Republican Dog and Pony show live on your TV

Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

Unlike the Borrow and Spend GOP....

Stop with the bullshit, the GOP has been wreckless fiscally before and this one follows the same thread... Trickle down doesn't make sense to any major macro economic theory, actually there is a big section which says that giving money to rich does speed up the economy when compared to putting money in poor peoples pocket...

Money doesn't trickle down but floats to the top...
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

Unlike the Borrow and Spend GOP....

Stop with the bullshit, the GOP has been wreckless fiscally before and this one follows the same thread... Trickle down doesn't make sense to any major macro economic theory, actually there is a big section which says that giving money to rich does speed up the economy when compared to putting money in poor peoples pocket...

Money doesn't trickle down but floats to the top...

I'm not trickling MY money down to anyone, go earn your own money then you don't have to rely on hand outs.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

No state tax's here so no big. It's about time other states starte paying their own bills.

I image Texas has the same problem we in California experience, and that is the cost to local and state governments to arrest, detain, and bring to trial undocumented persons, and upon conviction pay those committed to County or State jails/prisons the cost of their incarceration.

Your comment on revenue sharing and other assorted funds - grants, etc. - sent to the several states are monies mostly returned to the states by taxes paid by citizens and businesses from the states to the Feds.

Some states get more than they sent, others do not.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

No state tax's here so no big. It's about time other states starte paying their own bills.

I image Texas has the same problem we in California experience, and that is the cost to local and state governments to arrest, detain, and bring to trial undocumented persons, and upon conviction pay those committed to County or State jails/prisons the cost of their incarceration.

Your comment on revenue sharing and other assorted funds - grants, etc. - sent to the several states are monies mostly returned to the states by taxes paid by citizens and businesses from the states to the Feds.

Some states get more than they sent, others do not.

Not really. A wetback can flash his cock at a 5 year old here and get sent home with nothing more then being told to stop it. Our state government is and go been in bed with Mexico for years. All you Californians moving here are screwing it up for the rest of us. Hell, even the illegals hate it.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

Unlike the Borrow and Spend GOP....

Stop with the bullshit, the GOP has been wreckless fiscally before and this one follows the same thread... Trickle down doesn't make sense to any major macro economic theory, actually there is a big section which says that giving money to rich does speed up the economy when compared to putting money in poor peoples pocket...

Money doesn't trickle down but floats to the top...

I'm not trickling MY money down to anyone, go earn your own money then you don't have to rely on hand outs.

Have I reminded you insufficiently that your opinions are misguided and little more than an echo of a RW Meme?

We are a consumer driven economy. Try to figure out what that is and what it means to the money supply.
Capped and trimmed, not "eliminated forever" improve the honesty of your posts. Yes tax and spend blue states will suffer, as they should.

Unlike the Borrow and Spend GOP....

Stop with the bullshit, the GOP has been wreckless fiscally before and this one follows the same thread... Trickle down doesn't make sense to any major macro economic theory, actually there is a big section which says that giving money to rich does speed up the economy when compared to putting money in poor peoples pocket...

Money doesn't trickle down but floats to the top...

I'm not trickling MY money down to anyone, go earn your own money then you don't have to rely on hand outs.

Have I reminded you insufficiently that your opinions are misguided and little more than an echo of a RW Meme?

We are a consumer driven economy. Try to figure out what that is and what it means to the money supply.

You Dem's invented the 'trickle down' talking point, hence its nonsense.
The chart simply shows what states receive in federal funding versus what they pay in.

This plan will only further increase the inequity already seen. States like CA and NY will be paying in far more after the state tax deduction is eliminated. For what? To increase revenues to offset cuts.

No, it shows blue lines. No source, no date, not even a link ON the chart to show where the original chart came from.

The only thing shown is South Carolina has the biggest blue line.
That's it.

Of course you're being dishonest.

It says across the top that it represents states return on investment. Meaning what they get back versus what they pay in. CA and NY get less than a dollar back for every dollar paid in even with the State tax deduction.

it can say whatever it wants, but where did the data come from? Or at a minimum who made the chart?

Why can't you answer those very simple questions?

Is it because you saw something that agreed with your proposed narrative, presented it, and now only realize it has no information as to the source of the presentation?

Where it comes from is irrelevant. If you don't agree with it, post your own data and show us all why it's wrong. I know you won't do that because you know it's correct. Attacking the source is just a tactic of the weak.

You didn't post data, you posted an unreferenced chart with blue lines.

And how can a source be "attacked" if you don't provide one?

You don't attack the source at all.
You attack my data by providing your own and explaining why mine is wrong. You know what I claim it represents. No one has done that. You have not done that. You won't do it either.

I'm confident in the veracity of my claims. You apparently are not.
No, it shows blue lines. No source, no date, not even a link ON the chart to show where the original chart came from.

The only thing shown is South Carolina has the biggest blue line.
That's it.

Of course you're being dishonest.

It says across the top that it represents states return on investment. Meaning what they get back versus what they pay in. CA and NY get less than a dollar back for every dollar paid in even with the State tax deduction.

it can say whatever it wants, but where did the data come from? Or at a minimum who made the chart?

Why can't you answer those very simple questions?

Is it because you saw something that agreed with your proposed narrative, presented it, and now only realize it has no information as to the source of the presentation?

Where it comes from is irrelevant. If you don't agree with it, post your own data and show us all why it's wrong. I know you won't do that because you know it's correct. Attacking the source is just a tactic of the weak.

You didn't post data, you posted an unreferenced chart with blue lines.

And how can a source be "attacked" if you don't provide one?

You don't attack the source at all.
You attack my data by providing your own and explaining why mine is wrong. You know what I claim it represents. No one has done that. You have not done that. You won't do it either.

I'm confident in the veracity of my claims. You apparently are not.

There IS no source. You won't provide a link to who you got the chart from. The chart has no description of who made it.

Just. Provide. The. Link.

If you can't just admit you grabbed some random chart to make your "point" and now that you got called on it you have nothing but bluster left.
Listen actively, and put your biases aside. Just be careful and don't bend over for the biggest screwing We the People will have ever experienced, and how the corporate globalists and power elite will receive the largest fiscal benefit in our nation's history.

Remember, the R's promise this reform will put $1,100 dollars in your pocket - Wow - but neglect to explain you costs will go up when the Mortgage Deduction, the taxes you paid for state and local and special districts are eliminated forever. Listen carefully if what you think this is too good to be true, your are correct. Ryan is currently lying to you.

But worry not, Ryan is telling you what you want to hear, so believe him if you want, Just remember, don't bend over.

elections are dog and pony shows with the outcome planned years in

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