Republican Governor Agrees To Expand Medicaid For Low-Income Residents In Pennsylvania

I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

I don't shop at walmart but yes, the DMV here in my area is fast and efficient. They split people into groups on what they're there for. Renewals, ID, replacements and new licenses. Everyone takes a number and watches a large screen that shows what numbers have been called and which window they should go to. There are at least 10 windows and everyone of them has someone there.

I had to renew my license in June before I left town and it only took me 10 minutes to do it.

I would point out that Obamacare isn't government health care. The federal government doesn't own any hospitals or doctor offices outside the VA. The government doesn't own any insurance companies either. It's all private insurance with private doctors, hospitals and clinics.

The subsidies to low income people are no different from school vouchers that the conservatives love so much.

This lie the conservatives have about government taking over health care is so old. People are sick and tired of all the lies about Obamacare from the conservatives. It's pushing independents away from the republican party.

do you even know if your DMV is run by the gubmerment? I believe ours here is privately run. as they decided a long time ago, anything runs smoother and faster than when it is controlled by your loving government. How old are you? you act very young and show it with your childish xing of everyone and everything you don't like
now go check out who runs your dmv, child

NY's DMV is not privatized, Grandma.
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

I don't shop at walmart but yes, the DMV here in my area is fast and efficient. They split people into groups on what they're there for. Renewals, ID, replacements and new licenses. Everyone takes a number and watches a large screen that shows what numbers have been called and which window they should go to. There are at least 10 windows and everyone of them has someone there.

I had to renew my license in June before I left town and it only took me 10 minutes to do it.

I would point out that Obamacare isn't government health care. The federal government doesn't own any hospitals or doctor offices outside the VA. The government doesn't own any insurance companies either. It's all private insurance with private doctors, hospitals and clinics.

The subsidies to low income people are no different from school vouchers that the conservatives love so much.

This lie the conservatives have about government taking over health care is so old. People are sick and tired of all the lies about Obamacare from the conservatives. It's pushing independents away from the republican party.

So riddle me this bat man,who has mandated we purchase insurance,and who has set the befits required

there in? Don't think it was Alfred old sport
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

I don't shop at walmart but yes, the DMV here in my area is fast and efficient. They split people into groups on what they're there for. Renewals, ID, replacements and new licenses. Everyone takes a number and watches a large screen that shows what numbers have been called and which window they should go to. There are at least 10 windows and everyone of them has someone there.

I had to renew my license in June before I left town and it only took me 10 minutes to do it.

I would point out that Obamacare isn't government health care. The federal government doesn't own any hospitals or doctor offices outside the VA. The government doesn't own any insurance companies either. It's all private insurance with private doctors, hospitals and clinics.

The subsidies to low income people are no different from school vouchers that the conservatives love so much.

This lie the conservatives have about government taking over health care is so old. People are sick and tired of all the lies about Obamacare from the conservatives. It's pushing independents away from the republican party.

do you even know if your DMV is run by the gubmerment? I believe ours here is privately run. as they decided a long time ago, anything runs smoother and faster than when it is controlled by your loving government. How old are you? you act very young and show it with your childish xing of everyone and everything you don't like
now go check out who runs your dmv, child

NY's DMV is not privatized, Grandma.
No its not and NY DMV is a cluster fuck of inefficiencies and SLOW.
oh jilly, how is it a benefit to the rest of us to have to pay for someone who is able bodied healthcare?

now you don't mind send Obama you're weekly paycheck. there is nothing beneficial in ObamaScamCare and the large majority must think the same because only 8MILLION people signed on out 360 million

every civilized country in the world provides health care.

but i do love how you whine while you use government provided health care and get a government provided pay check. :thup:
besides, it's my taxes that pay for it. my health insurance, etc.

i'm ok with it. you should be too.

We're not all charter members of the moocher class babe.
If only we had a bigger government with more programs and mandates. That'd fix us!!

Lefties want outlaw guns and give every town a tank! In case the sheeple get restless.......

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I thought Obamacare was wildly unpopular and running on repealing it was the ticket to victory for Republicans.
If only we had a bigger government with more programs and mandates. That'd fix us!!

Lefties want outlaw guns and give every town a tank! In case the sheeple get restless.......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

As long as we make it someone else's problem, we don't have any responsibility in fixing a thing.
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

So you have to wait in line for 45 minutes just to purchase a bottle of soda at your walmart?
Maybe you should tell your a-hole Pub heroes to tax the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share, and fund gov't and infrastructure adequately, and take the pressure off the long suffering nonrich. Totally brainwashed/wrongheaded- see sig.pp1

Same tired prog rhetoric from USMB's most unoriginal poster since SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED.
Funny how the truth is so opposed to the endless imagination of the 24/7 bs you believe.

The horror is that DMVs in rural red areas are quick and Dem areas are interminable...
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

So you have to wait in line for 45 minutes just to purchase a bottle of soda at your walmart?
Maybe you should tell your a-hole Pub heroes to tax the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share, and fund gov't and infrastructure adequately, and take the pressure off the long suffering nonrich. Totally brainwashed/wrongheaded- see sig.pp1

Same tired prog rhetoric from USMB's most unoriginal poster since SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED.
Funny how the truth is so opposed to the endless imagination of the 24/7 bs you believe.

The horror is that DMVs in rural red areas are quick and Dem areas are interminable...

And so we give Dems control of our health care and it turns into Dem area DMV's.

Thank you for agreeing with my point, dumbass.
O-Care WILL bring down the cost for working people, and end cutoffs and bankruptcies. So unless you're a mindless Pub drone, you're for it. Preventive care and a doctor will keep the poors' care as cheap, and a helluva lot more pleasant. So shove your stupid propaganda up your dumb ass...
If only we had a bigger government with more programs and mandates. That'd fix us!!

Lefties want outlaw guns and give every town a tank! In case the sheeple get restless.......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

normal people don't want psychos and criminals and spouse abusers to have guns.

but please, let's give uzis to 9-year olds because rightwingnuts live in perpetual fear
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

So you have to wait in line for 45 minutes just to purchase a bottle of soda at your walmart?
Maybe you should tell your a-hole Pub heroes to tax the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share, and fund gov't and infrastructure adequately, and take the pressure off the long suffering nonrich. Totally brainwashed/wrongheaded- see sig.pp1

Same tired prog rhetoric from USMB's most unoriginal poster since SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED.
Funny how the truth is so opposed to the endless imagination of the 24/7 bs you believe.

The horror is that DMVs in rural red areas are quick and Dem areas are interminable...

And so we give Dems control of our health care and it turns into Dem area DMV's.

Thank you for agreeing with my point, dumbass.

except that isn't true.

but keep pretending.
It's amazing how Wal*Mart and even Winn Dixie is dealing with the increasing cost of employees.. Increases thanks to Obama and the Democrats.

Have you noticed the number of self check outs increasing? We used to have 4. That has been updated now. There are 12 of them. The number of cashiers has decreased. They put one person there at the front to help any customers having any problems and do the age checks on alcohol.. 1 cashier instead of 12.

So how do you your employment issues low? Lower the numbers of employees that you need.
I would recommend every red state that is currently not expanding Medicaid, and there are a lot of them, do this so the real cost of the ACA becomes evident.

90 percent of the cost of every state Medicaid expansion comes out of the federal budget.

you mean the real BENEFITS of the ACA become visible.

You mean the first step in Turning our health care system into a federal version of the DMV?

I get better service at my DMV than I get at Walmart.

So you have to wait in line for 45 minutes just to purchase a bottle of soda at your walmart?
Maybe you should tell your a-hole Pub heroes to tax the rich and giant corps to pay their fair share, and fund gov't and infrastructure adequately, and take the pressure off the long suffering nonrich. Totally brainwashed/wrongheaded- see sig.pp1

Same tired prog rhetoric from USMB's most unoriginal poster since SHE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED.
Funny how the truth is so opposed to the endless imagination of the 24/7 bs you believe.

The horror is that DMVs in rural red areas are quick and Dem areas are interminable...

And so we give Dems control of our health care and it turns into Dem area DMV's.

Thank you for agreeing with my point, dumbass.
The hell I do, shyttehead. O-Care only makes payment cheaper, competition transparent. You still go thru a doctor, pharmacy, and insurer, MORON.
It's amazing how Wal*Mart and even Winn Dixie is dealing with the increasing cost of employees.. Increases thanks to Obama and the Democrats.

Have you noticed the number of self check outs increasing? We used to have 4. That has been updated now. There are 12 of them. The number of cashiers has decreased. They put one person there at the front to help any customers having any problems and do the age checks on alcohol.. 1 cashier instead of 12.

So how do you your employment issues low? Lower the numbers of employees that you need.

You're not just an idiot, you're a poorly informed idiot:

Returning to Wal-Mart: Human Cashiers

In an attempt to lure more customers this holiday season,
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is promising to staff each of its cash register from the day after Thanksgiving through the days just before Christmas during peak shopping times.
The move, called the "checkout promise," is aimed at addressing one of the retailer's biggest customer complaints: long waits in checkout lines, which can cause even more frustration when positions aren't fully staffed.


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And that has nothing to do with O-Care, just Walmart's campaign to ruin their workers for more profit. Pub owners suq, out of touch greedy a-holes, hater dupe.
It's amazing how Wal*Mart and even Winn Dixie is dealing with the increasing cost of employees.. Increases thanks to Obama and the Democrats.

Have you noticed the number of self check outs increasing? We used to have 4. That has been updated now. There are 12 of them. The number of cashiers has decreased. They put one person there at the front to help any customers having any problems and do the age checks on alcohol.. 1 cashier instead of 12.

So how do you your employment issues low? Lower the numbers of employees that you need.

You're not just an idiot, you're a poorly informed idiot:

Returning to Wal-Mart: Human Cashiers

In an attempt to lure more customers this holiday season,
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is promising to staff each of its cash register from the day after Thanksgiving through the days just before Christmas during peak shopping times.
The move, called the "checkout promise," is aimed at addressing one of the retailer's biggest customer complaints: long waits in checkout lines, which can cause even more frustration when positions aren't fully staffed.
Pure public relations, chump of the greedy idiot rich.
If only we had a bigger government with more programs and mandates. That'd fix us!!

Lefties want outlaw guns and give every town a tank! In case the sheeple get restless.......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

normal people don't want psychos and criminals and spouse abusers to have guns.

but please, let's give uzis to 9-year olds because rightwingnuts live in perpetual fear

Well you know what the NRA says,

the best way to stop a bad instructor with a gun is good 9 year old with a gun.

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