Republican party--in your face gender bias


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
It is always amazing how little people really know about the party they support. For instance--most Republicans who are attached at the hip to right wing talk show hosts, ( & after 4 long years) actually still believe that the reason Mitt Romney lost 4 years ago, was because he wasn't conservative enough. WRONG

Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. It was the Evangelical wing that dragged the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal-legiiimate" rape questions that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women--(the largest voting block in this country today) were basically offended into Barack Obama's column.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points and that is what secured a second term for Barack Obama.

Enter 2016--a favorite candidate of Republican women was excluded even though she had beat male candidates in a real vote in Iowa, was polling higher than a few of them in New Hampshire. She was excluded from the debate, and the ones she beat were allowed on the debate stage.

It becomes very apparent that the Republican Party has a serious gender bias problem. Now while the RNC is still pointing fingers at ABC--there is one thing that sticks out. The primary responsibility of the RNC has always been to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. So the blame lies right at the feet of the RNC. In this instance there is no fairness to be found. In fact they didn't lift a finger to help her.

And there is no doubt that Hillary Clinton has sustained the same kind of assaults, the same kind of remarks--so it's time for the majority voting block (women) in this country to unite & take a stand against gender bias. Regardless of what side of the isle you're on, it's time to listen to what Madelyn Albright stated-- who herself must of went through hell who said. Any woman that will not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. And frankly they do.

I cannot tolerate this type of gender bias anymore, and it's time we as women the majority voting block in this country stand together & bury it forever. Therefore, I am crossing a party line and will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the General Election, and I hope that millions of other women, Republicans, Democrats & Independents will do the same. This glass ceiling has got to be shattered into pieces in order to set us all free.
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It is always amazing how little people really know about the party they support. For instance--most Republicans who are attached at the hip to right wing talk show hosts, ( & after 4 years) actually still believe that the reason Mitt Romney lost 4 years ago, is because he wasn't conservative enough. WRONG

Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. It was the Evangelical wing that dragged the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal-legiitimate" rape questions that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women--(the largest voting block in this country today) were basically offended into Barack Obama's ]\column.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points and that is what secured a second term for Barack Obama.

Enter 2016--a favorite candidate of Republican women was dumped even though she more than qualified to be on the on the ABC debate just prior to the New Hampshire primary--and it becomes very apparent that the Republican Party as a serious gender bias issue. Now while the RNC is still pointing fingers at ABC--there is one thing that sticks out. The RNC primary responsibility has always been to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. In this instance there is no fairness to be found. In fact they didn't lift a finger to help her.

And there is doubt that Hillary Clinton has sustained the same kind of assaults, the same kind of remarks--so maybe for the majority voting block in this country it's time to make a stand, regardless of what side of the isle you're on--to listen to Madelyn who stated: Any woman that will not support another woman deserves a special place in hell.

I cannot tolerate this type of gender bias anymore, and it's time we women has the majority voting block bury it forever. Therefore, I am crossing a party line and will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the General Election, and I hope that millions of other women will do the same.

Seriously, you're going to vote for the attack dog for a serial woman abuser and rapist. Hypocrisy much???
The Hildebeast is an old, decrepit, dishonest, criminal, senile, stroked-out, brain-damaged, piece of shit, hag.
Yes, it's time women here in the United States stand together and get back in the God damn kitchen, where they belong.
It is always amazing how little people really know about the party they support. For instance--most Republicans who are attached at the hip to right wing talk show hosts, ( & after 4 years) actually still believe that the reason Mitt Romney lost 4 years ago, is because he wasn't conservative enough. WRONG

Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. It was the Evangelical wing that dragged the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal-legiitimate" rape questions that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women--(the largest voting block in this country today) were basically offended into Barack Obama's column.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points and that is what secured a second term for Barack Obama.

Enter 2016--a favorite candidate of Republican women was dumped & excluded even though she more than qualified to be on the on the ABC debate just prior to the New Hampshire primary. She beat out other male candidates in Iowa, they were on the stage, she was excluded. It becomes very apparent that the Republican Party as a serious gender bias issue. Now while the RNC is still pointing fingers at ABC--there is one thing that sticks out. The primary responsibility of the RNC has always been to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. In this instance there is no fairness to be found. In fact they didn't lift a finger to help her.

And there is doubt that Hillary Clinton has sustained the same kind of assaults, the same kind of remarks--so it's time for the majority voting block (women) in this country to unite & take a stand, against gender bias. Regardless of what side of the isle you're on, it's time to listen to what Madelyn Albright stated who herself must of went through hell who stated. Any woman that will not support another woman deserves a special place in hell.

I cannot tolerate this type of gender bias anymore, and it's time we as women the majority voting block stand together & bury it forever. Therefore, I am crossing a party line and will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the General Election, and I hope that millions of other women, Republicans, Democrats & Independents will do the same. This glass ceiling has got to be broken in order to set us all free.

It's crazy how sane Romney seems compared to this new batch. Sure he counseled a parishioner to not abort a pregnancy that threatened her life, but if Rubio gets his way, Mormon Bishops won't have to worry about such an option being available to women.
A woman's right to an abortion is a SCOTUS issue. Whatever a presidential candidate's view on pro life or pro choice is irrelevant.
A woman's right to an abortion is a SCOTUS issue. Whatever a presidential candidate's view on pro life or pro choice is irrelevant.

Many, many millions of American voters do not consider a candidate's respect for human life to be irrelevant.
It should be...the candidate can do two things about abortion...jack and shit.
It is always amazing how little people really know about the party they support. For instance--most Republicans who are attached at the hip to right wing talk show hosts, ( & after 4 long years) actually still believe that the reason Mitt Romney lost 4 years ago, because he wasn't conservative enough. WRONG

Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee of the party. It was the Evangelical wing that dragged the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal-legiiimate" rape questions that secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama. Women--(the largest voting block in this country today) were basically offended into Barack Obama's column.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points and that is what secured a second term for Barack Obama.

Enter 2016--a favorite candidate of Republican women was dumped & excluded even though she more than qualified to be on the on the ABC debate just prior to the New Hampshire primary. She beat out other male candidates in Iowa, they were on the stage, she was excluded. It becomes very apparent that the Republican Party as a serious gender bias issue. Now while the RNC is still pointing fingers at ABC--there is one thing that sticks out. The primary responsibility of the RNC has always been to insure that all candidates are treated equally and fairly. In this instance there is no fairness to be found. In fact they didn't lift a finger to help her.

And there is doubt that Hillary Clinton has sustained the same kind of assaults, the same kind of remarks--so it's time for the majority voting block (women) in this country to unite & take a stand, against gender bias. Regardless of what side of the isle you're on, it's time to listen to what Madelyn Albright stated who herself must of went through hell who stated. Any woman that will not support another woman deserves a special place in hell.

I cannot tolerate this type of gender bias anymore, and it's time we as women the majority voting block in this country stand together & bury it forever. Therefore, I am crossing a party line and will be voting for Hillary Clinton in the General Election, and I hope that millions of other women, Republicans, Democrats & Independents will do the same. This glass ceiling has got to be shattered into pieces in order to set us all free.

So, integrity is out, common sense is out, men are out, well, with amusement I read your post. It is truly amazing that some women are such low information voters. I don't like "one issue voters." The world can go to hell, if the candidate believes in their opinion of abortion or same sex marriage is approved or disapproved by their candidate. How shallow.

I don't see men crying foul if their boss is a woman or their candidate is or is not a woman. Men, I guess can see the whole picture while women who claim the vagina is the true test of a leader. Okay vote for Ms. Vagina. And this is what you will get. I can guarantee that you will not look at one video or article. You do not want to know what a candidate stands for or will probably be like in office.

How unsettling Madeleine Albright was to say there would be a special place in hell for women who don't support the liar. Jesus, I hope, has a special place for Albright for a view like that!

Hillary Clinton: A Lying Compilation - YouTube

Hillary’s Debate Lies

Trump: Clinton lied about ISIS recruitment video | TheHill

Trump: Clinton lied about ISIS recruitment video

Hillary Clinton roundly CONDEMNED for LYING about ...

A woman's right to an abortion is a SCOTUS issue. Whatever a presidential candidate's view on pro life or pro choice is irrelevant.

Many, many millions of American voters do not consider a candidate's respect for human life to be irrelevant.
Since they're not allowed to change a Supreme Court decision, it matters not a damn eh?

A president can't overturn a SCOTUS decision but Congress can legislate around it.
I don't think the OP has idea how BAD Hillary would be as FIRST woman president. If she does for women what Obama has done FOR the Negro in the oval office NO woman will serve again before FOUR DECADES.

Obama has set the Negro of ANY party back 20 years. That's his heritage to his people. And Hillary? You counting on the thought that most if not all women want that stone around their necks.

At least I give women CREDIT for being smarter then that.

A woman's right to an abortion is a SCOTUS issue. Whatever a presidential candidate's view on pro life or pro choice is irrelevant.

Many, many millions of American voters do not consider a candidate's respect for human life to be irrelevant.
Since they're not allowed to change a Supreme Court decision, it matters not a damn eh?

A president can't overturn a SCOTUS decision but Congress can legislate around it.
It can try, but the SC makes that final call as well...
A woman's right to an abortion is a SCOTUS issue. Whatever a presidential candidate's view on pro life or pro choice is irrelevant.

And yet, who appoints justices?

First, there are nine. Secondly, an ppointment has to be confirmed. Then, the POTUS can light a ring of candles in his/her office and dance a tribal dance around them, have a point. The POTUS has so much control!

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