Republican official calls for military overthrow of POTUS

Another hyper partisan moron who "loves this country" so much she wants a military coup. What hypocrisy, what utter stupidity, what a treasonous position.

Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.
The far right is guilty of bio-terrorism as they infect the air with their noisome, disease-ridden nonsense and calls for violence.
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 9971698, member: 30]
restore it to what? like all right tards you have no clue as to history![/QUOTE]

That's correct....we don't know your "common core" anti-American version of history that only mentions Washington and Jefferson being slave owners and Malcolm X as being a moderate and we being "war criminals" for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki....FUCK YOU AND YOUR PHONY HISTORY.
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She only stated what many, many are thinking, as I've seen the same comment left in Disqus comment threads after articles many, many times.

The sentiment is, that if we have an out of control president and there's no other way to stop him, then do it as a last resort before our nation as we know it is gone.

He truly does belong in prison, and my bet is someday that's where his America hating can will be.
Only dingbats and domestic terrorists think your POTUS is out of control. I wouldn't exactly define that as many. How would there not be another way to stop him if you could just simply have him arrested? He is just one person not an invading army.
Well you can spew whatever comments you want is if they're true, but you're calling half our government and now over half our population dingbats.

Better take a powder and lay off the kool aide. The kenyan has broken more laws, lied more, spent more, played more and hated America more than any president in the history of this nation, and the only people that aren't waking up to that fact are extreme, commie, socialist loving, marxist, hate America first, nut job hacks like you. Fact of the matter is, YOU are now the MINORITY, and actually, you better get USED TO IT.
Youre the one spewing stupidity. Half the country does not think the army needs to be the only way the POTUS is removed. You are a lunatic of the highest order.
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 9971698, member: 30]restore it to what?
like all right tards you have no clue as to history!

That's correct....we don't know your "common core" anti-American version of history that only mentions Washington and Jefferson being slave owners and Malcolm X as being a moderate and we being "war criminals" for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki....FUCK YOU AND YOUR PHONY HISTORY.

Whoa!!! Save your rw meltdown for later in the thread speed Racer :eusa_hand:
[QUOTE="daws101, post: 9971698, member: 30]restore it to what?
like all right tards you have no clue as to history!

That's correct....we don't know your "common core" anti-American version of history that only mentions Washington and Jefferson being slave owners and Malcolm X as being a moderate and we being "war criminals" for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki....FUCK YOU AND YOUR PHONY HISTORY.
Whoa!!! Save your rw meltdown for later in the thread speed Racer :eusa_hand:

Cool, I would support that to restore this country and save it from the socialist libtards.
restore it to what?
like all right tards you have no clue as to history!

That's correct....we don't know your "common core" anti-American version of history that only mentions Washington and Jefferson being slave owners and Malcolm X as being a moderate and we being "war criminals" for bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki....FUCK YOU AND YOUR PHONY HISTORY.
[/QUOTE]too things shit head
that's not my quote.
so the facts piss you off ?
Washington and Jefferson were slave owners... fact
Malcolm X was moderate at the time he was killed.. fact
one more dead ****** you should be celebrating.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki.were wrong but necessary.fact
ronald reagan was a lifelong democrat till he got the shit kicked out of him by some republicans...facts
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?
you call the "keeping a lid on it" strategy a "victory"? :eusa_eh: at all those costs in lives & treasure? Put the SeanRush brown acid down Scooter :talktothehand:
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?

Yeah, I don't believe the average military member is treasonous. That's the province of the wingnuts. Apparently you're one of them. Watch your step. There aren't as many on your side as you think. Most people realize it's ludicrous to throw one's life away over someone who's going to be out of office in a little more than two years.
The President of the United States is now a bioterrorist?

What a busy guy! First he was a Kenyan, then a Muslim, then a 'secret' Muslim, then a Communist, then a Fascist, and now you include bioterrorist to his resume.

Why should you be taken seriously?

Ain't a matter of him being "busy" progs knew he? was all these things and you liked all belong in hard labor camps......"shovel-ready"'s about time. :deal:
He was not only elected in 2008, but re-elected in 2012. Does your assessment of all voters in the majority apply? Why couldn't a Republican appeal to a majority in those two elections?
There is a reason they are called "hate sites" instead of "really true truth sites.."

Called "hate sites" by whom? Radical left-wing degenerates who want homosexual child rape to be the law of the land? You're no doubt referring to the Southern Poverty Law Center, founded by Morris Dees. They're your barometer for what is and what isn't a "hate site"?
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?
you call the "keeping a lid on it" strategy a "victory"? :eusa_eh: at all those costs in lives & treasure? Put the SeanRush brown acid down Scooter :talktothehand:
Unpatriotic punks like Bull give the military a bad name.

Anyone who thinks ANYTHING on TPM is real is a fucking retard.

Talking Points Memo is a pathetic hate site. What, was Stormfront down or something?

So, you're saying she did not actually call for treason and insurrection?

Is this source also lying?

Jefferson County official says she meant no ill intent to Obama in Facebook post News

HILLSBORO • Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds Debbie Dunnegan said Tuesday that she used a poor choice of words on a post on her personal Facebook page that some are interpreting as an attack on President Barack Obama.

"I have a question for all my friends who have served or are currently serving in our military … having not put on a uniform nor taken any type military oath, there has to be something that I am just not aware of. But I cannot and do not understand why no action is being taken against our domestic enemy. I know he is supposedly the commander in chief, but the constitution gives you the authority. What am I missing? Thank you for your bravery and may God keep you safe," Dunnegan says in her post from early last week.
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?
victory in Iraq?:wtf::lmao:
that's kinda like mission accomplished...
obama didn't start the shit over there, bush did ...
Luckily the average member of the military is lot more patriotic than the wingnuts that spout this kind of garbage. Undoubtedly anyone trying would be immediately arrested. Regardless of their feelings about the president, they know his time is limited and that this kind of talk is treason.

No shit? The same Military that just saw our victory in Iraq thrown away? The same Military who suffered the most chickenshit and dangerous ROEs in Afghanistan? The same Military that saw the Cole go unavenged? The same Military that will now have to return to Iraq and retake Mosel and Falujah? This punk is the most hated CIC in history....why do you think the SS is "screwing up" his security?

More revisionist history from an anti-American traitor.
There is a reason they are called "hate sites" instead of "really true truth sites.."

Called "hate sites" by whom? Radical left-wing degenerates who want homosexual child rape to be the law of the land? You're no doubt referring to the Southern Poverty Law Center, founded by Morris Dees. They're your barometer for what is and what isn't a "hate site"?
the award for the best line of total bullshit in a thread goes to Tom Sweetnam
These are pretty foolish comments. Sadly those with no integrity will support her dumbs words simply because the letter after her name. Calling out politicians and their absurd remarks should be a bi-partisan endeavor.

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