Republican party's possible excuses on Nov.9, 2016

Wait…we now have these ID laws.

How can there still be voter fraud?

You’ll have to come come up with a new excuse.

Hardly....evidently you have not been paying attention to any of the DNC primaries, especially the early ones.
There has been no serious voter fraud that affects elections since 1960.

Indeed......What the GOP is currently engaged in in state legislatures, is to come up with solutions on voter "fraud" where a problem does NOT exist......But, as usual, many elected GOP'ers build themselves a ready excuse as to why they lost and will keep on losing the WH for decades..
And if Trump should happen to win the left will go with there standard they cheated line.
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And the delusions continue.

BHO is a Kenyan born Muslim socialist marxist pinko faggot socialist nazi.

Media does not like GOP.

Voter fraud is rampant.

Dems are even stupider than Pubs.

On and on and on.

Well, I don't know about Kenyan born, but the rest of your description of Obama isn't far off.
Voter fraud is not 'dumb stuff', Jake. And, as proven by my post / numerous news reports, the problem is real. Hillary can't even win the support of her own party without cheating so you damn-well know she is going to cheat her ass off to win the general, especially with the record-setting low lib turnout see so far during the primaries. .
Voter fraud is not 'dumb stuff', Jake. And, as proven by my post / numerous news reports, the problem is real. Hillary can't even win the support of her own party without cheating so you damn-well know she is going to cheat her ass off to win the general, especially with the record-setting low lib turnout see so far during the primaries. .
The reports are generally made up scare stories.

Voter fraud is minimal. If it was not, you would be reporting the numbers from the roof tops.

Having said that, I have no trouble with a government issue voter ID card that costs the voter nothing and is easily accessible to get.
The reports are generally made up scare stories. Voter fraud is minimal.

Yeah, because YOU and libs say so. I post links to just a tiny fraction of the reports / evidence of voter fraud...and you, like every other liberal every time, respond by saying, 'Uh-uh...doesn't exist, it's minimal, nothing to see here'....with no links or evidence to refute the evidence / reports presented to you.

'Uh-uh' from Liberals doesn't work any more.
Redistricting will maintain a republican hold on state legislatures and on congressional house seats....
However, the executive office will be a very hard task for republicans unless they DRASTICALLY change their attitude, policies and governing tactics.

Consider this regarding the percentile rise of eligible voters over this past decade:

Whites 2%
Blacks 6%
Asians 14%
Hispanics 16%
The reports are generally made up scare stories. Voter fraud is minimal.

Yeah, because YOU and libs say so. I post links to just a tiny fraction of the reports / evidence of voter fraud...and you, like every other liberal every time, respond by saying, 'Uh-uh...doesn't exist, it's minimal, nothing to see here'....with no links or evidence to refute the evidence / reports presented to you.

'Uh-uh' from Liberals doesn't work any more.
Then show the numbers.

You have no links or evidence because the fraud is minimal.
Voter fraud is not 'dumb stuff', Jake. And, as proven by my post / numerous news reports, the problem is real. Hillary can't even win the support of her own party without cheating so you damn-well know she is going to cheat her ass off to win the general, especially with the record-setting low lib turnout see so far during the primaries. .

A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast
You have no links or evidence because the fraud is minimal.

:wtf:are you talking about? Post #45...go back and take a look....then jump to post #53. Once again you respond to links / evidence by saying, 'Uh-uh'. No links to show voter fraud? The links in post #45 say you're an idiot and / or a liar. Which one is it?

Jake's Post: 'Uh-uh' Part II

Pardon me if I do not wait for 'Part III'...
One of the best studies on the subject was conducted by Justin Levitt of the New York University Law School. Its conclusion is simple: allegations of widespread voter fraud are greatly exaggerated.

“Many of the claims of voter fraud amount to a great deal of smoke without much fire…Most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless—and that of the few allegations remaining, most reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct, rather than fraud by individual voters. The type of individual voter fraud supposedly targeted by recent legislative efforts—especially efforts to require certain forms of voter ID—simply does not exist.”

The creation and propagation of the voter fraud myth, which has gained huge currency in the GOP over the past decade, has been championed by Hans von Spakovsky, a lawyer who is also a fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Voter Fraud: A Massive, Anti-Democratic Deception

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