Republican Jesus

I love when you say complain that its not revealing the truth when you're the only one who mentioned truth at all. You're not challenging, you just say that as a passive aggressive move for attention. Then you call names for more attention.

Feel better now...Everyone sees you and your crafty name calling. You good?

I already explained it to you. Your idea of mocking God or Christians I find very objectionable.

So you can have your fun and I will resent you for it and let you know. Especially since I knew you would not defend your B.S.
Here's a clue....He's not mocking God or REAL Christians. He's mocking the hypocrisy of FAKE Christians that mock Jesus, by their GREED, HATE, AND CRUELTY. A REAL Christian would get that.
I love when you say complain that its not revealing the truth when you're the only one who mentioned truth at all. You're not challenging, you just say that as a passive aggressive move for attention. Then you call names for more attention.

Feel better now...Everyone sees you and your crafty name calling. You good?

I already explained it to you. Your idea of mocking God or Christians I find very objectionable.

So you can have your fun and I will resent you for it and let you know. Especially since I knew you would not defend your B.S.
Here's a clue....He's not mocking God or REAL Christians. He's mocking the hypocrisy of FAKE Christians that mock Jesus, by their GREED, HATE, AND CRUELTY. A REAL Christian would get that.
Only those who resent hearing from Christians in public or in other forums would be the ones to post something like this about “fake Christians.” They never post how wonderful and important “real Christianity” is for our society, for morality or for the raising of children properly. So let us not pretend. A top post like this has far more reaching objectives and is very insidious to say the least.
I love when you say complain that its not revealing the truth when you're the only one who mentioned truth at all. You're not challenging, you just say that as a passive aggressive move for attention. Then you call names for more attention.

Feel better now...Everyone sees you and your crafty name calling. You good?

I already explained it to you. Your idea of mocking God or Christians I find very objectionable.

So you can have your fun and I will resent you for it and let you know. Especially since I knew you would not defend your B.S.
Here's a clue....He's not mocking God or REAL Christians. He's mocking the hypocrisy of FAKE Christians that mock Jesus, by their GREED, HATE, AND CRUELTY. A REAL Christian would get that.

He know this already and it was another lame attempt to put others on the defensive when he himself has no defense.
Democrats, what can you say, if they got rid of all the Republicans they would be free to reform into the KKK
If the republicans disappeared the Klan would go with them.
The democrat/Klan ploy is the very definition of beating a dead horse.

Right, and after the Civil War the Democrsts forced the Republicans in the south to free the slaves. In Backwards World!
Democrats, what can you say, if they got rid of all the Republicans they would be free to reform into the KKK
If the republicans disappeared the Klan would go with them.
The democrat/Klan ploy is the very definition of beating a dead horse.

Right, and after the Civil War the Democrsts forced the Republicans in the south to free the slaves. In Backwards World!
Still beating I see.
Christ taught us to love our enemies. Liberals don't believe that.
Bullshit ! If that's the case then why does the right hate liberals, gays, blacks, muslims, Asians etc.
You can tell yourself that but you'd be lying.

What proof do you have that they hate them?
Just because the Dems tell you that does not make it true.
Christ taught us to love our enemies. Liberals don't believe that.
Bullshit ! If that's the case then why does the right hate liberals, gays, blacks, muslims, Asians etc.
You can tell yourself that but you'd be lying.

What proof do you have that they hate them?
Just because the Dems tell you that does not make it true.
You really are as ignorant as you seem.
Well, maybe some parents are smart enough to see that there are other, cooler sports than NFL Football. So it's cool if Black Parents let their kids heads get smashed in by the nature of this particular sport, and somehow they don't care about their kids? You're an idiot,child! Football needs to get less violent...not more violent and it's not a Black or White issue, racially...
I love when you say complain that its not revealing the truth when you're the only one who mentioned truth at all. You're not challenging, you just say that as a passive aggressive move for attention. Then you call names for more attention.

Feel better now...Everyone sees you and your crafty name calling. You good?

I already explained it to you. Your idea of mocking God or Christians I find very objectionable.

So you can have your fun and I will resent you for it and let you know. Especially since I knew you would not defend your B.S.
Here's a clue....He's not mocking God or REAL Christians. He's mocking the hypocrisy of FAKE Christians that mock Jesus, by their GREED, HATE, AND CRUELTY. A REAL Christian would get that.
Only those who resent hearing from Christians in public or in other forums would be the ones to post something like this about “fake Christians.” They never post how wonderful and important “real Christianity” is for our society, for morality or for the raising of children properly. So let us not pretend. A top post like this has far more reaching objectives and is very insidious to say the least.
Your deceit, lies, cruelty and hate expose you. Fake is as fake does.
Democrats, what can you say, if they got rid of all the Republicans they would be free to reform into the KKK
If the republicans disappeared the Klan would go with them.
The democrat/Klan ploy is the very definition of beating a dead horse.

Right, and after the Civil War the Democrsts forced the Republicans in the south to free the slaves. In Backwards World!
“I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”- Abraham Lincoln 1958

Abraham Lincoln 'was a racist who wanted to deport blacks'

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the American president revered as "The Great Emancipator" for leading the war to abolish slavery, was really a racist who used offensive language to describe black people and wanted all Afro-Americans deported, according to newly published research which has prompted controversy in the United States.

Far from being the willing forefather of today's multicultural America, President Lincoln advocated reserving the west of the country for whites, supported a law forbidding black people to settle in his home state of Illinois and was fond of racist jokes. He used two State of the Union addresses to call for the deportation of black people and shortly before his assassination in 1865 said of the thousands of slaves to be freed at the end of the Civil War: "I believe it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate which they could have to themselves."

He also habitually used the word "******" to describe black people,

Was Abraham Lincoln a Racist?

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