Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years

I don't put a lot of credence in polls, but I maintain the feeble belief that a LOT of people are witnessing the Lefties' shenanigans of late and turning against them.

One can only hope.
Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years

last time they were this high is right when they won the house last.

Course it's a poll so who knows how accurate it is

We knew it without polls. America has problems sure but still there is a huge swath of normal people watching the Democrats disintegrate.
We were discussing this at work yesterday with the consensus that Grassley didn’t owe the Democrats a hearing and should have moved straight to a vote. But one of the guys argued that Grassley knows just what he doing in dragging this out as a demonstration of the leftwing lunacy.
I still disagree though. True they are on display here but I think more is served by punking them.
In other words I think Republicans have much more to gain by demonstrating Democrat impotence rather than showing Republican magnimanity.
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It is a poll on how Republicans view their party...not everyone. Not sure how meaningful it is?
Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years

last time they were this high is right when they won the house last.

Course it's a poll so who knows how accurate it is

We knew it without polls. America has problems sure but still there is a huge swath of normal people watching the Democrats disintegrate.
We were discussing this at work yesterday with the consensus that Grassly didn’t owe the Democrats a hearing and should have moved straight to a vote. But one of the guys argued that Grassey knows just what he doing in dragging this out as a demonstration of the leftwing lunacy.
I still disagree though. True they are on display here but I think more is served by punking them.
In other words I think Republicans have much more to gain by demonstrating Democrat impotence rather than showing Republican magnimanity.

I would add that Grassley may be letting things drag out to unite the republicans. I've been seeing a lot of people commenting how the Democrat nonsense with Kavanaugh is uniting Trumpers & never Trunpers. I think patience isn't necessarily bad. Especially when it's clear a vote will happen Thursday
I vote for the people who will get the results I want. Confirmed conservative supreme court justices are on that list. DO NOT screw this up GOP.
Fortunately, this is NOT the kind of party where you would find Christine Ford... assuming she actually WENT to a party;)

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like i said, if all angry white men vote,,we win!!!

Well let’s get them voting then. And their wives and children. And sons and daughters in law.
Because white men are much more likely to lead intact families and that is what Democrats fear. Normal women don’t hate their husbands (unless he is a liberal girly man) and normal daughters don’t hate their fathers.
Republican Party Favorability Highest in Seven Years

last time they were this high is right when they won the house last.

Course it's a poll so who knows how accurate it is

Wow, this is difficult to believe ..

It is but then we also have a booming economy and democrats are making fools of themselves with Kavanaugh

If I may say, you or anyone who only characterized this as "fools" are grossly understating this. The handling of this is extremely dangerous, it is absolutely undermining the American system and the basic premises of law, Due Process etc.

I think this particular case illustrates more than anything that it is "any mean necessary" to harm America and allow global socialists to destroy your Republic. This is something you would read about in 1980's Russia and shake your head. This is not, and CANNOT be America.
With social media and judgmental people only saints will be allowed to be in politics going forward.
I was talking with friends today and some of them are moderate democrats and they are appalled at the crap Fienstine and their party are doing.. Several of them stated they were thinking about switching party's due to the socialist far left wackos who are running it now..

The Democrats are fracturing their party. The moderates will be voting Republicans in next month and not dems... They see the blatant over reach and how they have totally lost any credibility..

And the republicans and conservatives are fired up big time. They have even been organizing voting parties to make sure all of us vote...

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