Republican Ken Buck Says Being Gay Is A Choice, And Also Like Alcoholism

a slew of external variables that weigh into a choice, exactly. a young woman can be exposed to lesbian behavior and get curious, and find out she likes it, thats a choice. you can choose to be attracted to a man if you were constantly told that penises are desirable growing up, yes? I am sorry but you're choosing to ignore reality, as is most others who disagree.

That would be called BI-sexuality smart guy and also not a choice. Much as you would like gay or straight to be black or white, it isn't. Your scenarios are totally unrealistic. No one teaches you that women are attractive. Don't you remember being a little kid in your early teens and suddently finding girls attractive? Did someone just slip you a memo? Did your parents pull aside and think it was time to tell you 'okay son, you're old enough that we can tell you to start liking girls.'?

It is most likely a genetic mutation, as there is no help for the species as a whole for a dick to be placed into a dude's anal cavity. People who think that is natural are just delusional. There is nothing wrong with it at all, but it is not natural.

I don't see any claiming it's natural. If by natural you mean normal then you're right. By definition of the fact that occurs straightness occurrs more often than not then yes homosexuality is abnormal or unnatural. Why that means it's worthwhile for the like of you and Sunni to be bigots about it I'm not sure.

how am i a bigot if i have no problem with gay people whatsoever? Do you not know the definition of that word?
To you, and the rest of your closed minded ilk, me wanting to discuss civilly and question why something the way it is, makes me a bigot. And you know what that makes you? A fool. You can't shut people up who ask questions. I am sure you idolize Stalin.
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Logic says that if there is no gay gene or proof of one...yet, then it is only logical to assume that thus far, choice is the only alternative. Unless there is a third I am not aware of? I am not saying my position is fullproof, I am saying logically it is the best I have heard.

Logic my ass. What a load of shit. No scientist is going to agree that whatever there isn't a gene for is a choice. That you try to disguise your bigotry as science is disgusting and void of integrity.

True logic suggests a whole slew of variables that produce one's sexual orientation. There would probably be a pretty decent list of possibilities from least logical to most that determine ones sexual orientation. But at the bottom of the list would be that it's choice. It is not logical that being gay is a choice since I can't choose to feel attracted to a man. The fact that you won't admit the same suggests you know this.

It is also not logical that there would be one gene controlling it. More likely there would be many that have to meet many combination parameters in order to result in a person being gay.

a slew of external variables that weigh into a choice, exactly. a young woman can be exposed to lesbian behavior and get curious, and find out she likes it, thats a choice. you can choose to be attracted to a man if you were constantly told that penises are desirable growing up, yes? I am sorry but you're choosing to ignore reality, as is most others who disagree.

It is most likely a genetic mutation, as there is no help for the species as a whole for a dick to be placed into a dude's anal cavity. People who think that is natural are just delusional. There is nothing wrong with it at all, but it is not natural.

How many times would I have to tell you that "penises are desirable" for you to change your choice and be attracted to schlong?
What is the Vegas line on that? Under 100 or over?
Lets see some science that backs up your claim.

For one thing, you are confusing sex with attraction. You can achieve orgasm from the agitation cycle of a washing machine...that doesn't mean you are going to experience attraction at the sight of a Maytag.

I did not choose to be attracted to women, it is just how I've always felt. This also does not mean that I don't find some men attractive. I do. I could probably have almost as much fun in bed with Brad Pitt as I would in bed with Angelina Jolie...but I'd only want to set up house with Angelina. Brad would maybe give me an orgasm, but Angelina would give me that funny flip in my stomach every time I looked at her.

I see sexual orientation as more of a sliding scale with some people being at 100% on either side of the gay straight line...but with most people falling somewhere in the middle.

As to the science, there is plenty of evidence that points to a genetic predisposition, and I've posted them earlier in the thread. For convenience, I'll post some again:

What Makes People Gay?

Born Gay? How Biology May Drive Orientation

The Real Story on Gay Genes

Clue to Sexual Attraction Found in Lesbian Brain

For Gay Men, An Attraction to a Different Scent

Now, where are your peer reviewed studies that say sexual orientation and attraction are a choice that you can consciously make?
As to the science, there is plenty of evidence that points to a genetic predisposition
Points to, could be, might indicate, leads one to believe, etc.

The language of the desperate homo agenda.

Still trying to justify their perversion with a non existent, so called gay gene. :cuckoo:
As to the science, there is plenty of evidence that points to a genetic predisposition
Points to, could be, might indicate, leads one to believe, etc.

The language of the desperate homo agenda.

Still trying to justify their perversion with a non existent, so called gay gene. :cuckoo:

The language of science...and the peer reviewed studies to back it up.

Yours is simply the language of bigotry, self loathing and hatred (so extreme, you question its authenticity).

Steadfastly insisting that sexual orientation is a choice, despite evidence to the contrary as well as the statements of actual gays and lesbians themselves, is nothing more than a need to justify bigotry.

I have no need to justify my sexual orientation. Even if it were a choice like religion, there is no legal standing to deny people equal rights because you think it is a choice.

Would it be constitutional to deny Protestants the right to legally marry another Protestant? They would not be denied the practice of their religion but they would be denied the legal protections that are associated with legal, civil marriage. That pass the legal smell test for anyone?
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.

What is this "agenda" you seem so ascairt of? The only agenda I have is equality. It's actually very American...
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.
I am white and my wife is black.

So your throwing in the race/bigot card just shows you are the one who is the real extremest and bigot. :doubt:
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.
I am white and my wife is black.

So your throwing in the race/bigot card just shows you are the one who is the real extremest and bigot. :doubt:

And you are showing yourself for a complete moron. Just because your bigotry is of a different kind, does not mean it isn't bigotry. Is it your bigotry that makes you so thickheaded you can't see that?
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.

What is this "agenda" you seem so ascairt of? The only agenda I have is equality. It's actually very American...

Except when that equality involves taxes, then it is just fine to discriminate.

Would that be correct?
And you are showing yourself for a complete moron. Just because your bigotry is of a different kind, does not mean it isn't bigotry. Is it your bigotry that makes you so thickheaded you can't see that?

LOL, Fact: you are one of the MOST bigoted and intolerant people on the board. :lol:
Your's is not the language of science; but the jaded language of a political movement using pseudo science to further it's twisted agenda.
Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.

What is this "agenda" you seem so ascairt of? The only agenda I have is equality. It's actually very American...

Except when that equality involves taxes, then it is just fine to discriminate.

Would that be correct?
In so far as?

Are you speaking of the inequality of taxes paid by single people compared to the taxes paid by married people? Or perhaps the inequality of taxes paid by married gay couples compared to the taxes paid by married straight couples?
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And you are showing yourself for a complete moron. Just because your bigotry is of a different kind, does not mean it isn't bigotry. Is it your bigotry that makes you so thickheaded you can't see that?

LOL, Fact: you are one of the MOST bigoted and intolerant people on the board. :lol:

Really? What is your perception of what I'm intolerant of? What rights do I want to see denied YOU because of your immutable traits?

I really would like to understand how you cannot see a correlation between discrimination based on sexual orientation, discrimination based on race, discrimination based on religion, the discrimination based on (fill in the blank)? The key is not in what it is based upon, but that it is discrimination.
Homos want to justify their sick behavior on an elusive gene that science somehow can't find.

Homos say that they don't have a choice. They just gotta do it.

Which brings up the question:

Is there a pedophile gene?

How about a rape gene?

Or a beastiality gene?
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Extremist opinion with zero evidence. Bigots still believe that blacks are less intelligent than whites...despite evidence to the contrary. Such is always the case with bigots.

What is this "agenda" you seem so ascairt of? The only agenda I have is equality. It's actually very American...

Except when that equality involves taxes, then it is just fine to discriminate.

Would that be correct?
In so far as?

Are you speaking of the inequality of taxes paid by single people compared to the taxes paid by married people? Or perhaps the inequality of taxes paid by married gay couples compared to the taxes paid by married straight couples?

You can look at it any way you wish. One american paying a higher percentage then the other is my only point. We were discussing equality. You do realize that even the higher earners would pay more being charged the same percentage.
Except when that equality involves taxes, then it is just fine to discriminate.

Would that be correct?
In so far as?

Are you speaking of the inequality of taxes paid by single people compared to the taxes paid by married people? Or perhaps the inequality of taxes paid by married gay couples compared to the taxes paid by married straight couples?

You can look at it any way you wish. One american paying a higher percentage then the other is my only point. We were discussing equality. You do realize that even the higher earners would pay more being charged the same percentage.
Kind of a non sequitur considering the topic, but okay. Perhaps a starting a topic on a "fair" or flat tax might be a good idea. I'll join you there. I favor a consumption tax myself.
Homos want to justify their sick behavior on an elusive gene that science somehow can't find.

Homos say that they don't have a choice. They just gotta do it.

Which brings up the question:

Is there a pedophile gene?

How about a rape gene?

Or a beastiality gene?
Maybe there is. I don't think we are done mapping yet. So what if there was? You have to come up with a compelling state reason to deny equality based on those things. I'm fairly certain for pedophilia, rape and bestiality, that a compelling state reason to deny them could be argued. There is an overriding harm caused by those things, not to mention a lack of consent.

What is your compelling state reason for denying gays and lesbians marriage equality? What is the overriding harm caused by these legal unions that would hold up in court?
Homos want to justify their sick behavior on an elusive gene that science somehow can't find.

Homos say that they don't have a choice. They just gotta do it.

Which brings up the question:

Is there a pedophile gene?

How about a rape gene?

Or a beastiality gene?
Maybe there is. I don't think we are done mapping yet. So what if there was? You have to come up with a compelling state reason to deny equality based on those things. I'm fairly certain for pedophilia, rape and bestiality, that a compelling state reason to deny them could be argued. There is an overriding harm caused by those things, not to mention a lack of consent.

What is your compelling state reason for denying gays and lesbians marriage equality? What is the overriding harm caused by these legal unions that would hold up in court?

You are speaking a foreign language to them; reason and common sense.
Hell, even us rednecks in these parts know no one chooses what sex they get aroused from, are attracted to and fall in love with.
The problem is their failure to admit that it is all about attraction and LOVE.
Homos want to justify their sick behavior on an elusive gene that science somehow can't find.

Homos say that they don't have a choice. They just gotta do it.

Which brings up the question:

Is there a pedophile gene?

How about a rape gene?

Or a beastiality gene?
Maybe there is. I don't think we are done mapping yet. So what if there was? You have to come up with a compelling state reason to deny equality based on those things.
LOL. and you call me an extremist :lol:

So you also think pedophiles and rapists are being denied their equality if a rape/pedophile gene is found.

Wow, you are one sick puppy. :eek:
On taxes, we all pay the same rate buying a gallon of gas and milk. Should be the3 same way with income tax.
How come I pay more for my 2 business lines than the same line for a residence?
Class warfare.

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