Republican party's possible excuses on Nov.9, 2016

oh brother. didn't we hear this same thing for the TWO elections they ended up LOSING both the house first and then the Senate? dem voters are like slaves and their lives are tied up TO a party. for them they can't live without them lording over us.

You see folks the people are SO IN LOVE with the Dem party they had a hand in this. But don't ell their worshipping cult member's.

The Obama Legacy: Over 1,000 Democratic Seats Lost to Republicans
Nov 4th, 2015 5:47 pm
The Obama Legacy: Over 1,000 Democratic Seats Lost to Republicans
Meanwhile, 70+ FREAKING THOUSAND posts later, we are still waiting for just one of them to make a little bit of sense.
ANOTHER post by the VOR saying NOTHING at all
As a "public service" to all right wingers on this forum, which of these possible excuses on 11/9/16 would be the most acceptable/believable for having lost the WH and possibly the senate majority:

1. Trump was not conservative enough
2. The "establishment" sabotaged Trump
3. The GOP was not unified
4. The media....(as usual)....was biased against Trump
5. The GOP did not reach out enough to minorities.

Here's a possible excuse.

"we were prepared to run against Hillary and were caught off guard when the DoJ did the right thing and indicted Hillary and that's why Biden won"
oh brother. didn't we hear this same thing for the TWO elections they ended up LOSING both the house first and then the Senate? dem voters are like slaves and their lives are tied up TO a party. for them they can't live without them lording over us.

You see folks the people are SO IN LOVE with the Dem party they had a hand in this. But don't ell their worshipping cult member's.

The Obama Legacy: Over 1,000 Democratic Seats Lost to Republicans
Nov 4th, 2015 5:47 pm
The Obama Legacy: Over 1,000 Democratic Seats Lost to Republicans
Meanwhile, 70+ FREAKING THOUSAND posts later, we are still waiting for just one of them to make a little bit of sense.
26,669 likes to her posts. 1,241 for you. Just sayin'....
I really don't pay any attention to that bullshit, but since you brought it up, if you are capable of using a calculator, try to figure out the percentages of likes per total posts for me and the useful idiot.

That should keep you busy for a few hours.
You don't pay attention, period. It's obvious you have a hard on for her. That's your problem, not mine.
As a "public service" to all right wingers on this forum, which of these possible excuses on 11/9/16 would be the most acceptable/believable for having lost the WH and possibly the senate majority:

1. Trump was not conservative enough
2. The "establishment" sabotaged Trump
3. The GOP was not unified
4. The media....(as usual)....was biased against Trump
5. The GOP did not reach out enough to minorities.

Natalie thinks Hillary will win. How cute in a rainbows and unicorns kind of way. Can a president govern from a prison cell?
Natalie thinks Hillary will win. How cute in a rainbows and unicorns kind of way. Can a president govern from a prison cell?

A bit trite.....but expected.

I do NOT like Clinton.....but I dislike her LESS than the clown Trump.
By now, even the most dimwitted right winger should have figured out that the "fix is in" with the FBI in NOT indicting Clinton on any of the pending investigations (just ask Kevin McCarthy)....and such is MORE so since she will be running against the pompous and clueless Trump.
There will only be one REASON (not excuse).....voter fraud / corruption.

Liberal / Hillary Voter Fraud is / has already been documented this Presidential election cycle, and Hillary / Liberals could not even wait until the general election to begin.

From the very 1st DNC primary until now there has been a steady stream of voter fraud / corruption. The state DNC Chair, an ex-Hillary employee, for the 1st primary held STLL refuses to release the raw election data to prove Hillary won that 1st primary.

Hillary is such a horrible candidate that she has had to CHEAT her ass off just to win her own party's nomination...and she hasn't done it yet.

Liberal turnout was so low in 2014 that it resulted in an historic, record-setting loss for Democrats....and voter turnout so far for Liberals - in support of the 2 losers they have offered up - has been far lower than that in 2014. The numbers don't lie - Hillary...Liberals...are in trouble. By the numbers the record-setting loss experienced in 2014 should be wiped out of the books by the one coming later this year.

Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening, though...they have begun giving felons back the ability to vote, making sure the illegal population is ready to cast their votes, and Hillary's camp have been practicing during the primaries to perfect the voter/election fraud they will be engaging in this November.
There will only be one REASON (not excuse).....voter fraud / corruption.

Liberal / Hillary Voter Fraud is / has already been documented this Presidential election cycle, and Hillary / Liberals could not even wait until the general election to begin.

From the very 1st DNC primary until now there has been a steady stream of voter fraud / corruption. The state DNC Chair, an ex-Hillary employee, for the 1st primary held STLL refuses to release the raw election data to prove Hillary won that 1st primary.

Hillary is such a horrible candidate that she has had to CHEAT her ass off just to win her own party's nomination...and she hasn't done it yet.

Liberal turnout was so low in 2014 that it resulted in an historic, record-setting loss for Democrats....and voter turnout so far for Liberals - in support of the 2 losers they have offered up - has been far lower than that in 2014. The numbers don't lie - Hillary...Liberals...are in trouble. By the numbers the record-setting loss experienced in 2014 should be wiped out of the books by the one coming later this year.

Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening, though...they have begun giving felons back the ability to vote, making sure the illegal population is ready to cast their votes, and Hillary's camp have been practicing during the primaries to perfect the voter/election fraud they will be engaging in this November.

Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!
And the delusions continue.

BHO is a Kenyan born Muslim socialist marxist pinko faggot socialist nazi.

Media does not like GOP.

Voter fraud is rampant.

Dems are even stupider than Pubs.

On and on and on.
The GOP leadership is in a state of denial ... they are still trying to figure out how they let the people revolt and usurp their power this election.
As a "public service" to all right wingers on this forum, which of these possible excuses on 11/9/16 would be the most acceptable/believable for having lost the WH and possibly the senate majority:

1. Trump was not conservative enough
2. The "establishment" sabotaged Trump
3. The GOP was not unified
4. The media....(as usual)....was biased against Trump
5. The GOP did not reach out enough to minorities.

#1,2,3, and 5 put too much blame on the the GOP or it’s candidate. Republicans (the party of “personal responsibility”) never takes responsibility for anything so it would have to be #4.
Because I want the party of Ford and his values back. Kasich has them, but he will not get a chance again until 2020.
There will only be one REASON (not excuse).....voter fraud / corruption.

Liberal / Hillary Voter Fraud is / has already been documented this Presidential election cycle, and Hillary / Liberals could not even wait until the general election to begin.

From the very 1st DNC primary until now there has been a steady stream of voter fraud / corruption. The state DNC Chair, an ex-Hillary employee, for the 1st primary held STLL refuses to release the raw election data to prove Hillary won that 1st primary.

Hillary is such a horrible candidate that she has had to CHEAT her ass off just to win her own party's nomination...and she hasn't done it yet.

Liberal turnout was so low in 2014 that it resulted in an historic, record-setting loss for Democrats....and voter turnout so far for Liberals - in support of the 2 losers they have offered up - has been far lower than that in 2014. The numbers don't lie - Hillary...Liberals...are in trouble. By the numbers the record-setting loss experienced in 2014 should be wiped out of the books by the one coming later this year.

Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent that from happening, though...they have begun giving felons back the ability to vote, making sure the illegal population is ready to cast their votes, and Hillary's camp have been practicing during the primaries to perfect the voter/election fraud they will be engaging in this November.

Wait…we now have these ID laws.

How can there still be voter fraud?

You’ll have to come come up with a new excuse.

Because I want the party of Ford and his values back. Kasich has them, but he will not get a chance again until 2020.

In my long voting life, I often voted for the party of Rockefeller, Javitz, Lindsay, et al...The current GOP, however, resembles a party of Wallace.
Watch how quickly Republicans throw Trump under the bus after his humiliating defeat loses both the Senate and House

We never really wanted him
"I" never supported him
Liberal media gave him the nomination

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