Republican Governor Agrees To Expand Medicaid For Low-Income Residents In Pennsylvania

Corbett is 17 points behind in his re-election bid.

I'm sure all of you can figure out how this Medicaid move factors in.
I'm in rural NY and the longest wait ever here is about 30 seconds...Unbelievable how ignorant Steph is. Lovely person I'm sure, but see sig, last line. And 90% chance a very polite racist...
Of course the Fed money won't be available forever and then the States will be eating the cost.

Doubt the taxpayers in those States will be very happy.

The only happy people will be those being subsidized by we the taxpayer.
You were ALREADY paying for them, just in the stupidest, cruelest, most expensive way possible- for the billionth time, hater dupe.
OP- The rest of the country's GOP better smarten up- not many people are as ignorant and hate-filled as our "well-informed" USMB RW...
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

I don't shop at walmart but yes, the DMV here in my area is fast and efficient. They split people into groups on what they're there for. Renewals, ID, replacements and new licenses. Everyone takes a number and watches a large screen that shows what numbers have been called and which window they should go to. There are at least 10 windows and everyone of them has someone there.

I had to renew my license in June before I left town and it only took me 10 minutes to do it.

I would point out that Obamacare isn't government health care. The federal government doesn't own any hospitals or doctor offices outside the VA. The government doesn't own any insurance companies either. It's all private insurance with private doctors, hospitals and clinics.

The subsidies to low income people are no different from school vouchers that the conservatives love so much.

This lie the conservatives have about government taking over health care is so old. People are sick and tired of all the lies about Obamacare from the conservatives. It's pushing independents away from the republican party.

do you even know if your DMV is run by the gubmerment? I believe ours here is privately run. as they decided a long time ago, anything runs smoother and faster than when it is controlled by your loving government. How old are you? you act very young and show it with your childish xing of everyone and everything you don't like
now go check out who runs your dmv, child

Just because your state privatized the DMV doesn't mean that mine did.

In fact we didn't.

We have always made the yearly license tabs for the car plates available at certain private business such as car dealerships or at the county auditor, through the mail and now on line. No one has ever been able to get those tabs at the DMV.

However there's only one way anyone in my state can get a driver's license, a state ID or renew their license and that's at the state department of motor vehicles.

It's 100% owned and run by the state.

I live in a liberal state run by democrats and liberals.

While some states may put people through a nightmare to get their license or ID, mine doesn't.
Of course the Fed money won't be available forever and then the States will be eating the cost.

Doubt the taxpayers in those States will be very happy.

The only happy people will be those being subsidized by we the taxpayer.

You need to read the law.

The least the federal government will ever pay for medicaid is 90%

For the first three years of Obamacare the government picks up 100%

After that, the state covers 10% and the rest is from the federal government.

So no the money isn't going to run out and no state is going to be paying more than 10% of the medicaid costs.

I just want to ask you, do you support school vouchers? If you do then you're a hypocrite. The subsidies that people get to pay for insurance isn't much different from the school vouchers the conservatives love so much.
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

I don't shop at walmart but yes, the DMV here in my area is fast and efficient. They split people into groups on what they're there for. Renewals, ID, replacements and new licenses. Everyone takes a number and watches a large screen that shows what numbers have been called and which window they should go to. There are at least 10 windows and everyone of them has someone there.

I had to renew my license in June before I left town and it only took me 10 minutes to do it.

I would point out that Obamacare isn't government health care. The federal government doesn't own any hospitals or doctor offices outside the VA. The government doesn't own any insurance companies either. It's all private insurance with private doctors, hospitals and clinics.

The subsidies to low income people are no different from school vouchers that the conservatives love so much.

This lie the conservatives have about government taking over health care is so old. People are sick and tired of all the lies about Obamacare from the conservatives. It's pushing independents away from the republican party.

So riddle me this bat man,who has mandated we purchase insurance,and who has set the befits required

there in? Don't think it was Alfred old sport

The government set the law. Just like the government of states mandate that everyone has car insurance. They regulate it too.

The government set the law on school vouchers too. If you like school vouchers then you shouldn't have any problem with Obamacare. One is giving tax dollars for a private school the other is giving tax dollars to a private insurance company.

Which is no different from Obamacare. The government mandates that you have it and regulates the insurance companies.

I don't know anyone who objects to being required to get insurance for their car and I don't know anyone who doesn't like car insurance being regulated.

The regulations on Obamacare only helps people. People who have never been able to get insurance or people who have a preexisting conditions. It helps young adults stay on their parents insurance until they're 26. The insurance companies must use at least 80% premiums for actual health care. If they don't, they have to refund the difference back to the policy owner. Which the insurance companies started doing that a few years ago. Now the lifetime cap is gone. So if someone gets cancer or other expensive disease, they won't run out of coverage when they hit a certain amount. They won't be ruined financially or have to sell their home and everything they have to pay the medical bills. Nor will they have to pass the bills on to you and I to pay in higher premiums, co payments and deductibles.

It's completely constitutional. The supreme court ruled so. It's constitutional to regulate business. It's called the commerce clause. It's constitutional to tax people. The 16th amendment and other parts of the constitution give the government that power.

So if you don't like our health care laws you're perfectly free to not have health insurance. You'll just have to pay the extra tax when you file your income taxes.

I sure don't want to have to pay for your medical bills and you just walk away. That tax you'll have to pay will help cover any medical bills you incur and believe you have the right to not pay.

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