Republican Münchausen syndrome by proxy


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
From birthers to black panthers to Reverend Wright to Acorn to Shirley Sherrod to..., well you know, the list of fake scandals is almost endless. One made up scandal after another, but...
"The mostly media driven scandal talk involving President Obama has so far stirred barely a yawn among the public. There are good reasons. The four alleged scandals, Benghazi, the IRS, the AP leaks, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius supposed shakedown of corporations to help implement the health care act don't come close to passing the smell test for a public fogging of the president. There is absolutely no clear-cut evidence or testimony that Obama had any knowledge of or hand in the missteps. And the comparison to Watergate, or Nixon, is a joke and an insult."


And yet, for all the Republican lies and BS...
"According to a slew of new polls that have been taken in the past four days, Obama's approval rating has remained constant, and in some cases risen, even as the public continues to pay careful attention to the scandals."
If you are going to try to hurl insults you might want to get you medical conditions straight. Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is child abuse. But I suppose you will try to assert that next. :eusa_eh:

As for the rest of you thread the search feature might have come in handy...
It has nothing to do with &#8216;fake&#8217; or &#8216;media driven&#8217; scandals. The scandals, lies and atrocities are real. The problem is that people have been convinced that the other side is evil incarnate. Who cares if their guy is a corrupt murderer (example people, not claiming that Obama is a murderer) when they are convinced that the other side want to eat your children. The scope of the scandals should show this. No matter what they are, no one cares as long as the other side does not gain any power whatsoever.

Of course, you sound like one of those that thinks the republicans are the worst thing to happen since slavery so I doubt that you will fully appreciate the gravity of how acidic this attitude is to the country as a whole.
LOL, we get another Hufferpost idiot article..who writes these, 12 year olds?

and their excuse for Obama...He is so disengaged and clueless with what goes on in his administration he has no blame in ANYTHING..

But how funny he gets CREDIT for Killing Bin Laden as if he was there and killed him with his bare hands..
People always take the Fifth on a "same scandal"

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Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Nobody is screaming bloody murder but you liberals about how there isn't any scandals
And we watched the Insane Party and people making fools of themselves for eight year of Bush. so you all should talk
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LOL, we get another Hufferpost idiot article..who writes these, 12 year olds?

and their excuse for Obama...He is so disengaged and clueless with what goes on in his administration he has no blame in ANYTHING..

But how funny he gets CREDIT for Killing Bin Laden as if he was there and killed him with his bare hands..

Obama had just woken up from one of his naps and discovered that his Sec. of Defense had started a raid in Pakistan to kill or capture Bin Laden. He says to them "you guys handle this"....."I'm gonna watch a movie".

Instead somebody throws a presidential members only jacket on him and tells him to take a seat. He reluctantly sits down and begins wondering how he's gonna remove all blame for any failures on himself. It was the longest 45 mins of his life.

After fidgeting in his chair for 30 mins the word goes out that they got him. He's dead.

"Where's my teleprompter!!!!!"; the president screams.

"Write me a speech. I can't wait to tell everyone I got the son of a bitch!!!"

15 mins later he's blasting to the world that he, Barack Obama, got Bin Laden.

September 11th, 2012. 5pm Eastern. Obama had just woken from a nap to find that a terrorist attack against his diplomatic facility in Benghazi is underway. The ambassador is missing. They're calling for someone to help them.

"You guys handle this.......I'm gonna catch a movie."
CaféAuLait;7270098 said:
If you are going to try to hurl insults you might want to get you medical conditions straight. Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is child abuse. But I suppose you will try to assert that next. :eusa_eh:

As for the rest of you thread the search feature might have come in handy...

You might want to try using that search feature yourself. I don't think you're stupid (am I wrong), so
I'm sure you already know many words and phrases have more than one definition - for the purposes
of this analogy, I chose/choose to use one of the definitions from the Cleveland Clinic, find the definition here > Certain characteristics are common in a person with MSP:
Might also suffer from Munchausen syndrome (This is a related disorder in which the caregiver repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she has caused the symptoms.)

Republicans keep making stuff up then tell the American people that they're the victims and-----and expect the American people to sympathize with their victimhood -- very Rovian -- very MSP.
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Nobody is screaming bloody murder but you liberals about how there isn't any scandals
And we watched the Insane Party and people making fools of themselves for eight year of Bush. so you all should talk

how did that daming email work out for you?
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Nobody is screaming bloody murder but you liberals about how there isn't any scandals
And we watched the Insane Party and people making fools of themselves for eight year of Bush. so you all should talk

CaféAuLait;7270098 said:
If you are going to try to hurl insults you might want to get you medical conditions straight. Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP) is child abuse. But I suppose you will try to assert that next. :eusa_eh:

As for the rest of you thread the search feature might have come in handy...

You might want to try using that search feature yourself. I don't think you're stupid (am I wrong), so
I'm sure you already know many words and phrases have more than one definition - for the purposes
of this analogy, I chose/choose to use one of the definitions from the Cleveland Clinic, find the definition here > Certain characteristics are common in a person with MSP:
Might also suffer from Munchausen syndrome (This is a related disorder in which the caregiver repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she has caused the symptoms.)

Republicans keep making stuff up then tell the American people that they're the victims and-----and expect the American people to sympathize with their victimhood -- very Rovian -- very MSP.

Making shit up are we?

Guess the grilling Max Baucus (D) Senator from Montana gave the former IRS commish Monday was because the GOP made up another scandal. I guess that's why current IRS head Lois Lerner is taking the 5th today in front of congress. US Congress grills former IRS boss over tax scandal - The West Australian

You Obama fluffers just want this to go away, but it seems like the whole mess is like an onion. When one layer is peeled away yet another layer of corruption is revealed. Now we're finding out about illegal wire-taps on Fox News reporters.
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Love your new color!!!
Nutters remind me of a kid who WANTS to be shortstop rooting for the kid who IS shortstop to make an error. Truly despicable behavior.

Get with the team, dummies. We have greatness to achieve here.

We aren't on the same team, dipstick. The Dims are trying to destroy this country.

And, of course, it's hilarious the way you Obama fluffers condemn exactly what you were so eager to do when Bush was in office. Many of the Dims in Congress were cheering for America to lose the war in Iraq. Left-wing journalists would gloat every time a U.S. serviceman was killed. That was beyond despicable.

Well when the head Dim in the Senate, dingy Harry, declared the troop surge a failure before it was totally implemented, it tended to get some of his friends in Congress a bit excited at the prospect of a failed presidential effort.
they keep making fools of themselves by screaming bloody murder and everyone turns arrround and they are biting their own fingernails to the quick.

they are looking like a completely insane party with no morals.

Only cons cant see it

Ok, "Ms. Morals" to explain why Lois Lerner just took the 5th if there was nothing wrong going on at the IRS?

Nobody in this Administration knows anything about anything...or they are taking the 5th. But you see the GOP as the ones lacking morals? LOL Really?:cuckoo:

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