Republican party's possible excuses on Nov.9, 2016

Gnat, the DNC Primaries have almost ALL had voter fraud proven in them so far. And again, we are talking about the PRIMARIES, not even the general election. Hillary is having to cheat her ass off just to beat an old Socialist Party members.

And is telling how Liberals don't want to end voter fraud, declaring voter fraud is illegal and must end. Instead they are arguing how 'there's not THAT much' long as the voter fraud benefits their chosen candidate.

Liberals STILL haven't gotten over their (proven) false accusations of voter fraud down in Florida involving Bush/Gore decades ago...and the biggest reason n they were going ape-shite was because the voter fraud was not in their favor. Since all the voter fraud in the 2016 primaries has gone Hillary's way so far they are perfectly okay with 'letting it ride' and arguing how it's not worth paying attention to.

That's funny...and hell!
In the last Presidential election a black female poll monitor openly bragged to the NATIONAL media how she had voted for Obama 5 times to help him with the district / state. (This was in a state highly contested and one Obama HAD to win. The fact that she openly bragged about engaging in voter fraud to help him win probably meant there were a lot more such cases...and the voter fraud in those close states could have (arguably) given Obama an undeserved win.

The woman was arrested...and don't you know, amazingly, Obama's Atty General showed up and had her charges dropped. Wow, what an amazing run of events for this criminal.

Once again, the Libs turn a blind eye, were fine with the fact that she did not get punished, and claimed it wasn't worth pursuing. Why? Because the voter fraud was in their favor...

That only goes to prove something that has been repeatedly said....the sad thing is not that politicians, especially these current democrats, are so damn crooked / criminal but rather the fact that Liberals don't long as it benefits them.
In the last Presidential election a black female poll monitor openly bragged to the NATIONAL media how she had voted for Obama 5 times to help him with the district / state. (This was in a state highly contested and one Obama HAD to win. The fact that she openly bragged about engaging in voter fraud to help him win probably meant there were a lot more such cases...and the voter fraud in those close states could have (arguably) given Obama an undeserved win.

The woman was arrested...and don't you know, amazingly, Obama's Atty General showed up and had her charges dropped. Wow, what an amazing run of events for this criminal.

Once again, the Libs turn a blind eye, were fine with the fact that she did not get punished, and claimed it wasn't worth pursuing. Why? Because the voter fraud was in their favor...

That only goes to prove something that has been repeatedly said....the sad thing is not that politicians, especially these current democrats, are so damn crooked / criminal but rather the fact that Liberals don't long as it benefits them.

Well, at least you're avoiding "rumors" of extra terrestrial aliens voting democrat...I guess that's a healthy start.
As a "public service" to all right wingers on this forum, which of these possible excuses on 11/9/16 would be the most acceptable/believable for having lost the WH and possibly the senate majority:

1. Trump was not conservative enough
2. The "establishment" sabotaged Trump
3. The GOP was not unified
4. The media....(as usual)....was biased against Trump
5. The GOP did not reach out enough to minorities.
So what are you going to do if Trump wins against Hitlery in November? What will your excuses be?

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