Republican Obamacare Sabotage ‘Playbook’

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Leaked: The Republican Obamacare Sabotage 'Playbook' - Occupy Democrats

White House spokesperson Eric Schultz echoed President Obama, stating that the Republican “18 page playbook of partisan attacks is 18 pages longer than their health care plan.” He went on to say, “There’s not a single word devoted to helping constituents enroll or offering an alternative idea to help Americans gain access to quality, affordable care.”

Before this finally plays out, we're going to learn that the Rs will do damn near anything they can to keep affordable health care from the American people.

Read the various links too but you'll have to slug it out without me. I'll check in a couple of days from now. I'm taking my iPad with me but don't know if I'll miss you all enough to crank it up.
Of course obamacare should be sabotaged. The entire obama regime should be sabotaged. That's the only option left. Republicans would be foolish not to sabotage at every opportunity.

Every American that opposes this tyranny should engage in some act of rebellion or sabotage each and every day.
I think Obamacare needs no help in it's own sabotage.............

It will implode by design.

Step two.........

Capitalism failed us again, instead of the Gov't law, and it's time for a single payer, or more realistic medicare for all solution...................

End game.
Leaked: The Republican Obamacare Sabotage 'Playbook' - Occupy Democrats

White House spokesperson Eric Schultz echoed President Obama, stating that the Republican “18 page playbook of partisan attacks is 18 pages longer than their health care plan.” He went on to say, “There’s not a single word devoted to helping constituents enroll or offering an alternative idea to help Americans gain access to quality, affordable care.”

Before this finally plays out, we're going to learn that the Rs will do damn near anything they can to keep affordable health care from the American people.

Read the various links too but you'll have to slug it out without me. I'll check in a couple of days from now. I'm taking my iPad with me but don't know if I'll miss you all enough to crank it up.

Ha.Ha. Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare--they were even blocked from attending committee hearings on it.

Now you want Republicans to help Obama and Democrats "promote" their disaster.

Now that's funny.

lol, Occupy Democrats have found the "magic" book

how cute

now it's OUR FAULT because his pos Ofailnocare Democrats passed isn't working

how do you MILLIONS losing your health care policies like that one?
Obamacare is doing enough self-sabotaging, no need to help it along.

Just wait until the websites actually work, while progressives will have feel good stories for a bit, the real shock will be in two parts.

1) right away when most people end up paying more instead of less
2) a year from now, when companies see the losses they are taking, and have to jack up rates across the board.
lol, Occupy Democrats have found the "magic" book

how cute

now it's OUR FAULT because his pos Ofailnocare Democrats passed isn't working

how do you MILLIONS losing your health care policies like that one?

YUP... HEEEEERRRRREE WE GO... the DEMOCRATS WROTE the fucking law... the DEMOCRATS VOTED for the fucking law... but NOW... SOMEHOW... MAGICALLY...


MY GAAAAAAAWWWWWWDD... these fucking leftards are just INSANE with their fucking...

... EXCUSES ... !!!!!!!!!
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"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!
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Leaked: The Republican Obamacare Sabotage 'Playbook' - Occupy Democrats

White House spokesperson Eric Schultz echoed President Obama, stating that the Republican “18 page playbook of partisan attacks is 18 pages longer than their health care plan.” He went on to say, “There’s not a single word devoted to helping constituents enroll or offering an alternative idea to help Americans gain access to quality, affordable care.”

Before this finally plays out, we're going to learn that the Rs will do damn near anything they can to keep affordable health care from the American people.

Read the various links too but you'll have to slug it out without me. I'll check in a couple of days from now. I'm taking my iPad with me but don't know if I'll miss you all enough to crank it up.
Sorry, you PATHETIC little pimple head... but THIS DOG AIN'T GONNA HUNT.

Back to your LEFTARD THINK TANK to dredge up something else to blame BESIDES YOURSELF.

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Leaked: The Republican Obamacare Sabotage 'Playbook' - Occupy Democrats

White House spokesperson Eric Schultz echoed President Obama, stating that the Republican “18 page playbook of partisan attacks is 18 pages longer than their health care plan.” He went on to say, “There’s not a single word devoted to helping constituents enroll or offering an alternative idea to help Americans gain access to quality, affordable care.”

Before this finally plays out, we're going to learn that the Rs will do damn near anything they can to keep affordable health care from the American people.

Read the various links too but you'll have to slug it out without me. I'll check in a couple of days from now. I'm taking my iPad with me but don't know if I'll miss you all enough to crank it up.

The Republicans don't have to do one. damn. thing., it will self-implode (pssst, that was the obama and dems plan from the get go). Put the glass down, luddly. You've been had.

The administration's "it's only five percent" dropped coverage, damage control talking points are as tone deaf and ineffective as they are factually false. Andy McCarthy lays the mendacity bare:

Even this 5 percent figure is a deception. As Avik Roy points out, the individual market actually accounts for 8 percent of health-insurance consumers. Obama can’t help himself: He even minimizes his minimizations. So, if Obama were telling the truth in rationalizing that his broken promises affect only consumers in the individual-insurance market, we’d still be talking about up to 25 million Americans...But that’s not the half of it. Obama’s claim that unwelcome cancellations are confined to the individual-insurance market is another brazen lie. In the weekend column, I link to the excellent work of Powerline’s John Hinderaker, who has demonstrated that, for over three years, the Obama administration’s internal estimates have shown that most Americans who are covered by “employer plans” will also lose their coverage under Obamacare. Mind you, 156 million Americans get health coverage through their jobs. John cites the Federal Register, dated June 17, 2010, beginning at page 34,552 (Vol. 75, No. 116). It includes a chart that outlines the Obama administration’s projections. The chart indicates that somewhere between 39 and 69 percent of employer plans would lose their “grandfather” protection by 2013. In fact, for small-business employers, the high-end estimate is a staggering 80 percent (and even on the low end, it’s just a shade under half — 49 percent).

We'll return to the second point momentarily, but first let's revisit the administration's attempts to wave off 25 million people as a rounding error. If the White House considers five-to-eight percent of the market to be no big deal, then Megan McArdle makes a good point about percentages: If we're dismissing "small" groups of Americans, why bother tackling the uninsured problem at all? Perhaps Team O can explain why the eight percent of people on the individual market don't really matter, while the 7.5 percent of uninsured Americans are worthy of uprooting the entire system:

All the people who are ultimately expected to get additional coverage from the new law, including the Medicaid expansion, amount to only 7.5 percent of the population, so if 5 percent is too small to worry about, then probably so is the number of uninsured.

Report: 'Second Wave of Health Plan Cancellations Looms' - Guy Benson

"affordable"???? Sucker.
Progressives have no shame in LYING to people with their Propaganda

First Obama and Democrats, now OCCUPY idiots

sick damn bunch of people running this country
About as authentic as "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion". Likely written by a gaggle of liberals who idolize the original authors.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

What's this? CGI?
About as authentic as "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion". Likely written by a gaggle of liberals who idolize the original authors.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

What's this? CGI?


Strike one, moron... keep trying.

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!

About as authentic as "The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion". Likely written by a gaggle of liberals who idolize the original authors.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

What's this? CGI?


Strike one, moron... keep trying.

It's not your game.

It's my game.

My country.

You lose.

Cya. :lol:

"my underwear don't fit".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I'm late for work".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"shit, it's raining again".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

"I stubbed my toe".... IT'S THE REPUBLICANS FAULT!

... you LEFTARDS are absolutely INSANE!!!!!!!!

Well no.

You see in this country, when you win an election you get to make policy.

That's been the history through out most of the time this country has existed.

There have been exceptions, most notably during the Civil War where conservatives sought to nullify a President they didn't like so they could own people.

If you guys don't like it, perhaps you should really take your ball and go.

Leave the country.

No one would miss yas.

Seriously..buh bye!


That's right, IDIOT, YOU DEMOCRATS WROTE THE FUCKING BILL AND VOTED IT INTO LAW, NOW OWN IT... shit for brains, dickless, twit.

We can only HOPE the people in this country who voted for Obama now REALIZE election have Consequences....and ones that are now going to come back and HURT YOU

Obama has done nothing for six years but put PAIN on you, and it's still coming

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