your own and do so. If you have the stones to that is.
^^^ debunked talking point alert. I guess on the bright side after this tax reform bill blue states will pay more for real.

Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

You're the one saying it's wrong. I know the data and where it's from. I noticed not a one of you has posted any data of your own despite my urging.

Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!

That is not how this works, but I see the far left will do whatever they need to push their dying religion!
Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!
Bullshit. I provided data to back my assertion. There is nothing more to back up. If you want to refute it, post your own and do so.

So in other words you have nothing other than far left religious dogma!
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.

Pull the liberal talking points IV from your arm and join us in the real world. Blue states are corrupt, that's why taxes are sky high in those states. So clean up your mess in blue states or suffer its up to you.

fuck em i say

they have it coming

You too are an asshole, non dare call you a patriot.

fuck you shit for brains

looks like your libtarded head is about to explode

it is time that states take care of themselves

Well punk, you've had your say (written while hiding behind your keyboard). I/ve had other punks call me names too, most times they were safely confined in a cage. So, your little rant isn't an effective rebuttal to my comments, and nothing you've ever posted proves you are socialized or a patriot.
Debunk it then. Show us the data.

Typical far left drone, post known bunk and expect others to prove them wrong!

You're the one saying it's wrong. I know the data and where it's from. I noticed not a one of you has posted any data of your own despite my urging.

Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!

That is not how this works, but I see the far left will do whatever they need to push their dying religion!
Exactly you have not backed up your far left religious dogma and you expect others to prove you wrong!
Bullshit. I provided data to back my assertion. There is nothing more to back up. If you want to refute it, post your own and do so.

So in other words you have nothing other than far left religious dogma!

I have what I posted.
You have nuh uh.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

Biases aside. Lol. You never did have any concerns when obamacare started screwing the general populace. Hack.
So taxes for most middle class workers will go up because of the capping of these deductions. BTW - it's those blue states that make it possible for the red states to use welfare to pay for artificially low rates. Without the welfare block grant, provided by revenue from maker states, Conservatives would have to raise taxes in red states because the welfare they used to pay for the tax cuts goes away. Then there's absolutely no reason at all for anyone to live in those states.

Pull the liberal talking points IV from your arm and join us in the real world. Blue states are corrupt, that's why taxes are sky high in those states. So clean up your mess in blue states or suffer its up to you.

fuck em i say

they have it coming

You too are an asshole, non dare call you a patriot.

fuck you shit for brains

looks like your libtarded head is about to explode

it is time that states take care of themselves

Well punk, you've had your say (written while hiding behind your keyboard). I/ve had other punks call me names too, most times they were safely confined in a cage. So, your little rant isn't an effective rebuttal to my comments, and nothing you've ever posted proves you are socialized or a patriot.

go fuck yourself retard

you internet hero --LOL--in your mind

Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

REMEMBER how Trump managed to eke out a win with the help of such "blue states" as MI, PA and WI......Want to guess how these states will vote in the future after they got the royal shaft???
But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.
Politicians, especially Democrats, have been telling Americans what they want to hear for years:
- I did not have sex with that woman.
- It won't cost a dime.
- It will pay for itself.
- If you like your plan / doctor you can keep plan / doctor
- Hi, I'm from the govt, and I'm here to help

That isn't limited to Dems, the GOP are the masters of deception as well! Remember as far as political elite is concerned we are the mark, they are the hitmen/women!
  • We are the party of the Big Tent
  • Compassionate Conservatism
  • Tax cuts increase revenue
  • The 1% create the most jobs
  • Supply Side, aka, Voodoo economic theory
  • Massive voter fraud
  • Voter Supprssion
  • Socialism!
  • Benghazi!
  • Solyndra
  • Hate for sets of citizens
  • Birthers
  • Abortions' murder children
  • Bigots have rights too
  • Brinkmanship
  • Can kicking down the road
  • Callous disregard for more than half of the US citizens
  • Failed promises
  • Wedge issue and demagoguery on steroids
  • Extreme partisanship
  • A graphically divided nation
  • Fear and Laughter of the United States at this time in our history
These a few of the things which define the Republican Party: Lies, False Pathos and unfulfilled promises.
where is the chart from? what is the math behind it?

Without a link all you did was post a bunch of blue lines.

No, the States that have been not funding their future liabilities and punting massive retirement costs on their recently born children.

The chart simply shows what states receive in federal funding versus what they pay in.

This plan will only further increase the inequity already seen. States like CA and NY will be paying in far more after the state tax deduction is eliminated. For what? To increase revenues to offset cuts.

No, it shows blue lines. No source, no date, not even a link ON the chart to show where the original chart came from.

The only thing shown is South Carolina has the biggest blue line.
That's it.

Of course you're being dishonest.

It says across the top that it represents states return on investment. Meaning what they get back versus what they pay in. CA and NY get less than a dollar back for every dollar paid in even with the State tax deduction.

it can say whatever it wants, but where did the data come from? Or at a minimum who made the chart?

Why can't you answer those very simple questions?

Is it because you saw something that agreed with your proposed narrative, presented it, and now only realize it has no information as to the source of the presentation?

Where it comes from is irrelevant. If you don't agree with it, post your own data and show us all why it's wrong. I know you won't do that because you know it's correct. Attacking the source is just a tactic of the weak.

You didn't post data, you posted an unreferenced chart with blue lines.

And how can a source be "attacked" if you don't provide one?
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

No state tax's here so no big. It's about time other states starte paying their own bills.

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