Republican legislator slams Muhammad Ali

Again, you seem to be unable to see the difference in who controlled society and what society was.

In 1960s USA, the govt was white run for the most part. The executive was all white, the Legislature had 6 black men and the Judiciary was all white

Let's play "spot the black guy"
How many people of any color was in Government Offices doesn't matter, because skin color doesn't matter. You're making a big deal out of a non-factor.

I didn't ask you about whether the US would get away with it or not. You're making the claim that you should do what you're told by the government without thinking. Now you're saying the people wouldn't do this...... I mean, you're saying most people would not do their duty if asked to exterminate the Jews?
Well, the Germans did it in the 1930s and 1940s, why not the USA?
Except we're not run by a single dictator, in order to go to war, Congress has to decide we need to. Congress won't decide something so silly, you're straw-manning because you have no facts to bring forward.

You're essentially being contradictory here, saying you should do you duty, oh, unless I introduce something you think won't happen.
No, I'm not contradicting myself at all. I'm pointing out that you can't think of a time America was outright wrong when going to war, so you're trying to strawman instead of debating.

We're not talking about whether people get criticized here. We're talking about whether people should do their duty or not. You're saying they should. I'm saying they should if they agree with what that duty involves.
They should, it's their duty as Americans. They aren't called through drafting unless they're needed.
Big gotdamned difference beyatch.....the world is laughing at you white motherfuckers, you Trump dogs, the world. Just as they were laughing when Bush won a second term and got a shoe thrown at his ass. I challenge you to step outside the box and show one sentence where outsiders outside of white fucks in America has laughed at this country while Obama was in office, just a sentence you stupid troll. Because anything coming out of America's mouth .....IS A NON MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR, DIG?
No, I really don't "dig", your entire post is nonsensical. Also, did you just assume I'm white?
how is that not dodging the draft.......

Let me get this straight, we now have an on going war against the very people Trump has vilified to know end. He wants to wipe these bastards off the map, correct? Why is his son's not in uniform? Why do we rally for bitch when he hasn't asked his own to fight for this country. ESPECIALLY WHITE MF'S...YOUR THE ONE'S WHO OWE THIS COUNTRY, NOT US BLACK FOLK. AMERICA HAS BEEN MORE THAN ACCOMIDATING TO WHITE PEOPLE, SO YES YOU SHOULD FIGHT!!
Trump has 3 sons, ages 10, 32 and 38. Ask the draft board why they aren't in uniform.
Maybe Ali should ask that question....why aren't you in uniform?
Son, I retired 38 years ago. Plus my uniform won't fit anymore.
first off, I'm a girl.
Since when does anyone with a working brain cell give a rats fuck about republicans and how they think or feel about minorities in this country? If you morons do anything going forward in life, understand, the only people in this country that listens to you fuck heads, give a fuck about you fuck heads are hillbilly racist white fuck heads with lice balls dancing in their rugs, weaves and brains!!! Thanks to Trump, your credit rating is now at 0, your the laughing stock of the planet, all of you
I could name more than one Democrat that has made your credibility 0, and I could do it without invalidating my entire post with pointless cursing, too.
Big gotdamned difference beyatch.....the world is laughing at you white motherfuckers, you Trump dogs, the world. Just as they were laughing when Bush won a second term and got a shoe thrown at his ass. I challenge you to step outside the box and show one sentence where outsiders outside of white fucks in America has laughed at this country while Obama was in office, just a sentence you stupid troll. Because anything coming out of America's mouth .....IS A NON MOTHERFUCKIN FACTOR, DIG?
Hey, SassyIrishLass tigerred59 , this is a gif



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Well, you seem to want to debate the difference between discussion and debate.

Not at all. Discussions involve the exchange of information (facts, opinions, etc....) purely for informational/communicative purposes. Debate adds the step of attempting to change the other person's mind or prove one side correct.

I don't debate. My views don't change. I'm not here to change anyone else's views either.

Fine, you're stuck in your ways, not open differences of ideas. So.... what they point of even bothering talking to you?
Fine, you're stuck in your ways, not open differences of ideas. So.... what they point of even bothering talking to you?

I have no idea. That's a question for you, not me. It seems that some people have an insatiable need to bang their head against the wall.

So you're telling me you come on here so people with an insatiable need to bang their head against the wall will find an outlet in talking to you?
So you're telling me you come on here so people with an insatiable need to bang their head against the wall will find an outlet in talking to you?

I come here to make my views known and to see what others think. It's a means for me to see how far America has fallen and whether there may be a chance to save her. An exchange of views and info. Nothing more. That's why I make liberal use of the Ignore feature..... to remove the noise so I can have discussions.
So you're telling me you come on here so people with an insatiable need to bang their head against the wall will find an outlet in talking to you?

I come here to make my views known and to see what others think. It's a means for me to see how far America has fallen and whether there may be a chance to save her. An exchange of views and info. Nothing more. That's why I make liberal use of the Ignore feature..... to remove the noise so I can have discussions.

But what if your views are wrong?

You say America has fallen. But what if what if the reasons for its fall are different to those you believe them to be, and by talking you find out where you have been wrong?

You can't possibly know stuff without testing the water, seeing if it stands up to it or not.
But what if your views are wrong?

You say America has fallen. But what if what if the reasons for its fall are different to those you believe them to be, and by talking you find out where you have been wrong?

You can't possibly know stuff without testing the water, seeing if it stands up to it or not.

If I'm wrong, the moment I die, I go straight to Hell. Such is life. I'll take my chances with what I believe in and go from there.
But what if your views are wrong?

You say America has fallen. But what if what if the reasons for its fall are different to those you believe them to be, and by talking you find out where you have been wrong?

You can't possibly know stuff without testing the water, seeing if it stands up to it or not.

If I'm wrong, the moment I die, I go straight to Hell. Such is life. I'll take my chances with what I believe in and go from there.

Isn't this a good reason for thinking religion is rather silly?

You're willing to not do things properly in this life, on the off chance that the stuff people are telling you is right?

I live in this world.

Basically it's a circular argument. Because you accept something someone has told you, then you don't need to look at things properly because you've convinced yourself that believing is right, and knowledge and logic are wrong, so you just keep going along those lines.

Don't you want to know the truth? Or is it too painful?
Isn't this a good reason for thinking religion is rather silly?

You're willing to not do things properly in this life, on the off chance that the stuff people are telling you is right?

I live in this world.

Basically it's a circular argument. Because you accept something someone has told you, then you don't need to look at things properly because you've convinced yourself that believing is right, and knowledge and logic are wrong, so you just keep going along those lines.

Don't you want to know the truth? Or is it too painful?

This isn't about religion. I abhor organized religion and have for years. I was raised with a particular set of values and morals that supercede religion. Those ideals and my own personal experiences in life are the basis for my ideology. I don't believe that I'm doing (or not doing) things wrong.

Your view of Truth and mine are not likely to agree with each other. Largely because we see this life in different ways. You see this life as the goal. I see this life as the Test to try and get to the goal.
Isn't this a good reason for thinking religion is rather silly?

You're willing to not do things properly in this life, on the off chance that the stuff people are telling you is right?

I live in this world.

Basically it's a circular argument. Because you accept something someone has told you, then you don't need to look at things properly because you've convinced yourself that believing is right, and knowledge and logic are wrong, so you just keep going along those lines.

Don't you want to know the truth? Or is it too painful?

This isn't about religion. I abhor organized religion and have for years. I was raised with a particular set of values and morals that supercede religion. Those ideals and my own personal experiences in life are the basis for my ideology. I don't believe that I'm doing (or not doing) things wrong.

Your view of Truth and mine are not likely to agree with each other. Largely because we see this life in different ways. You see this life as the goal. I see this life as the Test to try and get to the goal.

No, maybe our views of "truth" might not align, however you keep searching until you've got as close to the truth as possible, and you keep asking yourself if maybe you're wrong.

Or in your case you don't bother and just say you're right.
Trump is in fact racist.

The term is over used.

But it fits Drumpf perfectly
By your definition, you are a racist. The worse kind. As for Trump, you cannot show an example of Trump being racist. Not one. I dare you.
. Esmeralda
Alright bitches, show us proof. A funny face doesn't cut it nor wins the argument. You can't prove Trump is a racist or said anything like it. I will enjoy calling you out as a fool. I have that other fool on ignore so the ball is in your corner.
He's a racist and misogynist. He's been quoted many times saying negative things about women; for example, what he said to the Fox newswoman about blood during the first debate. Only men who have no respect for women talk about women the way he does.

As far as racism, he is in deep shit right now for his racist remarks about the judge in his Trump University case.

You may not see these remarks as racist or misogynistic, but the majority of people in the Western world do. This is about your inability to accept a picture of racism that the rest of us understand--and by the rest of us I am not just speaking of American liberals: I am speaking about the rest of us in the first world, the Western world.

All over this planet people are disgusted with his racism regarding Muslims. That example, as well, does not need to be repeated here: I'm sure you are aware of it. Again, you refuse to see it for what it is, but the rest of the Western world does see it as racism--even Paul Ryan spoke to it is as epitomizing a racist viewpoint.

There will be no more explanations from me trying to explain to you why Trump is considered a racist. You refuse to accept reality: I can't do anything about that.

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